Biden is relying on the TALIBAN to help evacuate up to 40K Americans trapped in Afghanistan: US citizens in the war-torn nation are told to 'shelter in place' until it's safe

The White House confirmed that it is relying on the Taliban to help provide safe passage for civilians looking to evacuate Afghanistan as the State Department warns US civilians there to 'shelter in place' until it is safe to leave.    

On Tuesday, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters that the Biden administration was in contact with the Taliban, who committed to ensuring US citizens exit the country safely.  

'The Taliban have informed us that they are prepared to provide the safe passage of civilians to the airport, and we intend to hold them to that commitment,' Sullivan said. 

The deal comes just six weeks after president Biden stated 'No, I do not trust the Taliban.'

Sullivan addressed reports of Taliban fighters beating Afghans attempting to enter the airport in Kabul.  

He said for the most part the Taliban is keeping up their end of the deal. 

National security adviser Jake Sullivan (pictured) said the Taliban is committed to ensuring that U.S. citizens are able to exit the country safely

National security adviser Jake Sullivan said the Taliban is committed to ensuring that U.S. citizens are able to exit the country safely

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid (pictured) speaks during a news conference in Kabul, Afghanistan on Tuesday

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid speaks during a news conference in Kabul, Afghanistan on Tuesday

Hundreds of people run alongside a U.S. Air Force C-17 transport plane as it moves down a runway of the international airport, in Kabul on Monday

Hundreds of people run alongside a U.S. Air Force C-17 transport plane as it moves down a runway of the international airport, in Kabul on Monday

'By and large what we have found is that people have been able to get to the airport and present themselves,' Sullivan said. 

'There have been instances where we've heard that people are being turned back and even beaten. We are taking that up in our channels with the Taliban.' 

Sullivan also said that the United States believes the Kabul evacuation can go until August 31 and it is talking to the Taliban about the exact timetable, Reuters reported.  

This comes as the Biden administration deals with the fallout of withdrawing remaining US forces in the country. 

The Taliban seized the opportunity and was able to almost immediately take over Afghanistan, faster than even the Biden administration said it had anticipated.

U.S Air Force C-17 helps safely evacuate about 640 Afghans from Kabul late Sunday

U.S Air Force C-17 helps safely evacuate about 640 Afghans from Kabul late Sunday

Afghans  line up and wait outside Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul on Tuesday

Afghans  line up and wait outside Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul on Tuesday 

President Biden deployed thousands of US troops back to Afghanistan to provide security for US citizens and allies trying to escape the country

President Biden deployed thousands of US troops back to Afghanistan to provide security for US citizens and allies trying to escape the country

In response, Biden deployed thousands of US troops back to Afghanistan to provide security for US citizens and allies trying to escape the country as much of the world watched shocking images of desperate Afghans clinging to a US military jet at Kabul's international airport.  

As the situation grows more dire, the State Department told thousands of American citizens looking to get out of Afghanistan to 'shelter in place' until they are given further instruction from the US embassy. 

'Our message remains for American citizens and for others who have expressed interest in relocation out of Afghanistan: shelter in place until and unless you receive a communication from the U.S. embassy,' spokesman Ned Price said Tuesday. 

'We are doing everything within our power to affect…a corridor of safe passage for civilians,' he added. 'If they feel that it is unsafe for them to make their way to the airport, they should not seek to do so….We will continue to be in touch with them to provide clear guidance about when and how they should make their way to the airport compound.'

US defense officials in charge of evacuating Americans from Kabul claimed on Tuesday morning they would fly 5,000 a day out despite only managing to rescue 1,400 in the three days since the city fell, while as many as 40,000 may remain stranded - some in remote parts of the country.

The Taliban is fast encroaching on the airport in Kabul and its fighters are now in charge of every access point on the way from the city. 

They have set up guard at the airport's entrance which means NATO troops are relying on their cooperation to safely get foreign nationals and Afghan refugees through the gates and onto planes.

The State Department has been deliberately vague on the number of Americans who remain in Afghanistan and who they are.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said on Tuesday morning that between 5,000 and 10,000 are in Kabul, but earlier admitted he had no idea how many there were or where they were. 

George W. Bush's former Assistant Secretary of State, Robert Charles, says there are between 15,000 and 40,000 'scattered' across all of Afghanistan.