republicans have threw into biden's 'preposterous' vow to help tajikistan secure their border with afghanistan during the historic influx of

Republicans are outraged that Joe Biden has vowed to help bolster Tajikistan's border with Afghanistan while the U.S.-Mexico border remains a weak point in America's national security despite pleas for the administration to act.

'We're hitting levels of America last that shouldn't even be possible,' Arizona Republican Representative Paul Gosar tweeted of the southern border. 'Biden securing the Afghanistan-Tajikistan border but not the U.S.-Mexico border is preposterous.'

A Fox News reporter said a Border Patrol source in Texas told him: 'This is a slap in the face to us.'

The U.S. Embassy in Tajikistan's capital Dushanbe announced Wednesday that the U.S. has committed to help build new facilities for border guards stationed along their frontier with Afghanistan and Uzbekistan in order to better respond to security threats.

Republicans and U.S. immigration think tanks and groups were quick to criticize the move. 

The U.S. Embassy in Tajikistan announced this week it will help build up the country's border with Afghanistan. Members of the Tajikistan armed forces line up during a military drill near the Tajik-Afghan border on August 10, 2021

The U.S. Embassy in Tajikistan announced this week it will help build up the country's border with Afghanistan. Members of the Tajikistan armed forces line up during a military drill near the Tajik-Afghan border on August 10, 2021

Representative Paul Gosar slammed the move as 'preposterous' that the U.S. would bolster a foreign border and not the U.S.-Mexico border experiencing historic illegal crossings

Representative Paul Gosar slammed the move as 'preposterous' that the U.S. would bolster a foreign border and not the U.S.-Mexico border experiencing historic illegal crossings

He lamented that American tax money will go towards building new facilities for border guard stations in Tajikistan rather than increasing the U.S. national security at the southern border

He lamented that American tax money will go towards building new facilities for border guard stations in Tajikistan rather than increasing the U.S. national security at the southern border

'Maybe Tajikistan can spare a few border guards to send to Texas,' Center for Immigration Studies Executive Director Mark Krikorian tweeted. 

Jake Bequette, a former football player running for Arkansas Senator John Boozman's Senate seat posted to Twitter: 'Joe Biden cares more about securing the border of Tajikistan than the border here at home.'

The new facility in Tajikistan, which will be built in the southwestern tip of the country, will replace an outdated detachment.

The goal is to allow border guards to 'deploy forces more quickly to border areas in response to threats,' according to the embassy.

Tajikistan, which has pledged to accept 100,000 Afghan refugees escaping the Taliban, hosts a Russian military base and is a member of a Moscow-led post-Soviet security bloc.

Moscow has reinforced its military base in Tajikistan and its forces are holding a month of exercises near the border with Afghanistan. 

Republicans are enraged as under Biden American continues to face a massive humanitarian crisis at the southern border with a slew of illegal immigrants crossing every day and being taken into u.S. custody. Here a caravan of Haitian migrants walk on a highway in Mexico on their way to the U.S. on Thursday

Republicans are enraged as under Biden American continues to face a massive humanitarian crisis at the southern border with a slew of illegal immigrants crossing every day and being taken into u.S. custody. Here a caravan of Haitian migrants walk on a highway in Mexico on their way to the U.S. on Thursday

A former football player running for Senate in Arkansas said Biden cares more about the border security in the Middle East than in the U.S.

A former football player running for Senate in Arkansas said Biden cares more about border security in the Middle East than in the U.S.

Center for Immigration Studies Executive Director Mark Krikorian quipped: 'Maybe Tajikistan can spare a few border guards to send to Texas'

Center for Immigration Studies Executive Director Mark Krikorian quipped: 'Maybe Tajikistan can spare a few border guards to send to Texas'

The final U.S. forces pulled out of Afghanistan on Monday and President Joe Biden spoke on Tuesday of the end of an era of major military operations to remake other countries. 

Gosar wrote on his personal Twitter of the decision to help secure the border: 'So we are clear: your tax money is spent building a wall and securing the border in Tajikistan and hydro-power in Afghanistan, but our borders are open and the last large hydro power plant built by Army Corp of engineers in US was 1979.'

One argument is that the border needs more securing after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, which led to the swift Taliban takeover of the country neighboring Tajikistan.

Record numbers of illegal migrant encounters have happened since Biden took office in January. A new 21-year high was hit in July with 212,672 encounter that month alone

Record numbers of illegal migrant encounters have happened since Biden took office in January. A new 21-year high was hit in July with 212,672 encounter that month alone