Britain's longest-surviving heart transplant patient turns 90 despite being told he had just eight years to live after operation in 1990

Britain's longest-surviving heart transplant patient has celebrated his 90th birthday – defying medics who said he would live for just another eight years.

Ted Warner underwent surgery in 1990 and has had the same donor heart beating away inside him ever since.

Despite being warned the transplant would give him just shy of a decade, Mr Warner – who puts his resilience down to his family and friends – is still going strong.

Ted Warner, Britain's longest-lived heart transplant patient, has celebrated his 90th birthday - 31 years after getting a donor organ fitted

 Ted Warner, Britain's longest-lived heart transplant patient, has celebrated his 90th birthday - 31 years after getting a donor organ fitted

Mr Warner, from Leicestershire, said: ‘It’s all possible because of my donor. I wrote a letter to their family many years ago and had a little bit of contact, but then they moved with no forwarding address and I could no longer reach them.

‘But that’s OK because it must have been so tough for them and what they were going through.

‘I think about them almost every single day, even now. Especially now. You can’t ever put into words how kind, generous and unselfish he and his family are for donating his heart to somebody he doesn’t know.’

Mr Warner, who had been using a pacemaker, was told by a cardiologist at Leicester’s Glenfield Hospital that he needed a heart transplant, following tests in January 1990. However, he had to wait seven months for a donor, not long after being told he had three weeks to live.

The Royal Papworth Hospital in Cambridgeshire, which performed the UK’s first successful heart transplant in 1979, confirmed the expected survival rate was eight years at the time of Mr Warner’s operation.

Now, 31 years on, he is the oldest person in the UK alive with a transplanted heart, the hospital said.

‘I couldn’t have got through this without the incredible support of my late wife Annette, my two sons Neil and Adam, and friends who have been with me throughout my journey,’ he added.

Mr Warner underwent heart transplant surgery in 1990 and was warned afterwards that the donor organ would only buy him another eight years of life

Mr Warner underwent heart transplant surgery in 1990 and was warned afterwards that the donor organ would only buy him another eight years of life