some of the most desperate afghans gather outside a kabul bank amid a cash crisis with the taliban beating demonstrators and throwing stones

Afghanistan's banking system is on the verge of collapse, with the country's banks still closed nearly two weeks after the Taliban seizure of power and leaving many people without access to cash amid fears of an economic and humanitarian disaster. 

Images show huge crowds of desperate Afghans queueing outside a bank in Kabul, with reports claiming that locals are getting unruly and are being pelted with stones and beaten with branches by Taliban militants standing guard as the country plunges into chaos. 

Sources at the Afghan central bank told CNN that banks remain shuttered days after the Taliban ordered them and other services to reopen because they have virtually run out of cash.

The Afghan economy is heavily reliant on access to foreign currency and international aid, most of which has been blocked since the capital fell to the jihadists in a stunning coup. Grants finance 75 per cent of Afghanistan's public spending, according to the World Bank.

The development has sparked fears of a severe economic and humanitarian crisis in the Central Asian country, where 47 per cent of households in Afghanistan live in poverty. 

Afghans wait for hours to try to withdraw money, in front of Kabul Bank, in Kabul

Afghans wait for hours to try to withdraw money, in front of Kabul Bank, in Kabul

Images show huge crowds of desperate Afghans queueing outside a bank in Kabul. Reports claim that locals are getting unruly, with some being pelted with pebbles by Taliban militants standing guard

Images show huge crowds of desperate Afghans queueing outside a bank in Kabul. Reports claim that locals are getting unruly, with some being pelted with pebbles by Taliban militants standing guard

Afghans line up outside a bank to take out cash as people keep waiting at Hamid Karzai International Airport

Afghans line up outside a bank to take out cash as people keep waiting at Hamid Karzai International Airport

Internally displaced Afghan families live in a temporary shelter at a park in Kabul

Internally displaced Afghan families live in a temporary shelter at a park in Kabul

Child is killed in rocket attack: Explosion rocks neighbourhood near Kabul airport as US Embassy orders everyone to leave amid 'specific, credible' threat after ISIS-K suicide blast that killed 170 

A rocket has hit a neighbourhood north-west of Kabul airport and killed a child just hours after US officials warned of the possibility of another jihadist atrocity following an ISIS-K suicide bombing which massacred 13 US troops, scores of Afghan civilians and two Britons.

A security official from the recently deposed US-backed government told AFP that a rocket struck a house in what is thought to be the Khajeh Baghra area near Hamid Karzai International Airport, where desperate Afghans are currently attempting to flee Taliban rule. 

A source at the Afghan Ministry of Health separately told the BBC that the blast was near the airport, while two witnesses told Reuters that a house north of the airport was struck by a rocket. A Kabul police chief said a child was killed. No group immediately claimed the attack.

Joe Biden had previously warned another terror attack on the airport was imminent after an attack at Kabul airport carried out by ISIS-K - an Islamic extremist group operating in the Central Asian country - killed 13 American service personnel and scores of Afghans.

The Pentagon said a US drone mission in eastern Afghanistan killed two members of the so-called Islamic State group's Afghanistan affiliate early on Saturday in retaliation for the airport bombing, and Mr Biden said the extremists can expect more. 

'Afghanistan and its banking sector are at an 'existential flash point' where the collapse of the banking sector is at hand,' says an August 23 memo sent by the Afghan-American Chamber of Commerce, written by a banking and finance working group composed of major Afghan commercial banks, customers and investors.

One person familiar with the state of the Afghan economy told CNN: 'You've got a stack of cards that is about to come down. As soon as you open the banks, it will expose how fragile the system is.' Another said: 'My coworkers are worried for their unclear destiny.'

After the Taliban seized control of much of Afghanistan, the Biden administration swiftly blocked the Islamists from accessing billions of dollars held by the Afghan central bank in the United States. 

The International Monetary Fund halted $450million in funds that were scheduled to arrive in Afghanistan early this week. The World Bank also froze financial support for Afghanistan.

Citing a 'rapid depletion of cash,' the Afghan banking group called for the US to immediately grant access to the central bank assets. The cash shortage is a disaster for Afghanistan, which runs a very large trade deficit.  

'Without access soon, we fear the entire Afghan economy and banking sector will fail and liquidation of assets will be ordered,' the memo said, 'and public frustration and possible violence will soon result as the public not be able to buy food and major services.'

