Trump ramps up of his criticism of Bill Barr by calling him a 'slow moving swamp creature' who was 'weak' and 'pathetic' for not going after election fraud claims

Donald Trump continued escalating his criticism of 'weak' Bill Barr on Tuesday, claiming he 'lost confidence' in his attorney general even before he shed doubt on his voter fraud claims following the 2020 election.

'Jonathan Karl's story on Slow Moving Bill Barr is made-up beyond any level imaginable,' Trump wrote in a statement sent out Monday. 'It is, in other words, Fake News!'

'I lost confidence in Bill Barr long before the 2020 Presidential Election Scam,' he continued from his Save America political action committee email.

'He, and other RINOs (you see it all the time!), always fold,' Trump wrote. 'If he becomes 'less' for President Trump, maybe they will leave him alone. It takes a very strong and special person to go against the 'mob'. Bill Barr was not that person.'

The term 'RINO', or Republican in name only, has been dubbed an insult to those on the right who identify as Republicans but pro-Trumpers feel are not Republican enough.

This is the third day in a row that Trump released a statement railing against Barr.

The comments following a report in The Atlantic including excerpts from Axios' Jonathan Karl's upcoming book, which included multiple interviews with Trump's former attorney general.

Barr said, according to Karl, that he knew Trump's claims of a rigged election were 'bulls**t' from the start and only launched an investigation to make sure he could tell Trump he did all he could to probe it. 

Donald Trump released on Tuesday a third statement railing against former attorney general Bill Barr, who he called 'weak' and 'pathetic' for not backing his voter fraud claims

Donald Trump released on Tuesday a third statement railing against former attorney general Bill Barr, who he called 'weak' and 'pathetic' for not backing his voter fraud claims

'Despite evidence of tremendous Election Fraud, he just didn't want to go there,' Trump said in his Tuesday statement. 'He was afraid, weak, and frankly, now that I see what he is saying, pathetic.'

'The facts are rapidly coming out in States and Courts about the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, and let's see if Bill Barr, a man who was unable to handle the pressure, was correct? The answer will be a resounding, NO!'

Trump blamed Mitch McConnell in his Monday statement for helping seal Joe Biden's 'corrupt election' win by working with Barr to downplay his election fraud claims

'He never fought for the White House and blew it for the Country,' Trump wrote in his statement on the matter. 'Too bad I backed him in Kentucky, he would have been primaried and lost!'

'Based on press reports, he convinced his buddy, Bill Barr, to get the corrupt… election done, over with, and sealed for Biden, ASAP!' he continued.

Trump claimed that the Republican leader didn't fight enough to try and overturn the election in his favor – and said if he was president, he would be vetoing Democratic legislation left and right.

'Had Mitch McConnell fought for the Presidency like he should have, there would right now be Presidential Vetoes on all of the phased Legislation that he has proven to be incapable of stopping,' he wrote.

'Not to mention, he lost two Senatorial seats in Georgia, making the Republicans the Minority in the Senate.'

The statement was the second from Trump in less than 24 hours lashing out at McConnell and 'disappointment' Barr for 'letting down the American people' by not outwardly supporting overturning the results. 

Donald Trump lashed out at Mitch McConnell and Bill Barr for 'letting down the American people' by not trying hard enough to overturn the 2020 electionTrump said it was Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell who pressured Barr to downplay GOP claims of voter fraud because he was worried about losing two runoff elections in Georgia at the time

Trump claimed Monday that Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell didn't do enough to try and overturn the 2020 presidential election and pressured Barr to downplay voter fraud because he was worried about losing two runoff elections in Georgia

'RINO former Attorney General Bill Barr failed to investigate election fraud, and really let down the American people,' Trump said in his Sunday evening statement from his Save America political action committee email.  

'It's people in authority like Bill Barr that allow the crazed Radical Left to succeed,' the former president continued in his statement. 'He and other RINOs in the Republican Party are being used in order to try to convince people that the election was legitimate when so many incredible facts have now come out to show conclusively that it wasn't.'

Trump has repeated his claims nearly daily that the 2020 presidential election was stolen and rigged by Democrats for Joe Biden.

