Judge demands DOJ show proof it didn't violate its own policy against prosecuting journalists after Infowars correspondent is charged in riot at Capitol

The federal judge overseeing a case against an Infowars host is questioning prosecutors about their compliance with the Department of Justice's updated media policy, in wake of the request to seek an arrest warrant against Owen Shroyer.

Shroyer, host of the daily Infowars talk-show The War Room With Owen Shroyer, was charged last week for his alleged involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. 

Now, U.S. Magistrate Judge Zia Faruqui is asking prosecutors to detail their reasoning behind the determination that Shroyer was not at the riot as a member of the news media.

'The events of January 6th were an attack on the foundation of our democracy,' Faruqui wrote Tuesday in an order obtained by the Wall Street Journal. 'But this does not relieve the Department of Justice from following its own guidelines, written to preserve the very same democracy.' 

The media policy in question went into effect last month and limits DOJ probes of journalists.

The federal judge overseeing a case against Infowars host Owen Shroyer (pictured) is questioning prosecutors about their compliance with the Department of Justice's updated media policy in wake of their request seeking a warrant for his arrest

The federal judge overseeing a case against Infowars host Owen Shroyer is questioning prosecutors about their compliance with the Department of Justice's updated media policy in wake of their request seeking a warrant for his arrest

Shroyer  was charged last week for his alleged involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. DOJ case files picture the talk-show host at the event

Shroyer  was charged last week for his alleged involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. DOJ case files picture the talk-show host at the event

Faruqui argues that while the prosecution has presented enough evidence to put Shroyer on criminal trial, DOJ officials have refused to answer if they had complied with the new media policy. 

'The Department of Justice appears to believe that it is the sole enforcer of its regulations. That leaves the court to wonder who watches the watchmen,' the judge wrote, questioning their decision.

Prosecutors responded to Faruqui's order, stating it wasn't appropriate for the court ask how the government implemented its internal policies and that the 'guidelines in question didn't bear on the evidence supporting Mr. Shroyer's arrest'.

Faruqui told the DOJ that their response 'misses the mark,' MSN.com reported.

The judge acknowledged that while the department 'retains the right to do what it wants with these regulations,' prosecutors have in the past 'volunteered such information without any demonstrable harm to its own deliberative process'. 

The Department of Justice alleges that Shroyer, circled, entered restricted grounds during the Jan. 6 riots as he accompanied his boss, Alex Jones, holding the microphone

The Department of Justice alleges that Shroyer, circled, entered restricted grounds during the Jan. 6 riots as he accompanied his boss, Alex Jones, holding the microphone

However, Shroyer (circled) maintains his innocence, claiming he never had intentions of violence and was at the Capitol as a journalist covering the event

However, Shroyer  maintains his innocence, claiming he never had intentions of violence and was at the Capitol as a journalist covering the event

Faruqui's order comes just one month after Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a new policy restricting DOJ probes of journalists.

'A free and independent press is vital to the functioning of our democracy,' Garland argued at the time.

The policy broadly prohibits prosecutors from subpoenaing reporters' phone and email records.

Garland issued a memo outlining the policy the reads, in part: 'The Department of Justice will no longer use compulsory legal process for the purpose of obtaining information from or records of members of the news media acting within the scope of newsgathering activities.' 

The policy does not apply when media members are being investigated for alleged activities that were not within that scope.

The DOJ alleges that Shroyer entered restricted grounds on January 6 and engaged in disorderly conduct. 

U.S. Magistrate Judge Zia Faruqui is asking prosecutors to detail their reasoning behind the determination that Shroyer was not at the riot as a member of the news mediaHe wants proof the DOJ did not violate the policy put in place last month by AG Merrick Garland limiting DOJ probes of journalists.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Zia Faruqui is now asking prosecutors to detail their reasoning behind the determination that Shroyer was not at the riot as a member of the news media. He wants proof the DOJ did not violate the policy put in place last month by AG Merrick Garland limiting DOJ probes of journalists.

Authorities say video shows Shroyer marching to the Capitol from the Ellipse shortly before the building was breached, telling the crowd 'today we march for the Capitol because on this historic January 6, 2021, we have to let our Congressmen and women know, and we have to let Mike Pence know, they stole the election, we know they stole it, and we aren't going to accept it!' 

Shroyer announced during his show last week: 'I plan on declaring innocence of these charges because I am.' 

He asserts that he never had intentions of violence and was at the Capitol as a journalist covering the event. 

However, Infowars, the media platform that houses The War Room With Owen Shroyer, does not have White House or congressional credentials, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Additionally, prosecutors assert that Shroyer's riot attendance broke the terms of a deal he made to avoid criminal charges from an arrest in 2019. 

Shroyer was arrested in December 2019 for shouting during a House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing. He received a deferred prosecution agreement in that case, in which he agreed to do community service and follow certain conditions, like not engaging in disorderly or disruptive conduct on Capitol grounds, according to court documents.

He hadn't completed any of the required community service hours as of Jan. 6, so that agreement was still in effect, authorities said.  

Documents compiled by the US Justice Department allege that Owen Shroyer, of Infowars, entered restricted grounds on Jan. 6 and engaged in disorderly conduct

Documents compiled by the US Justice Department allege that Owen Shroyer, of Infowars, entered restricted grounds on Jan. 6 and engaged in disorderly conduct 

Authorities also argue that Shroyer was outspoken in advance of Jan. 6 about wanting to stop the certification of the Electoral College vote.

During an address at Freedom Plaza the day before the insurrection, he said, according to the court papers: 'Americans are ready to fight. We're not exactly sure what that's going to look like perhaps in a couple of weeks if we can't stop this certification of the fraudulent election ... we are the new revolution! We are going to restore and we are going to save the republic!' 

After the insurrection, Shroyer also claimed the several protesters attributed their knowledge of the event to Infowars.

'Most of the people out there said that they had either heard about it through Infowars or Infowars listeners,' Shroyer said after the event.

More than 570 people have been charged with federal crimes in the deadly riot that interrupted the certification of President Joe Biden's victory and nearly 40 people have pleaded guilty so far.

Dozens of people have been charged with assaulting law enforcement officers who were trying to protect the Capitol. 

The riots left five dead - including Ashli Babbitt who was shot by a Capitol officer, another died of a drug overdose and three died of natural causes.

Nearly 140 officers were injured and four officers who responded to the riot have killed themselves. 

More than 570 people have been arrested in connection with the Capitol riot on January 6

Dozens of people have been charged with assaulting law enforcement officers who were trying to protect the Capitol

Dozens of people have been charged with assaulting law enforcement officers who were trying to protect the Capitol