New poll suggests Trump would WIN the election today because women and black voters regret their choice and 14% would choose another candidate

Former President Donald Trump would beat President Joe Biden in the next presidential race if it were held today, a new poll finds.

In the latest sign of Americans' growing disapproval of Biden just 37 percent of likely US voters would back him in an election right now. 

Trump would score 43 percent of the vote, and 14 percent of people would pick 'some other candidate' - but the survey doesn't specify which.

Biden beat Trump in November 2020 with 51.3 percent of the popular vote, compared to Trump's 46.8 percent.  

But this time, according to Rasmussen, Trump would win more women and black voters. 

The survey was conducted between August 16th and August 17th amid the US's chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan after 20 years, thousands of deaths and more than $80 billion.

A Rasmussen poll taken this week saw more voters who would pick Trump over Biden if the 2024 election was held today instead

A Rasmussen poll taken this week saw more voters who would pick Trump over Biden if the 2024 election was held today instead

Many of those voters also blamed Biden over Trump for the Afghanistan crisis. Trump has also been criticizing Biden for how he's carried out the US evacuation

And Biden's performance is weighing heavy on voters' minds. Just over half of likely voters questioned by Rasmussen said Biden is more to blame than Trump for the Taliban taking over the war-torn country. 

By contrast just 38 percent believe Trump is more to blame.  

However in a bright spot for Biden most people said they don't regret their 2020 vote - 87 percent of Democrats are okay with how they cast their ballot, but 95 percent of Republicans are also satisfied.  

Voters' apparent anger toward Biden is a signal his officials' repeat assistance that Afghanistan is Trump's fault is not working.

Both Biden and his national security team laid blame with Trump over a peace deal he brokered with the Taliban as president. He agreed to a May 1st drawdown of troops and the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners.

But critics say it's not withdrawing that's the problem but rather the hasty evacuation that's left Afghan civilians and American citizens stuck in Kabul even now after the Taliban blocked off entrances to Hamid Karzai International Airport. 

President Biden flew back to the White House from Camp David on Tuesday evening. His approval rating has plunged and the administration is in damage limitation mode as it deals with the crisis unfolding in Afghanistan. Biden did not call any foreign leader leaders until speaking with Britain's Boris Johnson on Tuesday afternoon

President Biden flew back to the White House from Camp David on Tuesday evening. His approval rating has plunged and the administration is in damage limitation mode as it deals with the crisis unfolding in Afghanistan. Biden did not call any foreign leader leaders until speaking with Britain's Boris Johnson on Tuesday afternoon

Trump criticized Biden's handling of Afghanistan as recently as Wednesday morning.

He told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo that Biden is 'leading lambs to slaughter' by abandoning Afghans  with the hasty evacuation and called it the 'most embarrassing moment in our country's history.'

''This was a coup of incompetent people - unfortunately our leadership was the incompetent people,' Trump told her. 

The sentiment was echoed by respondents to a poll taken between August 14th and August 17th, the majority of whom said they 'strongly disapprove' of Biden's handling of Afghanistan.

Republicans who answered the YouGov poll seem to feel stronger than Democrats. A whopping 67 percent of GOP voters 'strongly disapprove' of Biden's work on the crisis, while the majority of Democrat voters  only 'somewhat approve.'

Many apparently fear for US national security amid the US's withdrawal, with 48 percent of people believing a terrorist attack is at least 10 percent likely within the next 12 months.

Nearly 1/5th of respondents said a terrorist attack is more than 50 percent likely to occur over the next year. 

Thousands of Americans could still be stuck in and around Kabul after the Taliban took over the streets surrounding Hamid Karzai International Airport

Thousands of Americans could still be stuck in and around Kabul after the Taliban took over the streets surrounding Hamid Karzai International Airport

Men try to help a wounded woman and her wounded child after Taliban fighters use guns fire, whips, sticks and sharp objects to maintain crowd control over thousands of Afghans who continue to wait outside the Kabul Airport for a way out

Men try to help a wounded woman and her wounded child after Taliban fighters use guns fire, whips, sticks and sharp objects to maintain crowd control over thousands of Afghans who continue to wait outside the Kabul Airport for a way out

A man cries as he watches fellow Afghans get wounded by Taliban fighters who used whips, sticks and sharp objects to maintain crowd control over thousands of Afghans outside Kabul airport

A man cries as he watches fellow Afghans get wounded by Taliban fighters who used whips, sticks and sharp objects to maintain crowd control over thousands of Afghans outside Kabul airport

Taliban fighters patrol in the Wazir Akbar Khan neighborhood in the city of Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, Aug. 18, 2021. The group is becoming increasingly violent, abandoning promises to be peaceful, and their cooperation is what the evacuation mission is relying on

Taliban fighters patrol in the Wazir Akbar Khan neighborhood in the city of Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, Aug. 18, 2021. The group is becoming increasingly violent, abandoning promises to be peaceful, and their cooperation is what the evacuation mission is relying on 

Biden had extended Trump's original withdrawal deadline to August 31st. The sudden, chaotic scramble to leave this week was triggered by the Taliban's lightning advance when they took most of the country within days and Kabul falling to them Sunday.

Thousands of American citizens are likely still stuck in and around Kabul, with the Pentagon putting the figure between 5,000 and 10,000 on Tuesday.

Many are feared to be trapped outside of the airport because the Taliban controls the surrounding streets and deciding who will be let past into the final NATO and US stronghold left in the entire country.

Heartbreaking footage showing Afghan civilians clinging to American jets and appearing to fall out of the sky added to the negative image of how the US left.

Biden's favorability dipped below 50 percent for the first time as president, according to FiveThirtyEight's poll aggregator

Biden's favorability dipped below 50 percent for the first time as president, according to FiveThirtyEight's poll aggregator

Biden extended Trump's original May 1st withdrawal deadline to August 31st

Biden extended Trump's original May 1st withdrawal deadline to August 31st

More recently, pictures of Afghans beaten bloody trying to get to the airport and reports of barely-full evacuation flights have also earned Biden international outrage.  

A FiveThirtyEight poll aggregator saw Biden's approval rating drop below 50 percent for the first time as president, a sign of broad discontent. His disapproval climbed to an all time high of 44.2 percent. 

His favorability at this point in time even dipped below that of George W. Bush - who sent troops to Afghanistan in the first place - at the same period in his first term. 

One of the polls used by the site, Ipsos, actually shows Biden's disapproval as higher than his approval in a 47 to 46 percent margin.