Barr said, according to excerpts published on Sunday, that he only really launched a Justice Department probe into Trump's voter fraud claims because he wanted to cover his bases when the then-president came to him about it. 

'My attitude was: It was put-up or shut-up time,' Barr told Axios' Jonathan Karl. 'If there was evidence of fraud, I had no motive to suppress it.'

'But my suspicion all the way along was that there was nothing there. It was all bulls**t,' he added. 'Instead of doing his job, he did the opposite and told people within the Justice Department not to investigate the election.'



RINO former Attorney General Bill Barr failed to investigate election fraud, and really let down the American people. Even the scam that took place in Georgia of ballot stuffing on camera, he couldn't see what was wrong with it. Just like he failed to understand the Horowitz report and let everyone down with respect to getting a timely investigation (where's Durham?) on all of the corruption of the Obama-Biden Administration.

It's people in authority like Bill Barr that allow the crazed Radical Left to succeed. He and other RINOs in the Republican Party are being used in order to try to convince people that the election was legitimate when so many incredible facts have now come out to show conclusively that it wasn't.

He came in with a semi-bang and went out with a whimper. Earlier in his term Bill Barr went ballistic on CNN with Wolf Blitzer warning Democrats were changing election rules to flood the system with mail-in ballots that 'as a matter of logic' are 'very open to fraud.' They are, and Bill Barr did nothing about it.

If there was no fraud, why are Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and other States spending so much time and effort on exposing the fraud? We already know that:

And much more!

If he felt this way, why did Barr say he was 'greatly honored' and 'proud to have played a role in the many successes and unprecedented achievements you have delivered for the American people' in the final letter he wrote to me? He said, 'Few could have weathered these attacks, much less forge ahead with a positive program for the country.'

Now it was revealed that Barr was being pushed to tell lies about the election by Mitch McConnell, another beauty, who was worried about damaging the Republicans chances in the Georgia runoff. What really damaged the Senate Republicans was allowing their races to be rigged and stolen, and worse, the American people to no longer believe their vote matters because spineless RINOs like Bill Barr and Mitch McConnell did nothing.

Bill Barr was a disappointment in every sense of the word. Besides which, Barr, who was Attorney General shouldn't be speaking about the President. Instead of doing his job, he did the opposite and told people within the Justice Department not to investigate the election. Just like he did with the Mueller report and the cover up of Crooked Hillary and RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, they don't want to investigate the real facts. Bill Barr's weakness helped facilitate the cover up of the Crime of the Century, the Rigged 2020 Presidential Election!


Had Mitch McConnell fought for the Presidency like he should have, there would right now be Presidential Vetoes on all of the phased Legislation that he has proven to be incapable of stopping. Not to mention, he lost two Senatorial seats in Georgia, making the Republicans the Minority in the Senate. He never fought for the White House and blew it for the Country. Too bad I backed him in Kentucky, he would have been primaried and lost! Based on press reports, he convinced his buddy, Bill Barr, to get the corrupt (based on massive amounts of evidence that the Fake News refuses to mention!) election done, over with, and sealed for Biden, ASAP!


Jonathan Karl's story on Slow Moving Bill Barr is made-up beyond any level imaginable. It is, in other words, Fake News! I lost confidence in Bill Barr long before the 2020 Presidential Election Scam. It was when he dismissed and didn't act on the very powerful Horowitz Report, and instead gave everything over to John Durham, who has seemingly disappeared from the planet. Can you even believe a report coming out during the Biden Administration? We caught them but unfortunately didn't have an Attorney General who was capable of acting and wouldn't go against his friends in Washington, D.C. Barr was a 'swamp creature' who was devastated when the Radical Left wanted to impeach him. He, and other RINOs (you see it all the time!), always fold. If he becomes 'less' for President Trump, maybe they will leave him alone. It takes a very strong and special person to go against the 'mob'. Bill Barr was not that person. Despite evidence of tremendous Election Fraud, he just didn't want to go there. He was afraid, weak, and frankly, now that I see what he is saying, pathetic. The facts are rapidly coming out in States and Courts about the 2020 Presidential Election Scam, and let's see if Bill Barr, a man who was unable to handle the pressure, was correct? The answer will be a resounding, NO! 