One source told CNN that the economic crisis will pose an immediate governance test for the Taliban and could further destabilise the country. There are also concerns that the crisis could create the conditions for armed conflict between competing jihadist groups, plunging the region into further anarchy.    

Ajmal Ahmady, who led the Afghan central bank before fleeing the country, previously warned of economic hardship, cash shortages, inflation and a surge of refugees leaving the country. 

'Humanitarian assistance not only needs to remain, but needs to increase over the next few days and months,' he told CNN. 'Let's not wait until another crisis hits.' 

Banks were expected to reopen imminently, a Taliban spokesman said on Tuesday, after they were closed for some ten days and the financial system ground to a halt as the Western-backed government collapsed.

Yet there has been scant evidence so far of a reopening or of banking services returning to normal, with large crowds thronging the streets outside banks in Kabul on Wednesday.

'The banks continue to be closed - with no clear signs of reopening, they have run out of money,' said Gazal Gailani, trade and economic adviser at the Afghan embassy in London. 'Afghanistan's banking system is now in a state of collapse, and people are running out of money.'

Many rural areas get by largely without banks. But in the cities, where government worker salaries are often paid into bank accounts, closures are causing hardship in a mostly cash-based economy.

The outlook for lenders looks precarious, with looming questions about the Taliban's grasp of finance and its ability to restart an economy shattered by 40 years of war.

With no significant exports apart from illegal narcotics bringing in cash, one immediate obstacle is liquidity in a country that is heavily dollarised and relies on regular physical dollar-shipments that have been halted, according to former central bank chief Ajmal Ahmady.

The Afghanistan Banks Association had reached out to the central bank to coordinate steps on a return to normality, said Syed Moosa Kaleem Al-Falahi, chief executive and president of Islamic Bank of Afghanistan , one of Afghanistan's three largest banks.

Commercial banks had collectively decided to suspend services until the central bank confirmed liquidity and security arrangements, he said. 'It would be rather difficult to control the rush if banks reopen immediately,' he added.

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A Taliban Badri fighter, a "special forces" unit, stands guard as Afghans hoping to leave Afghanistan wait at the main entrance gate of Kabul airport

A Taliban Badri fighter, a 'special forces' unit, stands guard as Afghans hoping to leave Afghanistan wait at the main entrance gate of Kabul airport

Taliban forces block the roads around the airport, while a woman with Burqa walks passes by, in Kabul

Taliban forces block the roads around the airport, while a woman with Burqa walks passes by, in Kabul

The development has sparked fears of a severe economic and humanitarian crisis in the Central Asian country, where 47 per cent of households in Afghanistan live in poverty

The development has sparked fears of a severe economic and humanitarian crisis in the Central Asian country, where 47 per cent of households in Afghanistan live in poverty

The last Afghan evacuee saved by British troops: Paras helped interpreter climb over fence in final mission launched by MoD officials angry that Pen Farthing's pets had been saved while people remained stranded 

British troops helped the last Afghan evacuee climb over a barbed wire fence into Kabul airport, it has been revealed today.

The rescue of Sayed - along with his wife, their three-month-old baby and three-year-old son - came as officials complained Pen Farthing's pets had been saved while interpreters remained stranded.

Sayed, a 32-year-old interpreter who was blown up while working for the UK in 2011, became the last person who served along-side British forces to be allowed inside Kabul airport and processed for a flight to the UK, The Sunday Times reported.

The rescue of Sayed and his family was ordered by senior figures inside the Ministry of Defence after the gates to the airport were closed to new arrivals.

Before his escape, the Afghan father had spent more than four days trying to find a way to the airport's Abbey Gate where British troops were clearing those who were eligible for sanctuary in the UK.

Despite being part of the crowd ordered to leave by the Taliban, who now control Kabul and most of Afghanistan following their take-over this month, Sayed told the newspaper that he stood his ground refusing to give up hope.

Liquidity had already been an issue in the run-up to the bank closures as people scrambled to withdraw cash. Da Afghanistan Bank , the central bank, provided financial support to banks during last week's cash squeeze, said a banker at one of Afghanistan's largest lenders, speaking on condition of anonymity.

But its ability to continue to do so appears uncertain, with DAB's roughly $9billion in foreign reserves looking largely out of Taliban reach.

