Trump defends his COVID vaccine roll-out after Biden said it 'would take years at this rate' - as he tweets about 'rigged' election before swapping his phone for golf club and tees off for sixth consecutive day

President Donald Trump lashed out at President-elect Joe Biden, raged about the election and demanded $2,000 stimulus checks ahead of his sixth consecutive day on the golf course Wednesday.

The president started out his morning at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Fla., with a series of furious tweets still insisting he won the election and mocking Barack Obama for coming second to himself in Gallup's poll of the most admired man of the year.

Trump has spent six out of seven days at his Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach since he arrived in Florida last week to spend the holidays at the Winter White House with his family.

The president began his morning tweet storm with a dig at his predecessor, referring to Gallup's most admired man of 2020 survey, which Trump won with 18 per cent. Obama, who held the top spot for 12 years in a row, came in second with at 15 per cent and Joe Biden was a distant third at 6 per cent. 

Trump tweeted a quote from Mark Steyn, the media commentator who has been filling in as guest host on Tucker Carlson’s nightly prime time show on Fox News.

President Donald Trump heads to his Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach for his sixth day of golf since arriving in Florida

President Donald Trump heads to his Trump International Golf Course in West Palm Beach for his sixth day of golf since arriving in Florida

President Trump started his Wednesday with an early morning tweet storm

President Trump started his Wednesday with an early morning tweet storm

The president on Wednesday morning tweeted a quote from Mark Steyn, the media commentator who has been filling in as guest host on Tucker Carlson’s nightly prime time show on Fox NewsStyen noted that Trump received more votes in the Gallup survey than President-elect Joe Biden, who came in a distant third place. Trump then added his own remark, saying: ‘That’s because he got millions of Fake Votes in the 2020 Election, which was RIGGED!’

President Trump started his Wednesday mocking Barack Obama and falsely claiming he won the presidential election 

President Trump defended his administration's dispensing of the COVID vaccine after President-elect Joe Biden raised concerns

President Trump defended his administration's dispensing of the COVID vaccine after President-elect Joe Biden raised concerns

President Trump also continued his push for $2,000 stimulus checks for Americans

President Trump also continued his push for $2,000 stimulus checks for Americans

President Trump's motorcade in route to his golf course on Wednesday morning

President Trump's motorcade in route to his golf course on Wednesday morning

‘Barack Obama was toppled from the top spot and President Trump claimed the title of the year’s Most Admired Man,’ the president quoted Steyn as saying.

‘Trump number one, Obama number two, and Joe Biden a very distant number three.

‘That’s also rather odd given the fact that on November 3rd, Biden allegedly racked up millions more votes than Trump, but can’t get anywhere close to him in this poll.

‘No incoming president has ever done as badly in this annual survey.’

Trump then added his own remark, saying: ‘That’s because he got millions of Fake Votes in the 2020 Election, which was RIGGED!’

Biden won the presidential election with 306 electoral votes to Trump's 232. 

Trump also slammed his successor after Biden raised concerns that COVID-19 vaccines weren't being given to Americans fast enough. 

'The Federal Government has distributed the vaccines to the states. Now it is up to the states to administer. Get moving!,' Trump tweeted Wednesday morning ahead of his golf game.  

Trump, who throughout the pandemic has pushed off responsibilities to the states to spare his administration any blame, pointed a finger at them repeatedly in the past 24 hours.

'It is up to the States to distribute the vaccines once brought to the designated areas by the Federal Government,' Trump tweeted Tuesday night. 'We have not only developed the vaccines, including putting up money to move the process along quickly, but gotten them to the states.' 

'Biden failed with Swine Flu!' the president added. 

On Tuesday afternoon, Biden said at Wilmington's Queen theater that the vaccine roll-out was 'falling behind' and at the current pace vaccinating most of the U.S. population could take 'years.' 

President Donald Trump, photographed golfing at his West Palm Beach, Florida club on Monday, lashed out at President-elect Joe Biden after the Democrat raised concerns that COVID-19 vaccines weren't being distributed quick enough

President Donald Trump, photographed golfing at his West Palm Beach, Florida club on Monday, lashed out at President-elect Joe Biden after the Democrat raised concerns that COVID-19 vaccines weren't being distributed quick enough 

In a Tuesday night tweet, President Donald Trump pointed a finger at the states in response to Biden's criticism. He also then blasted the president-elect claiming that he 'failed with Swine Flu!'

In a Tuesday night tweet, President Donald Trump pointed a finger at the states in response to Biden's criticism. He also then blasted the president-elect claiming that he 'failed with Swine Flu!' 

