exclusive the pregnant partner of a jailed kinky sex overlord is due to give birth soon - as her father arrives on the farm he shares with her polyamorous bdsm girlfriends to support the

The girlfriend of a 'kinky sex overlord' who has spent six months in jail accused of keeping a slave is preparing to give birth to their first child together.

James Robert Davis hoped a magistrate would grant him bail back in June to witness the birth, but it was determined that he posed too great a risk to the community.

His baby with 'main' girlfriend Charlotte Davis is due on September 6th, but the former English teacher has reportedly experienced 'trial labour' on and off for the last two weeks.

Charlotte's father Rod arrived at the farmstead she shares with Davis' four other girlfriends in Armidale in the New South Wales Northern Tablelands from Laos a fortnight ago to help as the women settle into parenthood.

'I've finally jumped through all the obstacles and am staying with my daughter and her friends on their farm,' he said.

Davis (pictured with two of his current girlfriends, Charlotte and Hunter) remains behind bars accused of reducing a woman to servitude

Davis (pictured with two of his current girlfriends, Charlotte and Hunter) remains behind bars accused of reducing a woman to servitude

When announcing the pregnancy online, Charlotte shared a photo of a custom made onesie which read: 'Six mums are better than one'

When announcing the pregnancy online, Charlotte shared a photo of a custom made onesie which read: 'Six mums are better than one' 

Baby Davis appeared 'all good and healthy' at the latest check ups and Charlotte suffered her first 'trial labour' on the night Rod arrived.

The grandfather-to-be lamented the fact that his daughter would be forced to endure the birth without her partner, who will remain in jail.

'The hospital is in a red zone so she can only have one person with her... Dad's not even allowed to visit the baby,' he said.

It is unclear who Charlotte's support person in hospital will be - but her father or one of her four girlfriends is the likely option. 

The soon-to-be mother previously begged New South Wales Supreme Court to release Davis in an affidavit signed by the other women in the polyamorous BDSM relationship.

Davis' baby with 'main' girlfriend Charlotte (pictured together) is due on September 6th

Davis' baby with 'main' girlfriend Charlotte (pictured together) is due on September 6th 

Charlotte's father Rod arrived at the farmstead she shares with Davis' four other girlfriends in Armidale in the New South Wales Northern Tablelands from Laos a fortnight ago to help as the women settle into parenthood

Charlotte's father Rod arrived at the farmstead she shares with Davis' four other girlfriends in Armidale in the New South Wales Northern Tablelands from Laos a fortnight ago to help as the women settle into parenthood

She swore to report Davis if he were to breach any of the proposed bail conditions, and said each of his girlfriends wanted him to come home. 

It's understood Davis expects his girlfriends to sign 'slave contracts' when he moves them into his sprawling rural property.

But when discussing the birth of his grandchild, Rod referred to the other women in the coupling as 'Charlotte's friends' rather than her romantic partners. 

Back in April, Charlotte told the court she and Davis had been dating for six years and were in a relationship with four other women; Sophie, Hanne, Hunter and Finlay.

James-Robert Davis was denied bail in the NSW Supreme Court

James-Robert Davis was denied bail in the NSW Supreme Court

She revealed they'd been trying to fall pregnant for three years before resorting to in virtro fertilisation treatments. 

Charlotte and her medical team were concerned the stress of Davis' imprisonment could be damaging to her pregnancy, which was already considered 'high risk'.

The women all contribute to household bills and expenses equally, and it is understood they will raise the child together, as a family.

When announcing the pregnancy online, she shared a photo of a custom made onesie which read: 'Six mums are better than one'.  

'After three years, three surgeries, two types of hormone therapy and one round of IVF, baby Davis is due early September,' Charlotte said.

'I am so over-the-moon happy, as are we all, and I'm so grateful for the love, patience and care all my partners have shown me throughout this process.' 

Since that post, one of the girlfriends has left the relationship. 

Each of the five women who remain in a relationship with him told the court they're in a consensual polyamorous BDSM relationship with each other. 

Charlotte's father shared a photo of her baby bump (pictured) three months ago before arriving on the farm

Charlotte's father shared a photo of her baby bump three months ago before arriving on the farm

Davis (centre) had allegedly been living with as many as six women he allegedly called 'slaves' at his home near Armidale in northern New South Wales

Davis had allegedly been living with as many as six women he allegedly called 'slaves' at his home near Armidale in northern New South Wales

They all signed some form of slavery and servitude contract in which the 'submissive' agrees to 'forfeit elements of body, mind and will'.

