republican rep lauren boebert calls for biden and kamala to be impeached

Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert has found a way to out-do fellow House Republican members demanding Joe Biden's impeachment – demanding not only Biden's ouster but the next three people behind him in the line of succession. 

Boebert, who in the past said she hopes the QAnon conspiracy theory is 'real,' issued the demands at a press conference at the Capitol along with members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, a day after the last US troops left Kabul following a chaotic evactuation.

'The blame starts at the top with Biden and his hand-picked vice president, who bragged that she was right there, making the same bad decisions,' she said, pointing to VP Kamala Harris' statement that she was the last person in the room when Biden decided to pull all US forces out of Afghanistan.

'And if not for her own dereliction of duty, she should be impeached for not demanding we invoke the 25th amendment,' the Colorado Republican continued. 'It is time for action impeach Biden impeach Kamala Harris, and throw in the Secretary of State, if you could get him back from vacation, take a vote to vacate the chair to get Nancy Pelosi, the heck out of here,' she said. 

Rep. Lauren Boebert is calling to impeach Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Antony Blinken over Afghanistan – and also wants to use a procedure to oust Speaker Nancy Pelosi

She was referencing the 25th Amendment to the constitution, which allows the vice president and members of the cabinet to vote to remove a president who is unable to fulfill their duties. 

Biden selected Harris as his running made, but the choice was affirmed by the Democratic National Convention and her name appeared on the ballot across the country.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who on Monday told the nation fewer than 200 Americans remain in Afghanistan and wanted to leave, was in vacation in the Hamptons shortly before the fall of Kabul, the Washington Post reported. 

Boebert said VP Kamala Harris should be impeached for failing to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Biden for being unfit

Boebert said VP Kamala Harris should be impeached for failing to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Biden for being unfit

She also wants to impeach Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who was reportedly on vacation when Kabul fell

She also wants to impeach Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who was reportedly on vacation when Kabul fell

Efforts to impeach Biden won't go anywhere while Democrats control the House, but will gain steam if the GOP takes over

Efforts to impeach Biden won't go anywhere while Democrats control the House, but will gain steam if the GOP takes over

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) faces pressure from within his own party to go harder on Biden amid mounting calls for the president to impeached

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) faces pressure from within his own party to go harder on Biden amid mounting calls for the president to impeached

The Freedom Caucus, of which Boebert is a member, has already written House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy calling on him to make a motion to 'vacate the chair,' which could trigger a vote that would result in Pelosi's removal.

They called to use the procedure to end Pelosi's 'authoritarian' rule in July, after she bumped two Republican selections from a select committee on the Jan. 6th Capitol riot.

But for the move to get 'privileged' consideration, the GOP conference would need to back it. 

The larger obstacle is Democratic control of the House, which presumably would thwart a GOP move to remove the speaker. That is what makes any push to impeach Biden largely symbolic for now – although all that could change if Republicans were to gain control after the 2022 elections.

If Boebert's moves were to succeed in the 50-50 Senate, next in the line of succession would be Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, 81, the Senate president pro tempore.  

Afghan Air Force's A-29 attack aircrafts are pictured as armoured vests are lying on the ground inside a hangar at the airport in Kabul on August 31, 2021, after the US has pulled all its troops out of the country to end a brutal 20-year war

Afghan Air Force's A-29 attack aircrafts are pictured as armoured vests are lying on the ground inside a hangar at the airport in Kabul on August 31, 2021, after the US has pulled all its troops out of the country to end a brutal 20-year war

Boebert wants to remove House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Boebert wants to remove House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

House Republicans demanded a vote on legislation on Tuesday that would keep U.S. troops in Afghanistan until all Americans were rescued, a day after the Pentagon announced that the last soldier had flown out of Kabul airport.

About 20, including veterans of the Afghan war, attended a brief House session during the chamber's summer recess in an unsuccessful effort to pass a bill that would delay the withdrawal.  

Afterwards, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said the bill would ensure that a Taliban government was not recognized and that there was a plan to rescue as many as 200 Americans that the State Department believes were left behind.

'Never in my lifetime would I ever believe America would have an administration, knowingly, make a decision to leave Americans behind,' he said.

'Speaker Pelosi now was not the time to act like you could not see us on the floor. Now was not the time to hide. 

'We were a co-equal branch. Now is the time for leadership in Congress, and we will lead.'

The five-minute pro forma session include a moment's silence for the 13 service members who died in the Kabul suicide attack last Thursday.

The House was then adjourned much to the anger of Republicans who wanted to vote on rep. Mike Gallagher's bill to delay the Afghanistan withdrawal.  

It would have prohibited troop reductions until all Americans and green card holders were evacuated unless they faced 'imminent hostilities.'

A day earlier, Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted that U.S. nationals remained in Afghanistan.

'We believe there are still a small number of Americans - under 200 and likely closer to 100 - who remain in Afghanistan, and want to leave,' he said. 

Negotiations are under way with other nations to develop a pathway out of Afghanistan, said President Biden in a statement. 

'I have asked the Secretary of State to lead the continued coordination with our international partners to ensure safe passage for any Americans, Afghan partners, and foreign nationals who want to leave Afghanistan,' he said. 

The president is expected to return to the theme when he delivers remarks on Tuesday afternoon.

But Republicans have kept up a steady stream of angry criticism at the decision to stick to an arbitrary timeline when Americans remain in harm's way.  

'It is time for Congress to step up because of the administration bungling this withdrawal,' Gallagher said. 

'This is a matter of life and death. We don't leave our people behind.'

The House is not scheduled to sit until September 20 and Pelosi's office said the bill would be akin to be 'tying the hands of the commander-in-chief.' 

'President Biden ended the longest war in American history while Minority Leader McCarthy spent the week putting self-promotion over the safety of American soldiers risking their lives to evacuate more than 120,000 from a war zone,' Pelosi’s office said in a statement, according to The Hill. 

At the same time, McCarthy faces pressure from within his own party to go harder on Biden amid mounting calls for the president to impeached. 

Members of the House Freedom Caucus discussed whether to endorse calling for Biden to be impeached during a meeting last week, according to Politico.

But with Republicans in the minority in the House and with Vice President Kamala Harris next in line to the White House some have reservations.

One source said: 'Doing nothing is not an option at this point.'