'Banks will face major liquidity challenges as central bank officials have not had access to reserves yet,' the banker said. 'They will face foreign currency liquidity issues which will cause huge fluctuations in the exchange rates.' 

The afghani plunged on the expectation of dollar scarcity and further volatility is expected, with Afghanistan's import coverage reportedly collapsing from more than 15 months to a couple of days.

Bankers in Afghanistan are also waiting for clarity from foreign-based correspondent banks, which provide services such as currency exchange and money transfers, on whether ties will continue after the Taliban takeover. Any new sanctions could see many links cut.

A senior Afghan banker said their bank's correspondent banks in Turkey, Russia, Spain, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Pakistan and India were still showing support.

Faith in the banking system was severely damaged by the 2010 collapse of Kabul Bank, in one of the biggest corruption scandals of the 20-year Western presence in Afghanistan.

Banks emerged in generally good health from the Covid pandemic, said DAB in its 2020 report, noticing no liquidity shortfall, while capital positions met regulatory thresholds and assets swelled 4 per cent to 327 billion afghanis ($3.8billion).

But the current crisis will further set back confidence in a sector which has struggled to expand services in a thinly banked country. According to the International Monetary Fund, only 183 of every 1,000 people hold a deposit account; there are less than two bank branches or cash machines for every 100,000 adults. 

This week, the Taliban said it had named Haji Mohammad Idris, a loyalist with no formal financial training, as DAB's acting governor. A senior Taliban leader defended the appointment, saying Idris was respected for his expertise.

It is so far unclear whether Afghanistan's less than a dozen banks, all but one of which are conventional, will have to convert to Islamic banking, a lengthy and costly procedure. More uncertainty surrounds the future employment of female staff.

'So far there is no official communication from them (the Taliban) with respect to female staff,' said IBA's Al-Falahi. 'Our female staff will return to work when we reopen.'

But given the Taliban's track record, their assurances that women would be allowed to work consistent with Islamic law have been met with scepticism.

The banker at one of Afghanistan's largest lenders said their bank had a plan to ensure it could continue operations in the event of it having to dismiss its roughly 20 per cent of female staff.

'We expect we will face challenges such as losing qualified and high-skilled staff as most of them are planning to flee the country at the first opportunity,' the banker said.

Another 1,000 'could've been saved if Dominic Raab cut his holiday short': Up to 9,000 left behind in Kabul as it emerges Foreign Secretary didn't make a single phone call to Afghan or Pakistani ministers in the six MONTHS before the crisis


A furious blame game over the Afghanistan crisis has broken out in Whitehall, with Ministers claiming that Dominic Raab's decision to stay on holiday in the Mediterranean as Kabul fell to the Taliban meant that up to 1,000 people have not been evacuated who otherwise would have been. 

Cabinet Ministers and Whitehall officials have accused the Foreign Office of negligence in preparing escape routes out of war-torn Afghanistan and claimed that up to 9,000 people who could have been eligible for evacuation would be left trapped there.

The Sunday Times reports that the Foreign Secretary did not make a single phone call to the Afghan or Pakistani Foreign Ministers in the six months before the Taliban coup because he 'thought Afghanistan was yesterday's war and the Government was totally focused on Brexit'.

Mr Raab has faced calls to resign after allegedly defying orders from Downing Street to cut his holiday short by two days before returning to London while Kabul fell to the jihadists. Instead, he was accused of topping up his tan at the Amirandes Hotel in Crete, a five-star resort which boasts its own private beach and 'one of the biggest pools you'll ever see,' according to its website. 

Anyone who gets to a third country and qualifies for the resettlement scheme for Afghan former British staff will be offered a free flight to the UK. However, the neighbouring countries of Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan are reluctant to provide free passage for refugees. 

One Minister told the paper: 'The Foreign Office failed to roll the pitch with these countries for months. The PM wanted third countries involved and Raab did nothing. Boris is exasperated that the Foreign Office has not done what he told them. They also took their people out and that cost us several days. 

'I suspect we could have taken out 800 to 1,000 more people if they had not done that.' 

Operation Pitting, the largest UK military evacuation since the Second World War, airlifted more than 15,000 people in a fortnight on more than 100 RAF flights. It included 5,000 British nationals and their families and more than 8,000 Afghan former UK staff and their relatives. 

