Alesha MacPhail's teenage killer Aaron Campbell, 19, 'strikes up 'sickening' pen pal friendship with sex offender'

The teenager who raped and murdered six-year-old Alesha MacPhail has become pen pals with a sex offender in another prison.

Aaron Campbell, 19, took little Alesha from her bed and killed her just a few days after she arrived on the Isle of Bute in July 2018. 

A post-mortem revealed she had died from compression and suffered 117 injuries during the horrific ordeal at the hands of Campbell, then aged 16. 

Her killer was jailed for 27 years the following February but this was cut to 24 years on appeal.

While locked up at Polmont young offenders institute, near Falkirk, he has since struck up a letter-writing relationship with an unknown sex offender in an English prison, the Sun reports.

Sources told the newspaper that the pair write 'almost daily' and that they are like 'best pals'.

Aaron Campbell - who raped and murdered Alesha MacPhailAlesha MacPhail (pictured) was snatched by Campbell from her grandparents' home and murdered

Aaron Campbell - who murdered Alesha MacPhail - has struck up a letter writing friendship with a sex offender in an English prison with sources claiming they're 'best pals'

An autopsy found Alesha, 6, (pictured) suffered 117 injuries and died from compression

An autopsy found Alesha, 6, suffered 117 injuries and died from compression

The news has sickened Alesha's family with her great granddad George Lochrane, 78, saying the family would be disgusted.

He told the Sun: 'The whole family would be sickened — especially Alesha's mum Georgina, it would send her right back.

'But it doesn't surprise me in the slightest — he's a beast and a leopard doesn't change its spots, does it.

'I'm just glad to hear the prison knows about it.

'But they shouldn't be monitoring the letters, they should be ripping them up.

'That evil monster shouldn't be allowed any pen pals. He should be suffering in his own silence and rotting in his cell.'

Campbell is currently locked up at Polmont YOI in Scotland serving a 24 year prison sentence

Campbell is currently locked up at Polmont YOI in Scotland serving a 24 year prison sentence

It is understood concerns were raised by prison staff and that the Met police are now monitoring their communications.

Alesha, from Airdrie, Lanarkshire, was reported missing while visiting her grandparents on the island on July 2 2018.

She was taken from her bed to nearby woodland after falling asleep watching Peppa Pig and subjected to harrowing abuse.

Her naked remains were found two hours later in the grounds of the former Kyles Hydropathic Hotel.

An autopsy found that Alesha had suffered 117 injuries and died from compression.

Her killer was initially not named due to his age but his identity was later revealed after a landmark court ruling. 

Alesha was staying with her family on Bute during the summer holidays when she was killed

Jailing Campbell in 2019, Judge Lord Williams told him: 'You committed some of the wickedest, most evil crimes this court has ever seen.'

Legal sources described him as a 'serial killer who was caught on his first killing'.

The teenager was a heavy drinker and cannabis user who was addicted to violent computer games and obsessed with the number of followers on his YouTube channel. 

His sentence was cut on appeal to 24 years after high court judges ruled it would be more appropriate because of his age at the time of the murder.