Man, 52, accused of murdering a love rival, 66, then allegedly making his death look like a car-fire suicide told police 'whatever, he's out of the way now', court hears

A man accused of murdering a love rival then allegedly making his death look like a car-fire suicide told police 'whatever, he's out of the way now' when detectives told him the blaze looked suspicious, a court has heard.

'Obsessive' Mark Chilman is accused of killing Neil Parkinson, wAho was discovered after police were called to a layby in Ankerdine Road, near the village of Cotheridge, Worcestershire, at 10.30pm on December 12, 2020.

Mr Parkinson, 66, of Clifton upon Teme, Worcestershire, was pronounced dead at the 'quiet and remote' scene amid the torched wreckage of his BMW X5 SUV.

'Obsessive' Mark Chilman, 52, is accused of killing Neil Parkinson (pictured), 66, who was discovered after police were called to a lay-by in Ankerdine Road, near the village of Cotheridge, Worcestershire, at 10.30pm on December 12, 2020

'Obsessive' Mark Chilman, 52, is accused of killing Neil Parkinson , 66, who was discovered after police were called to a lay-by in Ankerdine Road, near the village of Cotheridge, Worcestershire, at 10.30pm on December 12, 2020

Prosecutors say 52-year-old Chilman made 'plans to kill Mr Parkinson, to make it appear he had committed suicide' in order to 'engineer a reconciliation with the woman he could not bear to see rejecting him'.

Under cross-examination on Tuesday, Chilman did not respond when asked by the Crown's prosecutor Mark Heywood QC: 'You didn't care if he was alive or dead, did you?'

Chilman was asked about what he had said to detectives, after his arrest on suspicion of the victim's killing.

'Weren't your real thoughts of Mr Chilman summed up at the end of your interview?' asked Mr Heywood.

'The police asked if you killed Neil.

'You said 'no' - and they said it wasn't suicide.

'You replied, 'whatever, he's out of the way now, so'.'

Chilman, who has denied having anything to do with the killing, has instead given evidence of meeting Parkinson on the night of his death, getting into the man's car, then later watching him kill himself in a remote layby, by setting light to his petrol-doused SUV.

The Crown's QC asked: 'You were glad he was gone, weren't you?

Mr Parkinson, of Clifton upon Teme, Worcestershire, was pronounced dead at the scene amid the torched wreckage of his BMW X5 4x4. Pictured: Police at the scene

Mr Parkinson, of Clifton upon Teme, Worcestershire, was pronounced dead at the scene amid the torched wreckage of his BMW X5 4x4. Pictured: Police at the scene 

'No, I was not,' Chilman told jurors.

'Then why say something as callous as 'whatever he's gone now, he's out of the way?' Mr Heywood asked.

Chilman replied: 'I was totally fed up by this time, I was tired, I'd been locked up over three days for something I haven't done and I didn't understand and just said anything.

'I'd lost the will to live, to be fair.'

Mr Heywood immediately asked: 'You'd lost the will to lie, Mr Chilman.

'Earlier, on your account, you said you'd watched him (Mr Parkinson) burn himself to death and you dismissed it as 'his choice'.

Mr Chilman replied: 'I just thought it was what police wanted to hear, I just wanted to get out.

Opening the case at Worcester Crown Court last week, Mr Heywood said that in June 2020, Chilman's long-term girlfriend Juliet Adcock, a mother of three, 'had ended a long and - for her part - often unhappy relationship with Mr Chilman'.

Mr Heywood went on: 'Rather than accept the reality, Mr Chilman continued to find pretexts to continue to have contact with her but he was also obsessively concerned with what she was doing.'

In a series of events, he let himself into to Ms Adcock's rural home and 'helped himself' to cash, on another occasion left a noose and was seen 'waiting in a layby near the house', where he claimed to have been looking for 'better phone reception'.

Mr Heywood said: 'He once left a message in lipstick on a mirror, telling her 'I am sorry. Love forever, my darling. Sorry. Love Mark. XX'.'

The court heard Chilman bought a tracking device and hid it on Ms Adcock's car.

He also took a sweater from her wardrobe, spraying it with the brand of perfume she wore - purchased online - and 'cuddled it every night before he went to sleep'.

Prosecutors say Chilman made 'plans to kill Mr Parkinson, to make it appear he had committed suicide' in order to 'engineer a reconciliation with the woman he could not bear to see rejecting him'. Pictured: Police at the scene

Prosecutors say Chilman made 'plans to kill Mr Parkinson, to make it appear he had committed suicide' in order to 'engineer a reconciliation with the woman he could not bear to see rejecting him'. Pictured: Police at the scene

The night of his death, Mr Parkinson had dinner with Ms Adcock at her farm before heading home, where he looked after his mother, who was suffering from dementia.

After he left, Ms Adcock got a text, purporting to be from Mr Parkinson and allegedly confessing to be a womaniser - but later analysis showed the message came from a phone purchased by Chilman.

Chilman has alleged he purchased the phone with Mr Parkinson's knowledge, as part of the man's bid to end his own life.

After the fire, forensics experts found marks on Ms Adcock's farm gate that were drips of blood matching the DNA profile of Mr Parkinson, who was later also found to have suffered a heavy blow to the back of his head.

Chilman, of Pencombe, Bromyard, Herefordshire, denies any wrongdoing and the trial continues.