Shocking moment nightclub bouncer left 41-year-old father-of-three in a coma with 'life-changing' brain injuries by felling him with single punch

A father-of-three was left in an induced coma for six days and suffering from life-changing injuries after a nightclub bouncer felled him with a single punch.

Graham Crawford, 41, from Dudley, West Midlands, was on a night out in Popworld in Newcastle's Bigg Market in September 2018 when doorman Gary Moffett refused him entry.

Shocking CCTV footage, released by Northumbria Police, showed the bouncer, now 48, punch the victim to the ground.

In the clip, the father-of-three is seen speaking to Moffett before the doorman felled him with a single blow to the head, rendering him unconscious. 

The violent assault left Mr Crawford in hospital for two weeks, where he was put in an induced coma for six days, and he sustained life-changing injuries. 

Graham Crawford, 41, from Dudley, was on a night out in Popworld in Newcastle in September 2018 when doorman Gary Moffett punched him to the ground, CCTV (pictured) showed

Graham Crawford, 41, from Dudley, was on a night out in Popworld in Newcastle in September 2018 when doorman Gary Moffett punched him to the ground, CCTV showed

Moffett, of Lanercost Park, Cramlington, was arrested and charged with causing GBH with intent and on August 24, after maintaining his innocence during a two-day trial, he was found guilty.

A victim impact statement read out in court, Mr Crawford's wife Lindsay detailed the extent of the injuries and how the harrowing attack had changed the family's life forever.

She said her husband has been left in a 'vulnerable' state from the actions of a man who she claimed has 'shown no remorse', saying she does not know how he sleeps at night.

The statement read: 'On the evening of the assault I rang Graham and his phone was answered by a nurse who told me he was in intensive care. 

'I was struck with fear, shock and absolute terror as to what had happened to him. That was the start of the worst days of my life.

'While I was dealing with my fears and emotions I had to return home and tell my children their dad was in hospital and not very well. When they cried and wanted to see him I lied to protect them.

'When Graham was more stable I was able to take the kids to go and see him more often. 

'I could feel that I was broken inside but had to keep going on autopilot, I was afraid that if I stopped I would break down and not get back up again.

'To think that someone in authority felt it acceptable to throw such a damaging punch knowing it could cause irreparable damage leaves me sick to my stomach and I don't know how the man who did this can sleep at night.

The violent assault left Mr Crawford with life-changing injuries. Moffett (pictured), from Cramlington, was found guilty of causing GBH with intent on August 24 after a two-day trial

The violent assault left Mr Crawford with life-changing injuries. Moffett , from Cramlington, was found guilty of causing GBH with intent on August 24 after a two-day trial

'I have great feelings of foreboding and trepidation. Graham is now in a vulnerable state due to the actions of one man who I don't think has shown any remorse. 

'There was no need for him to have punched Graham in any circumstances. That punch has changed our family's life forever.'

Speaking after the trial, Detective Constable Mark Turnbull of Northumbria Police said: 'This was a horrific incident which no family should ever have to go through.

'While we are pleased Graham has been recovering we know that his life has been significantly changed by this assault, as well the lives of his family.

'I would like to take this opportunity to praise those who witnessed this horrendous assault and not only administered first aid the scene, but remained committed throughout the entire court proceedings, appearing each time they were required. 

'Without their help, it might have been difficult to secure a conviction.

'This case shows the devastation which can be caused by just one single punch, and we are grateful to Graham and his family for their bravery and for consenting to the release of the CCTV of the incident which serves as a stark reminder of what could happen when people lose their cool for just a spilt second.

'We do not condone violence in any form, especially from those who are trained to look after people and keep the peace in our streets and in licensed premises. 

'We implore anyone who sees this, to think before you act.'

Moffett is due to be sentenced on October 26.