However, some 150 British nationals and more than 1,000 Afghans who assisted British forces during the intervention have been left behind. Government sources insisted Britain's absence from the war-ravaged country was only temporary. 

Labour has accused Government ministers of being 'missing in action' during the Afghanistan crisis, with leader Sir Keir Starmer raging: 'The complacency and incompetence of this Government has been exposed yet again and with tragic consequences.' 

Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab visit The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Crisis Centre at the Foreign Offices on August 27, 2021 in London

Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab visit The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Crisis Centre at the Foreign Offices on August 27, 2021 in London

Mr Raab has faced calls to resign after allegedly defying orders from Downing Street to cut his holiday short by two days before returning to London while Kabul fell to the jihadists. Instead, he was accused of topping up his tan at the Amirandes Hotel in Crete

A US Marine with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit checks an Afghan woman as she goes through the Evacuation Control Center during an evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport

A US Marine with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit checks an Afghan woman as she goes through the Evacuation Control Center during an evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport

Taliban fighters patrol in Kabul, Afghanistan

Taliban fighters patrol in Kabul, Afghanistan

Members of the British armed forces 16 Air Assault Brigade depart a flight from Afghanistan at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire

Members of the British armed forces 16 Air Assault Brigade depart a flight from Afghanistan at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire

The luxury Crete hotel where Dominic Raab 'was staying as Taliban went on the rampage in Afghanistan' 

It styles itself as a 'sparkling boutique resort for the privileged and perceptive'

It styles itself as a 'sparkling boutique resort for the privileged and perceptive'

It styles itself as a 'sparkling boutique resort for the privileged and perceptive'.

But after Dominic Raab admitted being 'caught off-guard' by the Taliban rampage, the luxury Crete hotel where he apparently stayed last week may wish to rethink the final word of its boast.

Mr Raab was spotted at the five-star Amirandes Hotel

Mr Raab was spotted at the five-star Amirandes Hotel

Mr Raab was spotted at the five-star Amirandes Hotel, just before he jetted back into Britain to help deal with what has been described as the biggest foreign policy disaster since Suez.

The Amirandes, which is situated on its own private beach, says it has 'a first-class dining scene and one of the biggest pools you'll ever see' – and is said to be 'inspired by the palaces of Minoan kings'. 

The Amirandes, which is situated on its own private beach, says it has 'a first-class dining scene'

The Amirandes, which is situated on its own private beach, says it has 'a first-class dining scene'

A senior Pakistani official told the Sunday Times that Mr Raab had shown no interest in talking to Islamabad in the months before the takeover because 'he just didn't care'. 'He thought Afghanistan was yesterday's war and the Government was totally focused on Brexit,' the official added.

It is understood that Mr Raab had spoken twice to the Pakistani Foreign Minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, on August 22 and again on Friday - but he apparently did not have earlier conversations.

Responsibility for speaking to the Afghan Foreign Minister was delegated to Lord Ahmad, the Minister for South Asia. However, earlier reports alleged that Lord Ahmad was on leave when the Taliban marched into Kabul. 

A Foreign Office spokesman told MailOnline: 'We have been working tirelessly to evacuate over 15,000 people from Afghanistan in the last two weeks. We deployed a 24/7 cross-Whitehall team based in our crisis hub to triage incoming emails and calls from British Nationals, ARAP applicants, and other vulnerable Afghans.

'We always cautioned that the nature of the security situation in Afghanistan and our responsibility to keep our people safe meant that we would not be able to evacuate everyone we wanted to. Our efforts have now turned to doing everything we can to help any remaining British nationals and the Afghans who supported us leave Afghanistan safely.' 

Sir Keir slammed the Government's handling of the crisis, adding: 'We've known for 18 months that this moment was coming. It is unconscionable that there was no strategy in place to get all the British nationals and Afghans we owed a debt to out. 

'I pay tribute to all the FCDO staff and military personnel who have, as ever, stepped up when their leaders have failed them.

'The fact that so many emails have simply gone unopened is not the fault of civil servants but of government ministers who have been missing in action during this whole crisis. MPs and their staff have been hearing harrowing stories from so many people we should have taken care of but who have been abandoned to the Taliban.'

Labour MPs tweeted about the efforts their staff had gone to collate the information to send to officials. Sir Keir added: 'Can the Government tell us how many of the people in those emails got out, or more importantly haven't who were eligible to?

