Joe Biden heads to Camp David until WEDNESDAY while the Taliban rampages through Afghanistan: Jill is spotted in a walking boot and with a crutch for the first time since procedure on her foot

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden left Friday afternoon from Delaware for a long weekend at Camp David, as the president's planned withdrawal from Afghanistan is becoming a crisis. 

Taliban fighters are closing in on Kabul, while more then 3,000 American troops are expected to arrive in the country this weekend, even though the Biden administration has set an August 31 deadline for all US forces to leave. 

As the Bidens were departing from Delaware Air National Guard, the White House sent out a statement saying the president had been briefed about 'the ongoing efforts to safely drawdown the civilian footprint in Afghanistan.' 

The statement said the president will be briefed again once he arrives at Camp David and is planned to stay there until Wednesday, according to the White House schedule.

Biden has repeatedly said he has no regrets about pushing ahead with his timetable for the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan in America's longest war.

But on Friday insurgents claimed Kandahar, the country's second biggest city, Herat, close to the Iranian border, and Ghazni, on the road south from Kabul.

The result is a growing humanitarian emergency and frantic efforts to evacuate western embassies. U.S. personnel are preparing to destroy documents, computers and any sensitive information that could be useful or used as propaganda by the Taliban.

The first lady was spotted with a walking boot and crutch, marking the first time she's been seen publicly since she injured her foot on a Hawaii beach.  

She sported a white Michael Kors sundress and wore a sneaker on her uninjured right foot.  

Three days after Dr. Biden returned from her whirlwind trip to Alaska, the Tokyo Olympics and Hawaii, she traveled to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to have a puncture wound cleaned out of her foot.    

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First lady Jill Biden (right) is helped onboard Marine One by President Joe Biden (left) wearing a walking boot on her left leg and using a crutch. She was at Walter Reed more than two weeks ago getting a puncture wound cleaned out of her foot

First lady Jill Biden is helped onboard Marine One by President Joe Biden wearing a walking boot on her left leg and using a crutch. She was at Walter Reed more than two weeks ago getting a puncture wound cleaned out of her foot 

President Joe Biden (left) puts his arm on the back of first lady Jill Biden (right) who was seen publicly Friday for the first time since she injured her foot on a Hawaii beach during her whirlwind trip to Alaska, the Tokyo Olympics and Hawaii

President Joe Biden puts his arm on the back of first lady Jill Biden who was seen publicly Friday for the first time since she injured her foot on a Hawaii beach during her whirlwind trip to Alaska, the Tokyo Olympics and Hawaii 

Dr. Jill Biden (center) walks with a crutch and a boot after sustaining a foot injury while on a beach late last month in Hawaii

Dr. Jill Biden walks with a crutch and a boot after sustaining a foot injury while on a beach late last month in Hawaii 

The Bidens left for Camp David  from Wilmington Friday as the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan is turning into a mess. Here Taliban fights stand guard inside the city of Ghazni, which is to the southwest of the capital, Kabul

The Bidens left for Camp David  from Wilmington Friday as the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan is turning into a mess. Here Taliban fights stand guard inside the city of Ghazni, which is to the southwest of the capital, Kabul 

Meanwhile in Kandahar, which is southwest of Kabul, smoke can be seen after fighting between the Taliban and Afghan security personnel

Meanwhile in Kandahar, which is southwest of Kabul, smoke can be seen after fighting between the Taliban and Afghan security personnel 

She hasn't been seen publicly since the June 29 visit to the hospital, though participated in a video call last weekend with Team USA in Wilmington alongside her husband.       

'The First Lady underwent a successful procedure on her left foot to flush out debris from a puncture wound. After inspection of the wound by medical staff, it is unclear what object caused the puncture. The wound is now clean, free of infection and it is anticipated that it will heal nicely,' said her spokesman Michael LaRosa that night, as she and the president returned to the White House. 

Pink areas show Taliban control while green represents territory held by the government as insurgents move through the country towards the capital Kabul

Pink areas show Taliban control while green represents territory held by the government as insurgents move through the country towards the capital Kabul

Critics say this is President Biden's Saigon moment - drawing comparisons with the chaotic, humiliating evacuation of the Saigon embassy in 1975 - and even allies have voiced anger at the way the U.S. withdrawal is being handled.

The U.K. has already closed its embassy and a skeleton staff is operating from a secret location, mostly trying to help its expat community leave.

NATO ambassadors were also meeting to discuss the rapidly deteriorating security situation and coordinate measures to reduce embassy staff in Kabul, according to Reuters.

It comes as 3000 U.S. troops began arriving at the city's Hamid Karzai International Airport. The Pentagon said the first had arrived on Friday and their deployment would be complete by the end of the weekend.