Trump said in his statement that it was then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who pressured Barr to downplay GOP claims of voter fraud because he was worried about losing Republican Senate seats in two runoff elections in Georgia at the time.

Bill told Karl in interviews published in The Atlantic Sunday, that he concluded early on when declaring the investigation that it was highly unlikely that any evidence existed that would change that outcome of the 2020 election.

'He came in with a semi-bang and went out with a whimper,' Trump wrote Sunday of his former DOJ head, claiming he 'did nothing about' COVID-era election rules that he said left the ballots 'very open to fraud.'

'Bill Barr was a disappointment in every sense of the word,' he added.

Instead of doing his job, he did the opposite and told people within the Justice Department not to investigate the election.

Barr said he opened an investigation because he knew former Trump was going to confront him about his claims of fraud and a 'rigged' election, and he wanted to be able to say he looked into it and found nothing.

The former attorney general said that McConnell urged him to keep in good favor with Trump, but also speak out against election fraud claims because he felt he wasn't in a good position to do so himself.

'Look, we need the president in Georgia,' McConnell said, according to Barr. 'And so we cannot be frontally attacking him right now.'

At the time, the Republicans were vying in two key Senate runoff elections in Georgia, which ultimately decided the Democratic majority in the upper chamber after both Republican incumbents were defeated.

Barr said McConnell told him: 'You're in a better position to inject some reality into this situation. You are really the only one who can do it.'

Trump responded to this part of the report with: 'Now it was revealed that Barr was being pushed to tell lies about the election by Mitch McConnell, another beauty, who was worried about damaging the Republicans chances in the Georgia runoff.'

'What really damaged the Senate Republicans was allowing their races to be rigged and stolen, and worse, the American people to no longer believe their vote matters because spineless RINOs like Bill Barr and Mitch McConnell did nothing,' he accused. 

Barr, who was Trump's attorney general from February 2019 until December 2020, said that he knew from the start that Trump's election fraud claims were 'bulls**t' despite opening a Justice Department investigation into it, according to an upcoming book

Barr, who was Trump's attorney general from February 2019 until December 2020, said that he knew from the start that Trump's election fraud claims were 'bulls**t' despite opening a Justice Department investigation into it, according to an upcoming book

Following Joe Biden's declared win in November 2020, Trump immediately launched claims of widespread voter fraud by Democrats and began a series of lawsuits and probes into the election – especially involving the mass amount of mail in ballots in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

The former president is still spewing these claims, including at his first post-presidency rally in Ohio on Saturday night where he said that he is the legitimate election winner. 

'This was the scam of the century and this was the crime of the history,' he said to a massive crowd gathered in Wellington, Ohio.

Last December, Barr told the Associated Press: 'To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.'

Karl said Barr told him about a conversation he had with Trump after the report went out.

'Did you say that?' Trump had asked Barr, according to the former attorney general.

'Yes,' Barr responded.

'How the f**k could you do this to me? Why did you say it?' he shot back

'Because it's true,' Barr said he told the then-outgoing president.

'You must hate Trump. You must hate Trump,' he responded, referring to himself in the third person.

Trump insisted to supporters at his Ohio rally Saturday that in some states there were 'more votes than voters', that there was 'North Korean-style turnout' and that 'ballots were wheeled in backdoors.'

'There's just mountains of evidence,' Trump claimed, adding that Democrats 'used COVID in order to cheat.'

He said the Trump campaign lost dozens of court cases because 'many of our judges were gutless.'

'And I am ashamed of our Supreme Court,' the ex-president said.

The court, which skews 6-3 conservative thanks to three Trump nominees making it through in his four years, refused to take up the election fraud cases.

Trump gave a shout out to MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, who has been publicly pushing the conspiracy that Trump won.

'Where's Mike, the pillow man?' Trump asked the crowd as he referred to Lindell as a 'patriot.'

He also raged at the government's treatment of the 'greatest mayor in the history of New York' Rudy Giuliani, who lost his law license Thursday over the election fraud farce. He also had his home raided by the FBI earlier this year and 18 electronic devices were seized.

'I'm not the one trying to undermine American democracy, I'm the one trying to save American democracy,' Trump went on.