Awkward moment Trump introduces Kelly Loeffler as 'Karen' during Georgia Senate runoff rally

President Donald Trump introduced Kelly Loeffler as 'Karen' during a Senate runoff rally in Georgia Monday night. 

Just moments before Loeffler took the podium, Trump was tasked with introducing her in front of a cheering crowd. 

'A very fine woman, Karen, who you know,' the president said, while gesturing toward Loeffler. 

Several people immediately took to Twitter to share their thoughts, with some saying Trump was 'accurate' in calling Loeffler 'Karen'. The Karen name has been used to call out white entitlement in a many of situations involving white women calling the cops on innocent black and brown people, among other scenarios. 

'Oh. My. God. He just called Kelly Loeffler “Karen.” It’s the most accurate thing he’s said so far,' one person tweeted. 

Another wrote: 'I love that Trump introduced Kelly Loeffler as "Karen". Absolutely perfect.' 

President Donald Trump introduced Kelly Loeffler as 'Karen' during a Senate runoff rally in Georgia Monday night

President Donald Trump introduced Kelly Loeffler as 'Karen' during a Senate runoff rally in Georgia Monday night

'A very fine woman, Karen, who you know,' the president said, while gesturing toward Loeffler

'A very fine woman, Karen, who you know,' the president said, while gesturing toward Loeffler 

'Donald Trump thinks Kelly Loeffler's name is Karen. Which it should be,' a third said. Another user shared: 'Trump calling Kelly Loeffler, “Karen” is so very... *chef’s kiss.*'


The president was in Georgia Monday ahead of two Tuesday runoff's in the state. Loeffler is facing Democrat Raphael Warnock.

After taking the podium, Loeffler told the crowd she would be joining 12 other senators to formally object to President-elect Joe Biden's win on Wednesday when Congress is set to count and certify the Electoral College vote. 

With mounting desperation, Trump declared during the rally that he would 'fight like hell' to hold on to the presidency and appealed to Republican lawmakers to reverse his election loss to Biden when they convene.

Electoral voters won by Biden are 'not gonna take this White House!' he shouted as supporters cheered at the outdoor rally.

Trump's announced purpose for the trip was to boost Republican Senate candidates in Tuesday's runoff election, but he spent much of his speech complaining bitterly about his election loss - which he insists he won 'by a lot'.

Though he got nothing but cheers Monday night, Trump's attempt to overturn the presidential election is splitting the Republican Party. 

Several people immediately took to Twitter to share their thoughts, with some saying Trump was 'accurate' in calling Loeffler 'Karen'

Several people immediately took to Twitter to share their thoughts, with some saying Trump was 'accurate' in calling Loeffler 'Karen'

Some GOP lawmakers backing him are rushing ahead, despite an outpouring of condemnation from current and former party officials warning the effort is undermining Americans' faith in democracy. 

All 10 living former defense secretaries wrote in an op-ed that 'the time for questioning the results has passed'.

It´s unclear the extent to which GOP leaders in Congress will be able to control Wednesday's joint session, which could drag into the night, though the challenges to the election are all but certain to fail. 

Trump himself is whipping up crowds for a Wednesday rally near the White House.

Vice President Mike Pence, who is under pressure to tip the results for Trump, will be closely watched as he presides in a ceremonial role over Wednesday's joint session.

'I promise you this: On Wednesday, we'll have our day in Congress,' Pence said while himself campaigning in Georgia ahead of Tuesday's runoff elections that will determine control of the Senate.

During the rally Trump said: 'I hope that our great vice president comes through for us. He's a great guy. Of course, if he doesn't come through, I won't like him quite as much.' He added: 'No, Mike is a great guy.'

Trump repeated numerous times his claims of election fraud, which have been rejected by election officials - Republican as well as Democratic in state after state - and courts up to the US Supreme Court. 

His former attorney general, William Barr, also has said there is no evidence of fraud that could change the election outcome.

The congressional effort to keep Trump in office is being led by Sens Josh Hawley of Missouri and Ted Cruz of Texas.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has tried to prevent his party from engaging in this battle, which could help define the GOP in the post-Trump era. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a Trump ally, has declined to say much publicly on it.

Both Hawley and Cruz are potential 2024 presidential contenders, vying for Trump's base of supporters.