'We need urgent answers from the Prime Minister on what will be done to ensure the safety of those left behind, on proper support for MPs to be able to do their job and on new leadership at the Foreign Office. 

'Serious times call for serious leadership and this Government simply isn't up to the job.'

Boris Johnson has described Britain's hasty scuttle from Afghanistan as 'the culmination of a mission unlike anything we've seen in our lifetimes' as the last remaining British troops leave Kabul, bringing our two decades of military involvement in the country to an end.

In a video clip uploaded to Twitter on Sunday, the Prime Minister said: 'UK troops and officials have worked around the clock to a remorseless deadline in harrowing conditions. They have expended all the patience and care and thought they possess to help people in fear for their lives.

'They've seen at first-hand barbaric terrorist attacks on the queues of people they were trying to comfort, as well as on our American friends. They didn't flinch. They kept calm. They got on with the job. It's thanks to their colossal exertions that this country has now processed, checked, vetted and airlifted more than 15,000 people to safety in less than two weeks.'   

As images from inside military aircraft were shared online by The Parachute Regiment and the Ministry of Defence last night showing exhausted British troops leaving Kabul, Mr Johnson pledged to return to Afghanistan when it is safe to do so. 

In a bid to put a positive gloss on Britain's departure, the Prime Minister vowed to 'use all the diplomatic and humanitarian tools at our disposal to preserve the gains of the last 20 years'. 

Addressing the families and loved ones of the British troops who 'gave their all', Mr Johnson said: 'Your suffering and your hardship were not in vain.' He added: 'It was no accident that there's been no terrorist attack launched against Britain or any other western country from Afghanistan in the last 20 years.

'It was thanks to the bravery of our Armed Forces who fought to knock out Bin Laden's networks. Thanks to the devotion of British troops and aid workers and diplomats and others, we've helped educate 3.6 million girls.

'Whatever the future may hold for Afghanistan, they will have that gift for the rest of their lives, a gift they will pass on to their daughters as well as their sons.' 

US President Joe Biden's decision to withdraw his forces by the end of the month left Mr Johnson with no alternative but to follow suit - putting the so-called 'special relationship' under strain and prompting angry Tory MPs to question Mr Biden's suitability for the White House. 

Yesterday, Mr Biden said that another attack on the Kabul airport could be imminent, while vowing that his revenge strike for an ISIS-K attack that killed 13 US troops is 'not the last.' 

'The situation on the ground continues to be extremely dangerous, and the threat of terrorist attacks on the airport remains high. Our commanders informed me that an attack is highly likely in the next 24-36 hours,' the President said in a statement on Saturday. 

A Taliban Badri fighter, a "special forces" unit, stands guard as Afghans hoping to leave Afghanistan wait at the main entrance gate of Kabul airport in Kabul

A Taliban Badri fighter, a 'special forces' unit, stands guard as Afghans hoping to leave Afghanistan wait at the main entrance gate of Kabul airport in Kabul

Internally displaced Afghan families live in a temporary shelter at a park in Kabul, Afghanistan

Internally displaced Afghan families live in a temporary shelter at a park in Kabul, Afghanistan

US Marines with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit process evacuees as they go through the Evacuation Control Center during an evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport

US Marines with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit process evacuees as they go through the Evacuation Control Center during an evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport

UK military personnel onboard a A400M aircraft departing Kabul, Afghanistan

UK military personnel onboard a A400M aircraft departing Kabul, Afghanistan

'A mission unlike anything we've seen in our lifetimes': Boris Johnson praises UK troops as they land in UK on last flight out of Kabul - but PM says Britain 'will return' amid strain on Biden relationship after 150 Brits and 1,000 Afghans were left behind 

Boris Johnson has described Britain's hasty scuttle from Afghanistan as 'the culmination of a mission unlike anything we've seen in our lifetimes' as the last British troops landed in RAF Brize Norton this morning, bringing out two decades of involvement in the country to an end. 

In a video clip uploaded to Twitter on Sunday, the Prime Minister said: 'UK troops and officials have worked around the clock to a remorseless deadline in harrowing conditions. They have expended all the patience and care and thought they possess to help people in fear for their lives.

'They've seen at first-hand barbaric terrorist attacks on the queues of people they were trying to comfort, as well as on our American friends. They didn't flinch. They kept calm. They got on with the job. It's thanks to their colossal exertions that this country has now processed, checked, vetted and airlifted more than 15,000 people to safety in less than two weeks.'  

