North Carolina lawmakers want to axe law that allows adults to marry children aged 14: Proposals would raise minimum marriage age to 16, and stop 16 year-olds marrying anyone older than 20

North Carolina is set to pass a law raising the minimum age people can get married from 14 to 16, and will also ban 16 year-olds from marrying anyone who is older than 20.  

Children ages 16 or 17 would also need parental permission or a judge's decision that the marriage would 'serve the best interest of an underage party.'   

Six states have banned all forms of child marriage, but change has been slow in North Carolina, where some lawmakers remain convinced that certain marriages involving a child are still acceptable.

'It's a generational divide,' said Sen. Vickie Sawyer, a Davidson County Republican. 'It was older members — both Democrat and Republicans — that had those personal stories of family members who had been married and it turned out OK.'

North Carolina state Sen. Vickie Sawyer said some of her older colleagues pushed back with 'personal stories of family members who had been married [under 18] and it turned out OK'

North Carolina state Sen. Vickie Sawyer said some of her older colleagues pushed back with 'personal stories of family members who had been married under 18 and it turned out OK'

Only six US states have banned child marriage: Minnesota, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Rhode Island, according to Unchained at Last

Only six US states have banned child marriage: Minnesota, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Rhode Island, according to Unchained at Last

'We will have moved the needle and made North Carolina no longer at the very bottom of the barrel of states,' said Drew Reisinger, the register of deeds in Buncombe County, about the new bill.

But, he said, 'we're still going to be putting a lot of children in harm's way.' 

Two-thirds of the marriage applications in Buncombe County last year were filed by nonresidents seeking to marry an underage person, Reisinger said, noting that a 49-year-old man and 17-year-old girl recently came from Kentucky seeking a license.

Reisinger said the county, which includes the popular tourist city of Asheville, is a destination for many adults and child brides from nearby states such as Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina and Tennessee - all of which have raised the minimum marriage age in recent years. 

'North Carolina is one of the friendliest states in the South to give them safe haven,' he said.

The state is currently one of 13 that allow children under 16 to wed, according to Unchained at Last, a nonprofit organization that advocates ending child and forced marriages in the U.S. 

The organization found that 300,000 children were legally married between 2000 and 2018

The organization found that 300,000 children were legally married between 2000 and 2018

Nine of those states have no set minimum age, the group says, relying instead on case law or a judge's ruling.

Based the group's definition of a 'child' as anyone under 18, almost all of the US allows some form of child marriage except for the states of Minnesota, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Rhode Island.

Under current North Carolina law, children as young as 14 can get married if they become pregnant and if a judge allows it. 

Otherwise, children can wed as young as 16 with parental permission. 

Alaska is the only other state whose law expressly allows marriages as young as 14.

Nevada tops the list of child marriages per capita. Washington, DC, has the lowest

Nevada tops the list of child marriages per capita. Washington, DC, has the lowest

A study by the International Center for Research on Women, a research institute and rights group for women and children, estimates that nearly 8,800 minors were listed on marriage licenses in North Carolina from 2000-2015 — placing the state among the top five with child marriages during that period. 

The group said that 93 percent of the marriage applications it reviewed for the years 2000-2019 involved a marriage between a minor and an adult.

'It disrupts the notion that if child marriage happens, it is the Romeo-and-Juliet scenario of two 17-year-olds who just can't wait to love each other,' said Lyric Thompson, one of the study's co-authors. 

Sen. Sawyer sponsored a bill that would have raised the age to 18. 

Instead, a compromise measure that won unanimous support from the Senate in May and the House this week would raise the minimum marriage age to 16 with no exceptions, including pregnancy.  

North Carolina Rep. Kristin Baker, a self-described 'conservative Christian' and child psychiatrist, helped shepherd the bill through the state House

North Carolina Rep. Kristin Baker, a self-described 'conservative Christian' and child psychiatrist, helped shepherd the bill through the state House

Rep. Kristin Baker of Cabarrus County, who helped shepherd the bill through the House, explained that 'as a conservative Christian, I am a strong supporter of the sacrament of marriage.'

'As a child psychiatrist, I am determined to protect our vulnerable youth, enhancing their chances for healthy, happy futures,' she said. 'I believe this bill works to achieve those ends.'

The bill's proposed maximum age gap of four years partially mimics statutory rape laws that make it a serious felony for a minor to have sexual intercourse with someone who is significantly older. 

The legislation needs one more Senate vote before heading to Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper's desk, probably this week, where it's likely to be signed into law.

Unchained at Last and the International Center for Research on Women are among groups pushing states to raise the marriage age to 18 with no exceptions. 

Six states have reached that standard — most recently New York, where outgoing Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a law banning all marriage under 18 on July 22.

Cuomo had previously signed a law purporting to 'end child marriage' in 2017, but the law allowed 17-year-olds to marry with parental or judicial consent, according to CBS News. 

The advocacy groups have enlisted the help of former child brides including Judy Wiegand of Kentucky, who appeared before a North Carolina House committee in June to encourage legislators to change the law.

'It is the responsibility of the government to protect all of the children,' Wiegand told lawmakers. 

She was 13 when she and an older teenage boy - the father of her baby - married in the 1970s. 

She said that until she became an adult, the law left her largely unprotected against an abusive spouse.

Lobbyists working on changing the law say former child brides in North Carolina whom they have contacted remain too traumatized by their experiences to speak before legislators publicly. Women like Wiegand have filled in instead: 'I'm speaking in favor of the bill because I feel nobody did it for me,' she said.

Another woman willing to speak out is Jean Fields, who in 1965, at age 15, married a man in his 20s. Fields had three children by the time she was 21. She eventually got divorced after what she said was years of her husband's verbal abuse and belittlement.

Fields, now 72, goes by another married name but doesn't want to disclose it to spare her extended family any anguish. In a phone interview, she said that after leaving her marriage, she raised her children, returned to school and has since owned two businesses. Despite her ultimate success, however, she discourages others from marrying young.

'I regret I never had the opportunity to be a teenager,' she said.