senator ben sasse slams biden for not having a pathway to evacuate americans and afghan allies after the deadline of august 31

Ben Sasse said President Joe Biden doesn't have any plan in place to get American citizens and Afghan allies out of Afghanistan after the withdrawal deadline of August 31 passes.

'The American people have a right to be livid about it,' the Nebraska Republican senator told ABC News' Martha Raddatz.

'There is clearly no plan,' Sasse blasted the administration. 'There has been no plan. Their plan has basically been happy talk.'

'Their plan still seems to be let's rely on the Taliban because the Taliban cares a lot about what world opinion thinks of them at French restaurants,' he said. 'It was a disgusting revelation of yet again no plan.'

'What we need,' Sasse said, 'is a commander in chief that actually has a big plan and a big way to solve this problem. President Biden has been repeatedly disconnected from reality.'

Senator Ben Sasse said Sunday the Biden administration doesn't have a plan to evacuate Americans and Afghan allies after the troop withdrawal deadline from Afghanistan on August 31

Senator Ben Sasse said Sunday the Biden administration doesn't have a plan to evacuate Americans and Afghan allies after the troop withdrawal deadline from Afghanistan on August 31

President Joe Biden participated on Sunday in the dignified transfer of U.S. service members' remains after 13 were killed in a suicide bombing outside the Kabul airport on Thursday

President Joe Biden participated on Sunday in the dignified transfer of U.S. service members' remains after 13 were killed in a suicide bombing outside the Kabul airport on Thursday

Sasse was one of the several lawmakers, from both sides of the aisle, who urged the president to extend the August 31 deadline for total troop withdrawal, which will also end active evacuations from the Kabul airport by the U.S. Military.

Biden and his team, however, have repeatedly said they will not extend the withdrawal deadline – while simultaneously trying to promise they will get out all Americans who want to leave Afghanistan.

The Pentagon said there are around 300 Americans left to evacuate in the remaining three days as troops have already started the withdrawal process.

Sasse's comments come as Biden's National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan assured on Sunday that the Taliban has promised to continue to allow for the 'safe passage' of American citizens once September comes.

'August 31 is not a cliff,' Sullivan told CNN State of the Union host Jake Tapper.

'After August 31, we believe that we have substantial leverage to hold the Taliban to its commitments to allow safe passage for American citizens, legal permanent residents and...Afghan allies,' he added.

But Sasse isn't buying it – especially as White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said for the first time on Friday that the administration cannot 'guarantee' everyone will get out of Afghanistan.

'People have died and people are going to die because President Biden decided to rely on happy talk instead of reality,' he said on Sunday morning.

On Thursday, 13 U.S. service members were killed in a suicide bombing by an ISIS-K member outside the Kabul airport as they carried out evacuation efforts. 

Biden's National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan (right) assured 'August 31 is not a cliff' and said the Taliban has 'committed to allow safe passage for American citizens' and allies after the deadline

Biden's National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan assured 'August 31 is not a cliff' and said the Taliban has 'committed to allow safe passage for American citizens' and allies after the deadline

National security adviser Jake Sullivan: ¿Aug. 31 is not a cliff. After Aug. 31, we believe that we have substantial leverage to hold the Taliban to its commitments to allow safe passage for American citizens, legal permanent residents and...Afghan allies¿ #CNNSOTU

'They decided to outsource security around the perimeter of the airport to the Taliban,' he listed. 'They passed a list of American citizens and America's closest allies, people who fought alongside us, they passed those lists to the Taliban, relying on them, thinking they could trust on them.'

'It was stupid then. It's insane now,' he added.

Sasse is referencing reports that the administration gave Taliban officials a 'list' of Americans and allies' names of which to allow safe passage to the airport.

This was slammed as a 'kill list', giving the Islamic militant group targets of U.S. citizens and allies still stranded in Afghanistan.

The Biden administration denied it gave such a list to the Taliban. 

A former adviser to Donald Trump when he was president said that Biden is 'clinically insane' for allowing Afghan refugees to resettle in the U.S. after evacuating them from the Kabul airport.

'This is a double Biden disaster,' Stephen Miller said in an interview with Fox News' Maria Bartiromo.

'He got rid of the Trump plan, the Trump conditions-based plan. And now Afghanistan is a terror wonderland once again, with terrorists just running around doing whatever they want to do,' he continued.

Miller then raised his voice, saying: 'Have we forgotten so quickly the 9/11 terrorists were granted visas by our State Department?'

'Have we forgotten so quickly that all that blood was shed because we weren't able to secure our own immigration system? Now we're going to repeat these mistakes again?'

He then suggested that the president is now allowing 'every person in the world who is living under Islamic theocracy' to move to the U.S. as Afghan refugees arrive by the plane-loads at Dulles International Airport – which is less than 30 miles outside of Washington, D.C.

Also on Sunday, Senator Lindsey Graham reiterated his call for Biden to be impeached.

'Yeah, I think Biden' been derelict in his duties as commander-in-chief,' Graham told CBS' Face the Nation. 'I don't think he got bad advice and took it. I think he ignored sound advice.'

'And this is Joe Biden being Joe Biden,' the South Carolina senator continued.

'He's been this way for 40 years, but now he's the commander-in-chief. He's not a senator. He's not the vice-president. These are commander-in-chief decisions,' he said. 'I think the best you could describe is dereliction of duty at the highest level.'

Graham also said Biden's actions causes 'the chance of another 9/11 to through the roof.'

Several Republican lawmakers are demanding that the president face impeachment – and potential removal from office – for his handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal. Some are also calling on him to resign or be removed through the 25th Amendment.

These lawmakers include Graham, Senators Marsha Blackburn, Josh Hawley, Rick Scott and Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert and Andy Biggs, among others.