Schoolgirl, 13, who lured 13-year-old boy to park where he was ambushed by gang and stabbed to death told him to wear sliders and sent attackers a voicenote saying she was 'kind of scared', court hears

A schoolgirl who lured a 13-year-old boy to a park where he was ambushed by a gang and stabbed to death told him to wear sliders and sent his attackers a voicenote saying she was 'kind of scared', a court heard today. 

Oliver Stephens, known as Olly, was killed at Bugs Bottom field in Emmer Green, Reading, Berkshire, on January 3 this year after being encouraged by a 13-year-old girl, jurors were told.

Prosecutors today suggested Olly would not have worn such casual footwear if he knew what he was walking into. 

The alleged attackers were said to have left Olly with stab wounds to the chest and back after a short scuffle.

The boy could then be seen by a witness 'staggering around' with patches of blood underneath his shirt before struggling to breathe, jurors were told.

The two boys, who are now 14, deny murder and are on trial at Reading Crown Court.

The girl, now also 14, and the older one of the two boys on trial have both admitted manslaughter.

None of the three can be named for legal reasons.

Olly Stephens, 13, was stabbed to death at a park just 250 yards from his home in Emmer Green, near Reading, in January

Olly Stephens, 13, was stabbed to death at a park just 250 yards from his home in Emmer Green, near Reading, in January

Today, the court was told about the final moments before the attack took place.

Alison Morgan QC, prosecuting, told how the girl sent a voice message to one of the boys before meeting up with them, saying: 'Kind of scared, not going to lie.'

Ms Morgan said: 'This shows she knew of the enormity of what was about to happen.'

It was alleged both the boys were wearing mostly black clothing as they approached the scene as part of a 'group' with the girl and three other male friends.

The court heard that Olly left his house wearing sliders footwear to meet up with the girl, who had been messaging him to do so.

Ms Morgan said: 'It should be considered that had he thought something was going to happen by the way of an organised fight or conflict, whether he would have worn such shoes.

'He had no idea he was unknowingly walking into an ambush.'

Jurors were then told of a witness statement from a woman who was at the scene.

It was said the woman could hear Olly shouting, swearing and 'gesticulating' towards the boys.

Ms Morgan said: 'She described some kind of confrontation in which a boy in black could be seen swinging his arms in a clenched fist at Olly.

'Olly then retaliated with a fist coming back at the boy, which was more of an uppercut.

'The boy then swung back at Olly, making contact with the right side of his face.'

Olly was pronounced dead at Bugs Bottom fields in January (where police are pictured)

Olly was pronounced dead at Bugs Bottom fields in January (where police are pictured) 

The witness statement described Olly's body moving around, while his face was 'crinkled up and grimacing'.

Ms Morgan said: 'She then heard a metallic sound as if metal hit something hard, and the fight just stopped and everyone disappeared.'

The jurors were told that Olly did not appear to realise he had been stabbed.

The two defendants, the girl and two of the boys with them 'fled the scene', the court heard.

Ms Morgan added: 'Olly could be seen staggering around and almost walked into (the witness).

'She thought that he had taken drugs or had been drinking.'

Olly then began 'floundering around' before falling to the ground, the court heard.

Ms Morgan went on to say of the witness: 'She could see blood coming from his chest and heard sucking sounds, which she knew was not a good sound as air was not getting into Olly's lungs.

'She noticed the shock was setting in and knew he was in cardiac arrest and began CPR on him.

'During this time Olly said nothing that was distinguishable.'

Emergency services were called but Olly had become 'unresponsive' and was 'not breathing', with blood on his mouth and neck.

The jurors were told that paramedics worked to save his life for 30 minutes before he died in an ambulance.

Another witness, who saw the teenagers leaving the scene, said in a statement the girl kept looking back behind her shoulder and appeared to be 'arrogant', the court heard.

Ms Morgan told the court: 'This was not an accident, this was a deliberate attack in which stab wounds were fatally inflicted on Olly Stephens' body.'

The court had previously heard that Olly was 'lured' to the park, before he was stabbed to death.

Both alleged attackers were said to have had 'grievances' with Olly for 'snaking' them, while the girl is said to have described any violence against the boy as 'karma' in the run-up to his death.

The trial is being held in special circumstances, with counsel removing their wigs and gowns due to the defendants' ages.

The younger boy also denies two counts of perverting the course of justice.

The older boy denies one charge of the same offence, and has pleaded guilty to another.

The trial continues.