'Controlling' husband accused of murdering Eddy Grant's niece admits being jealous of his spouse's 'gyrating' and lewd dancing' at parties and installing a spy camera to 'salvage' their marriage, court hears

Mrs Keane-Simmons, 36, suffered horrific burns and died in hospital

Mrs Keane-Simmons, 36, suffered horrific burns and died in hospital

A jealous and controlling man accused of murdering his estranged wife by setting her on fire has admitted secretly installing a spy camera in a bid to 'salvage' their marriage.

Damien Simmons, 45, allegedly poured petrol over Denise Keane-Simmons and set her alight at her home in Harlesden, north London, on April 16 last year.

Mrs Keane-Simmons, 36, suffered horrific burns and died in hospital.

Shortly before, Simmons had allegedly posted a naked picture of his wife on Instagram.

When his phone was examined, police also found images from a camera in a lightbulb set up in the victim's bedroom, the court has heard.

Giving evidence at the Old Bailey on Friday, Simmons admitted he had been a 'controlling' and 'jealous' husband who had harassed his wife after their relationship went 'downhill'.

Judy Khan QC, defending, said: 'Why had you obtained the light camera?'

Simmons said: 'To see who she was talking to, you know? So that I could try to salvage my marriage because I knew a lot of people are talking to her.'

Asked why he did not just talk to her directly, he replied: 'I tried but every time she was always busy.'

Giving evidence at the Old Bailey on Friday, Simmons admitted he had been a 'controlling' and 'jealous' husband who had harassed his wife after their relationship went 'downhill'

Giving evidence at the Old Bailey on Friday, Simmons admitted he had been a 'controlling' and 'jealous' husband who had harassed his wife after their relationship went 'downhill'

The court heard that Simmons had also set up a voice recorder to catch conversations between Mrs Keane-Simmons and her friend.

Earlier, the Trinidadian former oil industry worker described how he met Mrs Keane-Simmons through Facebook after his first wife died from sepsis in 2014.

Mrs Keane-Simmons visited him in Trinidad for the first time in February 2018, for the carnival.

Damien Simmons, 45, allegedly poured petrol over Denise Keane-Simmons and set her alight at her home in Harlesden, north London, on April 16 last year

Damien Simmons, 45, allegedly poured petrol over Denise Keane-Simmons and set her alight at her home in Harlesden, north London, on April 16 last year

After they married in 2019, he sold his car, land and sheep for around £10,000 so that he could join her in London.

At first, the relationship was good 'to an extent', although Simmons said there were 'one or two arguments'.

The defendant admitted being jealous of his spouse's 'gyrating' and 'lewd dancing' at parties.

Ms Khan asked: 'You expected Denise to change when she married you?'

Simmons said: 'Yes I accept that - not having people winding on her, not going to all the parties, being more home as a family and doing things as a family.'

By January last year, the relationship was going 'downhill' with arguments, he said.

Simmons, who did gardening and painting jobs for cash, said he was 'controlling' over money and his wife's freedom to speak to men and go out.

He began drinking and was 'distraught things were going wrong with my marriage', he said.

Simmons left the family home and he went to stay with his grandmother, whom he referred to as 'mummy'.

On February 13 last year, police were called to the victim's home over a complaint of harassment.

Ms Khan said: 'Do you accept you were harassing Denise at this time?'

Simmons replied: 'Yes I was. Basically just asking her to try and work things out, to meet her and talk.'

On his mood at the time, he said: 'I was distraught, completely distraught I had lost my wife. I had lost my family.'

Simmons has admitted manslaughter and disclosing private and sexual photographs with intent to cause distress.

He denies murder, arson with intent to endanger life and voyeurism.