one asian-american father and his two children claims he was 'harassed by a white new york couple who threatened to call cops on him for scolding

An Asian-American father who scolded his sons while on a walk says he was harassed by a white couple who flagged a public safety officer claiming he was abusing his child and told him to 'go to another town.'

Last Wednesday, 42-year-old Michael Kim was walking back from a hike on Fire Island, New York, with his two sons, ages nine and five, when he claims he was harassed by a couple because he scolded his sons for play fighting and almost getting hit by a truck.

'I was completely shaken and yelled at them out of sheer terror,' Kim told NextShark. 'I stopped on the side of the road to scold them for misbehaving in such a dangerous manner.'

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A man and woman stopped 42-year-old Michael Kim during a walk on Fire IslandThe man and woman allegedly harassed the father of two

Kim says a man and woman approached him on their bikes and demanded to speak to him but he refused and the woman flagged down a Public Safety officer

He says that's when the couple approached him on their bikes and demanded to speak to him. He said he refused to engage 'because I was busy dealing with a private family issue, which is my and every parent's responsibility and right.' 

But the woman flagged down a public safety officer and told him Kim was abusing his children. Kim says his kids shut down the abuse claims. 

'My older son immediately told the officer that the allegation was completely untrue,' Kim said. 'The public safety officer drove away without taking any action — because there was no reason to.'  

According to Kim, even after the officer drove away, the woman continued to harass the family, even trying to get passersby to join in.

At one point, Kim said her male companion says, 'This isn't China' and approaches Kim in an 'intimidating fashion', prompting him to pull out his cellphone and record. 

'Due to the racist comment, as well as the man's large physical size and body language, I felt threatened, pulled out my phone and began recording the both of them,' said Kim, who is Korean-American. 

'At that point the man and woman's aggressive demeanor immediately changed, and stopped approaching me, but continued to harass me and my children.' 

In the now viral video posted to TikTok, Kim can be heard saying, 'Please leave me alone, you are harassing me' multiple times. At one point, one of his sons joins in and tells the pair to 'stop.'  

In the recording, the woman and man are a few feet away from Kim standing by their bikes.

The man asks Kim where he works and the woman asks him what town he's from and says, 'why are you here?'. 

When Kim tells them that is none of their business, they leave, but before she goes, the woman tells him, 'please don't harass your children here, go to another town, I don't want to see you.'

Kim tells her 'thank you, Karen' and they walk away.

The 42-year-old father says he believes his race played a factor in the pair's reaction to him. 

'I have zero doubt that had me and my kids looked like them they would have continued on their way without incident,' he told 

Kim, who is divorced, said the experience has been traumatic for his kids. 

'My kids are traumatized and keep asking me if the police will take me away, and why we don't belong in that town because of her (racist ranting) telling us to leave,' he said. 'They love Fire Island, but now they don't want to return because they are uncomfortable and scared of what might happen to me and in turn, them.' 

Fire Island is a largely residential barrier island off the south shore of Long Island, New York. 

Asian-American Rep. Grace Meng commented on the video, and the 'disgusting smirk' on the woman's face during the encounter. 

'So sick of constantly being questioned of where we're from or why we're here,' she tweeted. 'Secret's out: they're letting Asians and other POC onto Fire Island and other nice places too. Disgusting smirk on her face like she thinks she's more American than this family.'

Kim said this incident is not the first time he has faced harassment over his race.

'Being an Asian American male, I have to face all the typical stereotypes of being comical, asexual/weak, and generally a punching bag for those looking to boost their weak self-esteem,' he said. 'I have been called a ch**k/g**ok/slope/Bruce lee unprovoked in previous jobs, school, and even walking down the street minding my own business.'

A Twitter user, who claimed to track down the woman in the video, identified her as 'Kate Shanley' and emailed her about the incident. 

She posted Shanley's unverified response in which she denied being racist and said she stepped up because Kim 'mentally abused' his son for half an hour and for Kim to paint the situation as 'Asian hate or racist' is 'pure manipulation.'  

Kim replied to Shanley's unverified email statement and denied the abuse allegations. He pointed out she did not refute the claims about trying to get him arrested and her friend's 'go back to China' comment. 

'Note how Kate makes no mentions or denials about a) flagging down the trained & impartial public safety officer and unsuccessfully calling on him and others to call 911 to have me arrested b) her friend's 'This isn't China' statement' he tweeted.