Officials took pains to avoid describing the operation as an evacuation as they announced that the State Department would reduce its civilian footprint of 4000 people to a 'core diplomatic presence.'

'Our embassy remains open and our diplomatic mission will endure,' said State Department spokesperson Ned Price on Thursday.

The moves triggered fresh questions about whether Biden had been right to announce a complete withdrawal, 20 years U.S. forces and allies ousted the Taliban from Kabul.

Officials insist they always had contingency plans to help American staff leave safely but critics said the result was chaos.

Even allies have expressed concern. British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said the Trump administration had forged a 'rotten deal' with the Taliban that risked allowing terrorists to return.

'I've been pretty blunt about it publicly and that's quite a rare thing when it comes to United States decisions, but strategically it causes a lot of problems and as an international community, it's very difficult for what we're seeing today,' he told Sky News.

After Jill's procedure in June, the president flew Marine One to Walter Reed to pick her up, and they traveled back to 1600 Pennsylvania in a motorcade, out of photographers' grasp. 

Before leaving Biden told reporters, 'I'm late for a very important date.'  

Originally, Dr. Biden's spokesperson said, 'Last weekend, prior to her two official events in Hawaii, the First Lady stepped on an object on the beach which became lodged in her left foot.' 

'She will undergo a procedure today at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to remove the object. The President will join her.' 

The economic centres of Kandahar, Afghanistan's second biggest city, and Lashkar Gah - the capital of the southern province of Helmand - were the latest to fall to the insurgency, prompting questions over how long the capital Kabul will hold out. Pictured: Taliban fighters in a vehicle along the roadside in Herat on Friday

The economic centres of Kandahar, Afghanistan's second biggest city, and Lashkar Gah - the capital of the southern province of Helmand - were the latest to fall to the insurgency, prompting questions over how long the capital Kabul will hold out. Pictured: Taliban fighters in a vehicle along the roadside in Herat on Friday 

Pictured: Stranded people crossing the border between Pakistan Afghanistan, in Chaman-Spin Boldak, Pakistan, Friday, Aug. 13, 2021. Thousands of Afghans have fled their homes amid fears the Taliban will again impose a brutal, repressive government after 20 years

Pictured: Stranded people crossing the border between Pakistan Afghanistan, in Chaman-Spin Boldak, Pakistan, Friday, Aug. 13, 2021. Thousands of Afghans have fled their homes amid fears the Taliban will again impose a brutal, repressive government after 20 years

A Taliban fighter holds a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) along the roadside in Herat, Afghanistan's third biggest city, on Friday after the US announced it was sending 3,000 troops back into Afghanistan

A Taliban fighter holds a rocket-propelled grenade along the roadside in Herat, Afghanistan's third biggest city, on Friday after the US announced it was sending 3,000 troops back into Afghanistan 

Dr. Biden spent time in Hawaii after leaving Tokyo, Japan where she cheered on Team USA athletes and attended the opening ceremony of the Tokyo summer Olympics. 

The first lady held vaccine advocacy events in both Anchorage, Alaska - en route to Japan - and then Honolulu, Hawaii - on the way back to Washington, D.C. 

After Biden landed at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Saturday afternoon, she had nearly 24 hours to relax in Hawaii before her first event Sunday. 

Biden peeled off from reporters and stayed at the Presidential Cottage at Marine Base Kaneohe.  

The first lady wasn't limping when she held events at Waipahu High School and later, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam. 

She wore a pair of platform espadrilles.  

At the first event, at a pop-up vaccination clinic at the high school, Biden witnessed two teenagers getting their second doses of the Pfizer vaccine before making remarks in the school library. 

There she spoke about the vaccine push - and also thanked teachers for doing all they could to teach students virtually last year.  

'As a teacher, I did my best to create a sense of community in my virtual class last year. But some things can’t be replaced,' she said. 'And that’s especially true for students who missed out on sports, and proms, and school plays.'

'When we lost these connections, our world felt a little darker—a little colder,' she continued. 'Now, doesn’t the time we spend with those we care about fill us with even more joy?' the first lady added. 

Biden then attended an afternoon barbecue on base with attendees representing all six branches of the military, including Space Force. 

There she talked about the Obama-era Joining Forces initiative that she's since brought back to life.  

