Student, 21, was found dead in suspected suicide after learning she had failed Cardiff University exam - hours before it was upgraded to a pass

A student died hours after failing a crucial university exam - never knowing it would be later upgraded to a pass. 

Cardiff University pharmacy student Mared Foulkes, 21, did not see the improved result and within 12 hours of hearing the bad news was found on rocks under Britannia Bridge over the Menai Strait.

Her family described her as a 'loving daughter' and an 'amazing friend and sister'.

Today a coroner held a pre-inquest hearing in Caernarfon to deal with preliminary matters with the family's lawyer before a full inquest is held in October.

It heard she had driven onto the bridge before getting out of her car before she was found dead below the road. 

Her parents believe her failed exam result is 'directly relevant' to why she died. 

Kate Sutherland, acting senior coroner for North West Wales said the death of Miss Foulkes, of Cae Uchaf Farm, Menai Bridge, Anglesey, was reported to her as having occurred on July 8 last year.

The pre-inquest heard that Mared had been working in a pharmacy on the day she received the result by email.

Cardiff University pharmacy student Mared Foulkes, 21, never saw the improved exam result

Cardiff University pharmacy student Mared Foulkes, 21, never saw the improved exam result

The pre-inquest heard she was found on rocks under Britannia Bridge over the Menai Strait

The pre-inquest heard she was found on rocks under Britannia Bridge over the Menai Strait

She said Mared had driven her car onto Britannia Bridge. 'She had left the engine running and left the car', Ms Sutherland said.

The coroner and family lawyer Chaynee Hodgetts then discussed what the scope of the full inquest would be.

Ms Hodgetts said the family believe there was a link between Mared's initial exam result and her actions.

She told the pre-inquest: 'It's the family's position that the result she received from Cardiff University, shortly before proceeding to the bridge, is directly relevant.'

Ms Hodgetts said Mared 'received her exam result saying she had a critical fail of 1 per cent... in the relevant module and proceeded to the bridge before it was corrected later.

'Tragically, she never found out.'

Ms Foulkes had been a student at Cardiff University, which later upgraded the exam mark

Ms Foulkes had been a student at Cardiff University, which later upgraded the exam mark

The coroner said she was persuaded that the mark within 12 hours of her death was relevant to the case.

She accepted the family's request for a representative of Cardiff University to attend the full inquest in person, unless COVID-19 issues prevent them coming to Caernarfon.

The pre-inquest heard that that will be Head of School, Professor Mark Gumbleton.

The coroner said: 'He will be asked to take us through the report about how the results were reached.

'I won't be able to consider a Prevention of Future Deaths report without someone from the university to help me understand the results system and how results are shared.'

Prof Gumbleton will also be given time to obtain Mared's 'personal tutor record' and other documents, added the coroner. 

Ms Sutherland said the full inquest would be held in Caernarfon and take up to two days.