President-elect Joe Biden voiced concerns about coronavirus vaccine distribution telling reporters in Delaware Tuesday that it's 'falling behind' and could take 'years' if the pace doesn't quicken

President-elect Joe Biden voiced concerns about coronavirus vaccine distribution telling reporters in Delaware Tuesday that it's 'falling behind' and could take 'years' if the pace doesn't quicken 

The president-elect also warned 'things are going to get worse before they get better' and gave Trump some advice on how he could improve things now.   

He encouraged Trump to advise Americans to wear masks.  

'It would make a huge difference for President Trump to say "wear masks," Biden pleaded earlier. 'I hope the president will clearly and unambiguously urge all Americans to take the vaccine once it's available,' the president-elect also said.    

Since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended the wearing of masks in April, Trump has mostly resisted - even poking fun at Biden during the presidential campaign for his avid masking. 

The president, who caught COVID-19 in October, also hasn't yet taken the vaccine. 

Biden got his vaccination last week, while his running mate, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris - who he accidentally referred to as 'President-elect Harris' during his Tuesday remarks - got the Moderna vaccine earlier in the day in Washington, D.C. 

At the top of his speech, Biden cited some grim statistics, reminding the reporters spread out through the room that he had once predicted that more than 400,000 Americans would be dead of COVID-19 by the end Trump's tenure. 

'And the reality is, it looks like we’ll hit that grim milestone,' Biden said. 

President-elect Joe Biden also talked about masking, begging President Donald Trump to endorse mask-wearing to his supporters before he leaves office on January 20

President-elect Joe Biden also talked about masking, begging President Donald Trump to endorse mask-wearing to his supporters before he leaves office on January 20 

Vice-President elect Kamala Harris received her first dose of the coronavirus vaccine Tuesday

Vice-President elect Kamala Harris received her first dose of the coronavirus vaccine Tuesday

The death toll stood at 336,000 Americans late Tuesday afternoon.  

'Turning this around will take time. And we might not see improvement until well into March, as it will take time for our COVID response plan to begin to produce visible progress,' Biden said. 

He then warned that 'the Trump administration's plan to distribute vaccines is falling behind, far behind.'  

'We are grateful to the companies, doctors, scientists, researchers, and clinical trial participants, and Operation Warp Speed for developing the vaccines quickly,' Biden said. 'But as I long feared and warned, the effort to distribute and administer the vaccine is not progressing as it should.'

Biden recalled that the Trump Administration had suggested 20 million Americans could be vaccinated by the end of December, which is just two days away. 

So far, just over 2 million Americans have been vaccinated as of early Monday, according to the CDC's tracker.   

'At the pace the vaccination program is moving now, it would take years, not months, to vaccinate the American people,' Biden warned. 

He pledged to 'spare no effort' to speed up the program, saying his aim was to have 100 million shots doled out within his first 100 days.  

He called on Congress to provide additional funding. 

The Democrats will maintain the control of the House of Representatives when the new Congress starts on January 3. 

Control of the Senate depends on the outcome of two run-off races in Georgia on January 5. 

Biden will have a much easier time getting additional COVID-19 pandemic funds passed if Democrats Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock beat the two GOP incumbents. 

It was already reported that Biden plans to utilize the Defense Production Act to order private industry to make vaccination supplies and additional PPE.  

The incoming president also said he planned to launch a 'massive public education campaign' in order to influence Americans of color to get vaccinated, as those communities have been previously abused by government scientists. 

Harris got her Moderna vaccine Tuesday in Southeast, D.C., the quadrant of the capital city that houses a number of minority communities. 

Turning to masking, Biden admitted that it has been a 'divisive issue' in this country. 

'But COVID has been a killer in red states and blue states alike,' the president-elect pointed out. 

He praised former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, an ally of the president's, for admitting that he was wrong for not wearing a mask when he attended the White House Rose Garden event where Trump announced Judge Amy Coney Barrett as his next Supreme Court pick. 

That event turned into a so-called 'super-spreader,' with the overweight Christie catching COVID-19 and checking himself into a hospital to receive care. 

'I give former Governor Chris Christie credit. He and I disagree on most things,' Biden said. 'But I’m thankful he's now encouraging people to do the right thing and wear a mask for themselves, their loved ones, and their country.'

'I hope President Trump listens to him,' Biden said.  

While the CDC warned against winter travel, Trump has been on vacation for nearly a week at his Palm Beach, Florida Mar-a-Lago resort. CNN reported Tuesday that the club will still host its annual New Year's Eve party. 

Additionally, Trump is slated to attend a political rally in Georgia Monday for the two GOP Senate hopefuls. 

In the run-up to Election Day, the president's rallies featured packed, mostly mask-less crowds.      

As Biden left the stage Tuesday he wished his small audience of journalists a 'happy new year.' 

'Wear a mask,' he repeated.