In the contract, the 'submissive' agrees to display affection whenever required and engage in 'predetermined kink events, kink related domestic and social activities, play parties and special days'. 

The 'slave' signs over her sexuality and right to sexual gratification in the contract, which states that 'all sexual gratification whether by myself or others is a privilege granted at the grace and pleasure of my Owner'. 

In total there are 20 clauses that a prospective 'submissive' must sign in the contract, which is reviewed first after three months and then renewed every six months. 

But Davis maintains each of the women know the contracts are in no way legally binding, and merely form part of a 'play acting' dynamic in which they mimic slavery as part of their BDSM kinks.

Pictured is a supplied Australian Federal Police photo of the sprawling rural estate Davis and his girlfriends live on

Pictured is a supplied Australian Federal Police photo of the sprawling rural estate Davis and his girlfriends live on

Charlotte's father revealed in a social media post that he'd moved to the farm to be with his daughter and her 'friends', while also lamenting that Davis would not be allowed to visit the baby

Charlotte's father revealed in a social media post that he'd moved to the farm to be with his daughter and her 'friends', while also lamenting that Davis would not be allowed to visit the baby

'At no stage did my client exercise any real powers of ownership... There are aspects of play acting, affectations of slavery which do not amount to real slavery,' defence barrister Ian Lloyd SC said. 

The women are all free to move as they please, and all five attend the University of New England, completing degrees ranging from law to nursing and mathematics.  

Davis is accused of making a woman sign a contract to enter into slavery, forcing her to wear a steel collar and locking her in a cage for up to three days over a period of two years between 2013 and 2015. 

But Mr Lloyd argued that each of the women were given collars upon signing their 'play' contract, and that they had access to Allen keys to unlock the collars whenever they needed.

Police allege the woman was subjected to extreme violence and threatened with court action if she broke the contract for the most minor of indiscretions, like going to the toilet without permission. 

It is further alleged the woman was forced to work as a prostitute at a brothel six nights a week and hand over every dollar she earned when Davis short of cash. 

This allegation will also be 'strenuously denied', Mr Lloyd told the court. 

Each of the women appeared at Davis' last court appearance to support him and prove to the court that they were in a consensual relationship

Each of the women appeared at Davis' last court appearance to support him and prove to the court that they were in a consensual relationship 


According to a statement of facts tendered to the court, the alleged victim met Davis met in 2012 when he was in the army and the pair soon began living together at Maroubra in Sydney's eastern suburbs.

The woman allegedly initially consented when Davis began to introduce bondage, discipline sadism and masochism during sex because it did not intrude on their day-to-day lives. 

But two months into the relationship Davis allegedly punched her to the ground. He allegedly began isolating the woman from her family and friends and took over handling her finances. 

About a month later BDSM began to be incorporated into all aspects of the couple's lifestyle, according to the tendered statement of facts.

Davis allegedly told the woman she had to wear a 'submissive collar', described as a thick stainless steel ring which was secured by an Allen key and worn around her neck at all times.

By the end of 2012 a second woman was allegedly introduced to the relationship, followed by a third. Davis allegedly told the victim she was being promoted to 'slave' and asked her to sign a 'slave contract' which had accompanying 'slave protocols'.

'The accused informed her that the contract was a legally binding contract and if she breached the contract she could be criminally charged in a court,' the statement of facts said.

Davis allegedly told the woman she was 'worthless', 'broken' and useless each time she broke the rules. 

The woman was allegedly forced to ask Davis for permission to perform everyday activities, including going to the toilet, or face punishment. 

One of the punishments was allegedly being hit with a cane until she bled, which had led to permanent scarring. 

The woman allegedly had to be naked at the front door when Davis returned home and remove his shoes so she could kiss his feet.

Police will allege Davis choked the woman to the point of unconsciousness multiple times and locked her in a cage for two nights and three days in a row.

'While the victim was in the cage he would assault her by repeatedly ramming a pole through the bars of the cage and into the victim,' the statement of facts said. 

In 2014 the couple moved to Emerald in Queensland where Davis worked as a security guard for a strip club and the woman worked as the madam, allegedly without being paid.

'The accused forced the victim to have her slave number tattooed on her body,' the statement of facts said. 'The victim recalls the slave number started with S/N 95, followed by a unique number.' 

Davis is also accused of coercing the woman into prostitution without payment when the pair moved back to Sydney in 2015 and the woman began work in a Surry Hills brothel. 

The woman allegedly worked at the brothel six nights a week and was paid cash which Davis allegedly collected from her each morning.  

In 2015 the woman escaped and moved into share accommodation, according to the statement of facts.