Afghan fighters drive a vehicle captured from the Afghan National Army through the streets of Kandahar on Friday after capturing the key southern city. The Taliban completed their sweep of the country's south, taking four more provincial capitals in a lightning offensive

Afghan fighters drive a vehicle captured from the Afghan National Army through the streets of Kandahar on Friday after capturing the key southern city. The Taliban completed their sweep of the country's south, taking four more provincial capitals in a lightning offensive

A Taliban fighter stands guard over surrendered Afghan security members forces in the city of Ghazni, southwest of Kabul, on Friday

A Taliban fighter stands guard over surrendered Afghan security members forces in the city of Ghazni, southwest of Kabul, on Friday

First lady Jill Biden is photographed leaving Hawaii on Sunday. She wore a pair of wedged espadrilles throughout the day - and on the flight back. She later had to go to Walter Reed to have an object removed from her foot that she stepped on at the beach

First lady Jill Biden is photographed leaving Hawaii on Sunday. She wore a pair of wedged espadrilles throughout the day - and on the flight back. She later had to go to Walter Reed to have an object removed from her foot that she stepped on at the beach 

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First lady Jill Biden is captured directly before departing Hawaii on Sunday, receiving a glass enclosed ship from Admiral John Aquilino, the commander of the United States Indo-Pacific Command. She wore a pair of wedge espadrilles throughout the day and wasn't limping

First lady Jill Biden is captured directly before departing Hawaii on Sunday, receiving a glass enclosed ship from Admiral John Aquilino, the commander of the United States Indo-Pacific Command. She wore a pair of wedge espadrilles throughout the day and wasn't limping 

The first lady was treated to a hula performance - and then walked around to every table saying hi to military members and their families. 

Biden had the same wedges on when she arrived Monday morning at Joint Base Andrews to conclude the trip. 

The outing marked the first lady's first solo trip abroad since the Biden administration came into office in January. 

In Japan, the first lady played the role of diplomat as well - dining with Japanese Prime Minster Yoshihide Suga and his wife Mariko when she first arrived. 

Biden then participated in a solo event Friday morning with Mariko Suga - an incense lesson at Akasaka Palace - before later heading to the Imperial Palace for a reception with Japanese Emperor Naruhito. 

From the U.S. ambassador's residence in Tokyo, Biden held a Zoom call with Team USA - since COVID-19 protocols prevented a meeting in person. 

On Saturday she also hosted embassy staff there for a watch party to see Team USA play Mexico in softball. 

Biden attended Friday night's opening ceremony in Tokyo and returned to Olympics' venues Saturday to watch women's 3x3 basketball against France, several races with U.S. swimmers and then the women's soccer match against New Zealand - before flying overnight to Honolulu. 

In April, the president accompanied the first lady to an outpatient facility near George Washington Hospital for 'a common medical procedure.' 

The president injured his foot before inauguration playing with the couple's dog Major.  

'There's no way you can tell the Afghan people the US is with them': CBS reporter tears into State Department spokesman for trying to spin Biden's Afghan pullout and bragging about 'diplomacy' during Taliban rampage 

State Department spokesman Ned Price clashed with CBS News correspondent Christina Ruffini as he denied that Afghanistan was being abandoned as the embassy was evacuated. 'What this is is a reduction in the size of our civilian footprint,' he said

State Department spokesman Ned Price clashed with CBS News correspondent Christina Ruffini as he denied that Afghanistan was being abandoned as the embassy was evacuated. 'What this is is a reduction in the size of our civilian footprint,' he said

State Department spokesman Ned Price was hounded by reporters on Thursday as he tried to explain the Biden administration's decision to evacuate much of its embassy personnel, at the same time touting 'diplomacy' advances with the Taliban.

Neither State nor Defense nor the White House have briefings scheduled for Friday, a day after the announcement. 

'This is not abandonment. This is not an evacuation,' Price said numerous times throughout his briefing. 'What this is is a reduction in the size of our civilian footprint.' 

One reporter responded: 'It appears to be a preparation for a full evacuation.'

'That's not true,' said Price.

'I respect you and we all know you have a job to do,' CBS reporter Christina Ruffini said to Price.

'But there is no way you can sit there and say that the people of Afghanistan watching the Taliban take over provinces, watching their country crumble are now going to watch American diplomats get on military planes and leave the country that that sends a signal that the U.S. is with them in the long haul diplomatically.'

As of Friday, half of the nation's 34 provincial capitals had fallen under Taliban control, including the second and third larges cities after Kabul. 

Price replied:  'Look at what we've been doing. Look at the investment we have made in Afghanistan. Look at the investments … however you measure it

'Whether it is humanitarian. Whether it's political. Whether it's diplomatic. Whether it is the security investments that we have made.' 

The US has spent just under a trillion dollars fending off the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan over the past two decades, according to a Brown University estimate. 

Amid fast-encroaching Taliban control in Afghanistan, the Biden administration for weeks asserted it would stay the course and continue to withdraw US troops by Aug. 31. 

But on Thursday, the Department of State announced it would clear out non-essential embassy personnel, and would bring in 3,000 US troops to do so. Another 3500-4000 will be deployed to Kuwait on standby if the security situation worsens and 1,000 will be sent to Qatar to assist with Special Immigrant Visas .

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President Joe Biden helps first lady Jill Biden to their car after the first lady went to an appointment for a 'common medical procedure' in April 

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