why didn't he get a round?

Labour's deputy leader Angela Rayner is among scores of social media users mocking Michael Gove's 'dad dancing' after video emerged of the Minister 'raving' on a dancefloor at an Aberdeen nightclub.

The 54-year-old Tory, who recently announced he is to divorce from wife Sarah Vine, was filmed in a suit flailing his arms, dancing wildly and hugging other revellers at Bohemia in his home city.

Mr Gove reportedly turned up to O'Neill's pub alone on Saturday night and was quickly adopted by local punters who urged him to join them in the club upstairs after last orders were called. 

Friends suggested he had been in Aberdeen to visit family and friends.

They also said they did not recognise claims that he had attempted to blag his way into the club without paying the £5 entry fee by citing his official title of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.

Taking to Twitter to mock the Cabinet Office Minister, Ms Rayner said: 'I'm pleased Michael Gove was able to let his hair down on holiday and I hope he had a good night.

'But I'm deeply concerned about reports he tried to not pay his entry fee with the big 'do you not know who I am' routine, and allegedly didn't get his round in. Serious questions...'.

Other social media users wondered if Mr Gove was the 'lovechild' of Theresa May and Rowan Atkinson's Mr Bean, posting short videos online comparing their wild dance moves.

The 54-year-old Tory, who recently announced he is to divorce from wife Sarah Vine, was filmed in a suit flailing his arms, dancing wildly and hugging other revellers at Bohemia in his home city

The 54-year-old Tory, who recently announced he is to divorce from wife Sarah Vine, was filmed in a suit flailing his arms, dancing wildly and hugging other revellers at Bohemia in his home city

Labour's deputy leader Angela Rayner is among scores of social media users mocking Michael Gove's 'dad dancing' after video emerged of the Cabinet Minister 'raving' on a dancefloor at an Aberdeen nightclub

Labour's deputy leader Angela Rayner is among scores of social media users mocking Michael Gove's 'dad dancing' after video emerged of the Cabinet Minister 'raving' on a dancefloor at an Aberdeen nightclub

Other social media users wondered if Mr Gove was the 'lovechild' of Theresa May and Rowan Atkinson's Mr Bean, posting short videos online comparing their wild dance moves

Other social media users wondered if Mr Gove was the 'lovechild' of Theresa May and Rowan Atkinson's Mr Bean, posting short videos online comparing their wild dance moves

Michael Gove was seen dancing the night away at a Scottish nightclub on Saturday, much to the surprise of fellow revellers

Michael Gove was seen dancing the night away at a Scottish nightclub on Saturday, much to the surprise of fellow revellers

'Michael Gove raving is utterly mesmerising. He trained at the Mr Bean Academy of Dance, apparently,' one person tweeted.

Another said: 'That awkward moment when you realise Michael Gove is Mr Bean's and Theresa May's lovechild...'. 

A third wrote: 'Who needs reality TV? Michael Gove spotted raving in a suit at 2am in Aberdeen nightclub'.

One person posted: 'Michael Gove's dancing just made me cringe so hard that I shed a layer of skin'. Another said: 'Offering hope to men in their fifties'.   

Musician Emma Lament, who posted the videos to Instagram, wrote in the captions that Mr Gove was 'giving it big licks' as he shook his tailfeathers and bopped to pulsating techno music.  

In the videos, one partygoer can be heard yelling over the music: 'Is this real?' 

The senior Tory MP reportedly turned up to O'Neill's pub alone and was quickly adopted by local punters who urged him to join them in the club upstairs after last orders were called.

Mr Gove happened to arrive on the Pipe club night on Saturday and early Sunday morning, which is described as 'an unpredictable mix of the most high energy UK and global club music scenes'.  

Scores of Twitter users have mocked Mr Gove's dad dancing at an Aberdeen nightclub

Scores of Twitter users have mocked Mr Gove's dad dancing at an Aberdeen nightclub 

The usually reserved minister, 54, was filmed throwing shapes on the dance floor at Bohemia in Aberdeen, pausing only to shake hands with fellow partygoers

The usually reserved minister, 54, was filmed throwing shapes on the dance floor at Bohemia in Aberdeen, pausing only to shake hands with fellow partygoers

He posed for pictures with several punters throughout the night and was still there at 2.30am, according to Lament.  

She told The Daily Record that Mr Gove had appeared at O'Neill's around 1.15am just as the pub was closing and appeared to be by himself.  

'The Tories aren't too popular in Scotland but people were generally quite nice to him,' she said, adding: 'It's fair to say he'd had a good few shandies when he arrived at O'Neill's.'

Once in the club, Mr Gove appeared to be in his element, bopping along to the music and being treated to drinks by clubbers.

'He really was enjoying himself, I don't think he left the dance floor the whole time I was there,' Ms Lament said.

'People were buying him drinks but were also joking that he should be getting the rounds after he racked up £100,000 in expenses last year. 

An Aberdeen native, Gove appeared to be enjoying a night on the tiles in his hometown following news last month that he and his wife of 20 years, columnist Sarah Vine, are to divorce

An Aberdeen native, Gove appeared to be enjoying a night on the tiles in his hometown following news last month that he and his wife of 20 years, columnist Sarah Vine, are to divorce

Gove (right) posed for pictures with several punters throughout the night and was still there at 2.30am, according to one reveller

Gove posed for pictures with several punters throughout the night and was still there at 2.30am, according to one reveller

Ms Lament told The Daily Record that she was happy to see an MP backing Scotland's nightlife, which has recently reopened after an extended closure due to the Covid pandemic.  

'This was the last thing I expected to see on a Saturday night in Aberdeen.' 

Pipe manager Adam Taylor claimed Gove tried to avoid the club night's £5 entry fee. 

'I was welcoming people at the door of O'Neill's for the launch of Pipe, our new club night and art organisation, when Michael Gove, who had been drinking downstairs tried to walk past me upstairs without paying the entry fee,' Mr Taylor said.

'He was saying he shouldn't have to pay because he is the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.'        

'Feeling like it was a losing battle as he was already halfway up the stairs I asked him if he liked dance music.

'I told him that my co-manager, Nina Stanger, was upstairs playing Jungle and going hard.

'Michael said 'I LOVE dancing' and did he ever,' Mr Taylor said.

Mr Gove's enthusiasm was also picked up by Saturday night's DJs who name-checked the MP in a statement thanking clubbers for coming out.  

'Thanks to all the amazing people, and Michael Gove, who made it out for the first Pipe last night,' they said.

'We had a great time going in for four hours straight. Definitely blew some cobwebs away.'