Anti-Semitic blogger, 57, who described Auschwitz as a 'theme park' and said Jewish people use Holocaust as an 'eternal cash cow' has jail term increased to 32 weeks after losing appeal against sentence

Alison Chabloz-Tyler has been jailed for 32 weeks after being convicted of sharing hate speech. The singer, pictured at an earlier hearing, said the Holocaust is used as an 'eternal cash cow' by the Jewish population

Alison Chabloz-Tyler has been jailed for 32 weeks after being convicted of sharing hate speech. The singer, pictured at an earlier hearing, said the Holocaust is used as an 'eternal cash cow' by the Jewish population

An anti-Semitic campaigner who once compared Auschwitz to a 'theme park' saw her jail sentence increased to 32 weeks after she lost her appeal.

Alison Chabloz-Tyrer, 57, was convicted of using 'grossly offensive terminology' on a US podcast and had been handed a suspended prison sentence in May 2018.

Chabloz-Tyrer then denied but was convicted of sending further grossly offensive comments on a public communications network at Westminster Magistrates' Court.

She was sentenced to 18 weeks jail in April this year and appealed against her conviction at Southwark Crown Court.

On losing her appeal, the 57-year-old has had her sentence increased from 18 weeks to 32 weeks after a judge activated part of the suspended prison sentence for prior offences. 

The blogger stated that the Holocaust is used as an 'eternal cash cow,' and that Hitler wanted the Jews out of Europe for behaving 'in a certain fashion as we're seeing again today'.

She asserted that the gas chambers were not 'homicidal,' but used 'to save lives from typhus epidemics'.

Chabloz-Tyrer added that Jews who 'don't conform,' should be deported.

She had made six 'grossly offensive' comments on far-right podcast 'Realist Radio' and 'The Graham Hart Show'.

She also linked to the latter podcast on her account on Gab, a social media platform popular with extremists. 

Chabloz-Tyrer was convicted of three charges for posting offensive songs about the Holocaust and handed a suspended jail sentence in May 2018.

In the songs, the music teacher who refers to herself a 'historical revisionist', sings: 'Did the Holocaust ever happen? 'Was it just a bunch of lies? Seems that some intend to pull the wool over our eyes.'

She said Auschwitz is 'a theme park just for fools' and 'the gassing zone, a proven hoax, indoctrination rules.'

The holocaust denier had also appealed against those original convictions - but a judge upheld them at Southwark Crown Court in February 2019.

Chabloz-Tyrer made 'grossly offensive' anti-Semitic remarks, including that gas chambers were fake and Auschwitz was a theme park on a US podcast which she promoted online

Chabloz-Tyrer made 'grossly offensive' anti-Semitic remarks, including that gas chambers were fake and Auschwitz was a theme park on a US podcast which she promoted online

Chabloz-Tyrer has since breached her suspended sentence by ranting anti-Semitic comments as she telephoned in twice as a guest to anti-Semitic far-right podcasts, Realist Report and The Graham Hart Show.

The musician claimed in the podcasts that Jewish parents are 'indoctrinating their children that their grandparents were gassed because they were Jews', turning the children into 'psychopathic maniacs', the court heard.

She also claimed the Auschwitz gas chambers were fake, and that Jews 'were promoting homosexuality, promiscuity, the same things they are promoting today.'

Chabloz-Tyrer, of Boundary Rd, St Johns Wood, lost her appeal against conviction of three counts of sending by a public communications network an offensive, indecent or menacing message or material.

Judge Martin Beddoe, sitting with magistrates, upheld her latest conviction and reimposed part of the suspended sentence she breached, making the total to 32 months.

He dismissed Chabloz-Tyrer's earlier comments that hate crime do not generate violence, adding that the court's experience was this was 'that they very much do'.

'In your case there is no material mitigation that can be found.

'That you lost your job in 2014 and have since become the subject of Internet trolling seems to be very clearly the consequences of your auctions.

At Westminster Magistrates Court, (pictured) Chabloz-Tyrer, 57, had been banned from broadcasting, posting on the internet or in any form, any reference to Judaism, the Jewish faith, the Jewish people, the Holocaust, World War two, Israel, or any member of the Nazi party

At Westminster Magistrates Court, Chabloz-Tyrer, 57, had been banned from broadcasting, posting on the internet or in any form, any reference to Judaism, the Jewish faith, the Jewish people, the Holocaust, World War two, Israel, or any member of the Nazi party

'It can't surprise you that your perverse or offensive views are likely to provoke anger.

'Stop expressing them in public and the trolling is likely to abate,' said the judge.

'There is a balance between reasonable comment and grossly offensive.

'You know where that line is, and you certainly know that now.'

Dressed in a navy suit, a defiant Chabloz-Tyrer told the judge 'I hope to have a jury trial next time' as she was led down to the cells.

Chabloz-Tyrer had been banned from broadcasting, posting on the internet or in any form, any reference to Judaism, the Jewish faith, the Jewish people, the Holocaust, World War two, Israel, or any member of the Nazi party.

She was sentenced to 32 weeks in prison and ordered to pay £1,800 in costs.

Earlier this month Graham Hart was jailed for 32 months and banned from broadcasting for ten years for spreading racial hatred in his internet show.

Stephen Silverman, Director of Investigations and Enforcement at Campaign Against Antisemitism, said: 'Six years ago, we watched in horror as Alison Chabloz made liberal use of social media to abuse and harass the descendants of Holocaust victims, accuse Jews of endorsing paedophilia and murdering Christian children and bait rabbis with tweets that exonerated Hitler.

'We decided then that, however long it took and whatever obstacles were put in our way, we would ensure that British Jews were protected against her virulent antisemitism.

'With this enhanced custodial sentence that draws together her numerous convictions, she is now reaping the rewards of her own hateful behaviour.

'Jew haters like Ms Chabloz and the recently-convicted radio host Graham Hart now know that we will not rest in our defence of the Jewish community. Others with similar views should take note.'