How much did 'Red Len' McCluskey spend to cover up fling? Unite boss is told to come clean after boasting he used union lawyers to suppress reports about his relationship with top Corbyn aide

Len McCluskey is under pressure to reveal how much union money he spent on concealing the fact of his relationship with Jeremy Corbyn's former chief of staff.

The outgoing Unite general secretary will use his forthcoming memoir to finally confirm his romance with Karie Murphy.

Mr McCluskey, nicknamed 'Red Len' and a key ally of the former Labour leader, is now facing scrutiny about his use of funds provided by Unite members after he boasted about engaging the union's lawyers to suppress reports about their relationship in a game of 'cat and mouse' with the Press.

Gerard Coyne, one of the candidates running to succeed Mr McCluskey, who is retiring next month after more than a decade at the helm of Unite, called on him to come clean. 

Len McCluskey is under pressure to reveal how much union money he spent on concealing the fact of his relationship with Jeremy Corbyn's former chief of staff. The outgoing Unite general secretary will use his forthcoming memoir to finally confirm his romance with Karie Murphy. (Above, Miss Murphy and Mr McCluskey in December 2019)

Len McCluskey is under pressure to reveal how much union money he spent on concealing the fact of his relationship with Jeremy Corbyn's former chief of staff. The outgoing Unite general secretary will use his forthcoming memoir to finally confirm his romance with Karie Murphy. (Above, Miss Murphy and Mr McCluskey in December 2019)

Gerard Coyne (above), one of the candidates running to succeed Mr McCluskey, who is retiring next month after more than a decade at the helm of Unite, called on him to come clean

Gerard Coyne , one of the candidates running to succeed Mr McCluskey, who is retiring next month after more than a decade at the helm of Unite, called on him to come clean

Mr Coyne said last night: 'Many members will be asking if their money has been spent in playing legal 'cat and mouse' with the media.

'That is why I have called for transparency on all Unite spending and why members should use their vote now to make a real change in Unite.'

Mr McCluskey refused last night to disclose the amount spent, with his spokesman declining to comment. The 71-year-old had always strongly denied claims about his relationship with Miss Murphy, who was Mr Corbyn's chief of staff.

In his book, Always Red, he tells how they kept their romance secret. 'As Karie became more high-profile, rumours abounded about our personal connection,' he writes.

'The media, desperate for a way to undermine Corbyn, constantly threatened to expose that we were involved. We had no intention of providing them with that ammunition.

'So we engaged the press in a game of cat and mouse, getting Unite's assistant general secretary for legal Howard Beckett to use his legal genius to knock out gossipy stories. We wanted our relationship to be kept private, away from the public gaze.'

In January 2019, Unite threatened legal action after the couple were pictured holding hands at a New Year's Eve party and it was reported on the Guido Fawkes political blog that they had shared a hotel room.

Mr McCluskey will use the book, which will be published during Labour's annual conference next month, to blame Sir Keir Starmer (above, in July) for the party's crushing defeat at the 2019 general election due to his pro-Remain stance when he was the party's Brexit spokesman

Mr McCluskey will use the book, which will be published during Labour's annual conference next month, to blame Sir Keir Starmer (above, in July) for the party's crushing defeat at the 2019 general election due to his pro-Remain stance when he was the party's Brexit spokesman

After the Daily Mail approached Unite for comment, Mr Beckett told the newspaper in a statement: 'The claims that Len McCluskey shared a room with Karie Murphy are untrue, vexatious and malicious and intended to cause harm to these characters... 'The reality is that this was a group of friends who shared a New Year's Eve... Assertions to the contrary... are defamatory and if printed ...will result in litigation.'

Miss Murphy, a former nurse, was at the centre of a row over Labour's selection of an election candidate in Falkirk in 2013.

She was temporarily suspended from the party after it was alleged Unite had flooded the local branch with members in an attempt to win her the nomination. 

After voluntarily withdrawing from the contest, she was cleared of any wrongdoing.

Mr McCluskey will use the book, which will be published during Labour's annual conference next month, to blame Sir Keir Starmer for the party's crushing defeat at the 2019 general election due to his pro-Remain stance when he was the party's Brexit spokesman.

Unite, one of Britain's largest unions, cut funding to Labour last year over frustrations with Sir Keir's leadership.