The final British troops and diplomatic staff were airlifted from Kabul on Saturday, drawing to a close Britain's 20-year engagement in Afghanistan and a two-week operation to rescue trapped British nationals and Afghan allies who assisted us during our intervention.

British Ambassador to Afghanistan Sir Laurie Bristow, who had been processing those fleeing the country at Hamid Karzai International Airport until the last moment, was among those who landed at RAF Brize Norton base in Oxfordshire this morning. 

As the US military rushes into the final evacuation of Kabul airport ahead of Mr Biden's Tuesday deadline for withdrawal, the President defended his drone strike, which the Pentagon said killed two ISIS-K 'planners and facilitators' in response to the deadly suicide bomb attack.

'I said we would go after the group responsible for the attack on our troops and innocent civilians in Kabul, and we have. This strike was not the last. We will continue to hunt down any person involved in that heinous attack and make them pay,' Mr Biden said in the written statement.

The Taliban condemned the US drone strike, with a spokesman describing the operation as a 'clear attack on Afghan territory'.

Around 2,200 children were evacuated, the youngest just a day old.  Afghan 'sleeper' agents who fed intelligence to MI6, including information about the suicide bomb attack at Kabul airport last week, have also been whisked to safety.   

Speaking at RAF Brize Norton, Vice-Admiral Ben Key, Chief of Joint Operations, who commands Operation Pitting, said: 'Although the United Kingdom's Operation Pitting finishes today, of course the United States are still engaged in their own withdrawal and I would be very nervous in saying we had completed a successful withdrawal from Afghanistan until all our allies and partners have returned.

'The United States has provided the framework for security in Kabul as part of a huge international effort and so operations continue even if the UK's particular contribution concludes today.'

On the fact that not everyone eligible for evacuation from Kabul could be rescued, he said: 'That is both true and a matter of great sadness for all of us that have been involved in this.

'Whilst we recognise and I pay testament to the achievement of everything that has been achieved by coalition forces, but particularly the British contingent, over the last two weeks, in the end we know that there are some really sad stories of people who have desperately tried to leave that we have - no matter how hard our efforts - we have been unsuccessful in evacuating.'

Vice-Admiral Key added: 'There has been a phenomenal effort achieved in the last two weeks. And I think we always knew that somewhere we would fall just short.

'So, this isn't a moment of celebration for us at all, this is a moment to mark a tremendous international effort to evacuate as many people as we could in the time available.

'That sense of sadness that we haven't done all we would have wished and we will continue to work ... in the future with the next leadership of Afghanistan, with the Taliban, and others to make sure those who would wish to come back to his country continue to have an opportunity to do so.

'Sadly, we have just not been able to evacuate them under this framework.'

Speaking to the PA news agency, Vice-Admiral Key said pictures from the airlifts showed UK service personnel were 'deeply tired' having 'given their all over the last two weeks'.

He said: 'Some of the pictures that have come back in the last few days have painted a really good impression of just how desperate and difficult those conditions have been in the last few weeks.

'The pictures of them sitting in the aircraft coming back, these are deeply tired people who have given of their all over the last two weeks. They have travelled with very little equipment - we didn't allow them to carry much kit - and in many cases they have lived in the clothes they have been wearing for many days.

'They have been sleeping in rough conditions, eating off ration packs and their sole motivation has been to help as many of the Afghans and British entitled personnel as they possibly could. 

Ambassador to Afghanistan Sir Laurie Bristow exits a plane after being evacuated from Kabul upon its arrival at RAF Brize Norton base in Oxfordshire

Ambassador to Afghanistan Sir Laurie Bristow exits a plane after being evacuated from Kabul upon its arrival at RAF Brize Norton base in Oxfordshire

Members of the British armed forces 16 Air Assault Brigade walk to the air terminal after departing a flight from Afghanistan at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire

Members of the British armed forces 16 Air Assault Brigade walk to the air terminal after departing a flight from Afghanistan at RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire

Pen Farthing lands at Heathrow with his dogs and cats on a private charter plane from Kabul before 'jetting to Oslo to reunite with his wife' - but the animals 'could be destroyed if they're riddled with disease' 

An ex-Royal Marine who founded an animal rescue charity in Kabul landed at London Heathrow with his cats and dogs on a private charter plane from Afghanistan early this morning and immediately took a connecting flight to Norway to visit his wife, it has been claimed.

