Disgusting images show shocking state of home trashed by tenants from hell who left rooms filled with piles of rotting rubbish, dirty nappies and excrement smeared on walls

A landlord claims he was left physically sick after seeing the mess left in a property he had rented out, which took 60 bin bags to clean up, and made him resort to cleaning human excrement off the walls with a mop.

Ian Twigg, 57, bought the house near Burton town centre as part of his plan to retire early and make a rental income from the property. 

But, it has ended up costing him thousands after the house was trashed and left with rubbish in every room after the tenants moved out. 

According to the father-of-three, rooms were filled with dirty nappies, used sanitary towels and flies. 

One bedroom, Ian Twigg said, had been used as a bin, and excrement was smeared along the walls and floors.

One bedroom, Ian Twigg said, had been used as a bin, and excrement was smeared along the walls and floors.

One bedroom, he said, had been used as a bin, and excrement was smeared along the walls and floors. 

He said he was forced to hire a second skip to rid the property of all the rubbish inside.     

'It made me feel sick; physically sick,' he said. 'There's no structural damage but it's had to be completely cleared out. The carpets are gone - it's hard to describe how bad it was. We were using mops on the walls to get the poo off.

'We're going to have to redecorate. It's so unjust as we've been very good landlords.

He said he was forced to hire a second skip to rid the property of all the rubbish inside.

He said he was forced to hire a second skip to rid the property of all the rubbish inside.

The tenants had lived in the house for two years but for the last six month failed to pay rent, according to Mr Twigg.

The tenants had lived in the house for two years but for the last six month failed to pay rent, according to Mr Twigg.

rooms were filled with dirty nappies, used sanitary towels and flies

rooms were filled with dirty nappies, used sanitary towels and flies

'When we first got in our first thought was there was something dead in there as we were hit with a cloud of flies so we were looking for a dead pet.' 

He told StaffordshireLive he had problems with the tenants beforehand, and has previously had to move them out of the property and into a hotel, which he paid for, to remove rats in the house. 

The tenants had lived in the house for two years but for the last six month failed to pay rent, according to Mr Twigg. 

Eventually, he had to resort to using an abandonment order to get them to leave the property. 

He claims that alarm bells started to ring about the state of the property when the tenant refused to let the gas man in when they needed a new certificate.  

Mr Twigg has been unable to attend the property in the last year due to coronavirus restrictions. 

He claims that alarm bells started to ring about the state of the property when the tenant refused to let the gas man in when they needed a new certificate

He claims that alarm bells started to ring about the state of the property when the tenant refused to let the gas man in when they needed a new certificate

Mr Twigg said he had to hire two skips and use mops to get excrement off of the walls and floor

Mr Twigg said he had to hire two skips and use mops to get excrement off of the walls and floor

Excrement was smeared on the walls and floors in some of the rooms, Mr Twigg said

Excrement was smeared on the walls and floors in some of the rooms, Mr Twigg said 

Mr Twigg has said he is thousands out of pocket to pay for the repairs and cleaning costs

Mr Twigg has said he is thousands out of pocket to pay for the repairs and cleaning costs 

He is now thousands out of pocket, with the former tenants already owing thousands in unpaid rent, in addition to the repairs needed.

He is now thousands out of pocket, with the former tenants already owing thousands in unpaid rent, in addition to the repairs needed.

He is now thousands out of pocket, with the former tenants already owing thousands in unpaid rent, in addition to the repairs needed. 

'I think to be honest the law has gone too far in favour of the renters,' he added. 'The law is all with the tenants. It's become very hard to get people out of a house - even if they are not paying the rent.'     

'It's very difficult as we have had to pay all of the bills in the house and they've got away scot-free.'