Pen Farthing flew back to the UK last night with his menagerie of animals rescued by the Nowzad charity. The 57-year-old's chartered jet from Pakistan landed in Kabul at around 6pm local time and stopped off in Muscat before making its journey to Heathrow Airport.

The ex-Commando then took a connecting flight to Oslo to see his wife Kaisa Markhus, who fled Afghanistan last week in the chaos which gripped the Central Asian country following the Taliban seizure of power, according to airport security and officials on the ground.

Nearly 200 cats and dogs airlifted from Kabul are now thought to be in quarantine as per UK law. However, they could be put down if they have disease, with Whitehall officials calling the situation like Geronimo the alpaca - who is destruction after testing positive for Bovine TB - 'on speed'. 

Mr Farthing's controversial publicity campaign to pressure the British Government to get his staff and animals out of the Afghan capital following the Taliban coup gained huge public support and helped the ex-Royal Marine to raise enough money to charter a private plane. 

But it has also led to accusations that the ex-Commando took up resources that could have been used to evacuate more people from Kabul.

'It's been a combination of deep professionalism, considerable courage, really sophisticated judgment and, on occasion, huge compassion, and it's been difficult for those of us back here not to just have the most enormous admiration for what they've done and how they've gone about it.' 

Vice-Admiral Key continued: 'Am I optimistic for the future? I think I watch with interest. I am hopeful the investment we have made will grow into greater things, but I don't think there's any of us would say the last 20 years have not been worth it.'

On the evacuation effort, he said: 'Of course we would have liked (more time) because then we could have brought more people out.

'It would have allowed us to pull in those people who we know were still trying to get across from the city to the airport.

'It would have given us a chance to really make sure we had reached out to those who had helped us so wonderfully and courageously over the last 20 years.

'But the truth is no more time was granted to us by the Taliban, who were very clear that by the end of August not only had the evacuation had to be completed but we, the western militaries, had all withdrawn as well.

'I don't think there is a single person deployed forward, whether the thousand or so in Kabul or the many hundreds of others drawn across from Her Majesty's Government in the Middle East or back here, who could have given more in the last two, two-and-a-half, weeks.

'The effort has been, frankly, truly humbling to see hours worked with exhaustion painted on people's faces, so we tried our best, we have absolutely tried our best.'

Sir Laurie said: 'It's time to close this phase of the operation now, but we haven't forgotten the people who still need to leave.'

A former head of the British Army has said it was 'unfathomable why it would appear that the Government was asleep on watch' in relation to the protection of Afghans who helped soldiers and officials.

Speaking on Times Radio, General Lord Richard Dannatt said: 'On the particular issue of those who we knew were in danger, people who had worked for us, interpreters, former locally-engaged civilians, this issue has been in the media.

'This issue has been on politicians' desks for two to three years and, certainly, it's been there during the course of this year.

'I mean, you might remember, back in July, 45 senior officers wrote to the Government, an open letter to the Government, saying there are people we are concerned about and if we don't do the right thing, their blood will be on our hands. It is unfathomable why it would appear that the Government was asleep on watch.

'I think the issue of Afghanistan sat on the backburner. Maybe it started to come forward. But then, suddenly, when the Taliban took over the country in the precipitate fashion in which they did, it fell off the cooker straight onto the kitchen floor and we've ... had this chaotic extraction.

'We should have done better, we could have done better. It absolutely behoves us to find out why the Government didn't spark up faster.'

Conservative MP and veteran Tobias Ellwood said the UK had 'very little to show' for 20 years in Afghanistan. The chairman of the Commons Defence Select Committee told LBC: 'Our armed forces performed so valiantly but they were let down by their political masters.

'We lacked the strategy, the statecraft, the patience to see through, and the manner of our departure is a humiliation, a confirmation of our diminished resolve, and our adversaries will not be slow to exploit it.'

He warned that 'terrorism will raise its ugly face again' and 'until we defeat this ideology, we can have as many drone strikes as we like, we can invade as many countries as we like, we will never win'.

Mr Ellwood added: 'Unfortunately, we've made the situation worse, by absenting ourselves from the very place where it's now very easy for terrorist groups to do their work.'