Norway could ban European AND UK fishing boats from its waters from January 1 as a result of Brexit talk failures - potentially scuppering Britain's first post-EU fisheries agreement

Norway could seal off its fishing waters to British and European boats from January 1 because the stalemate in Brexit talks means an earlier UK-Norway deal cannot yet take effect, the Scandinavian country said today. 

The UK-Norway deal was trumpeted in September as Britain's 'first as an independent coastal state', giving UK fishermen access to £32million worth of seafood in the cod-rich Norwegian waters. 

But Norway, which is not in the EU, says it wants a three-way deal before it opens up its waters - meaning the Brexit impasse could scupper the earlier agreement. 

'If we do not get a deal by January 1, we will not open Norway's economic fishing zones to vessels from the EU and Britain,' fisheries minister Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen told parliament.

'Neither can we expect Norwegian vessels to get access to their zones before a deal is in place,' he said.  

Norway may close access to its fishing waters to European and British vessels from January 1, its fisheries minister has said. Above, a UK fishing boat off the coast of Yorkshire

Norway may close access to its fishing waters to European and British vessels from January 1, its fisheries minister has said. Above, a UK fishing boat off the coast of Yorkshire 

Norway is part of the European single market, and has had a fishing deal with the bloc in place since 1980, but the terms must be renegotiated following Britain's departure. 

Britain will be fully out of the EU when the transition period ends on December 31, whether or not a free trade deal is struck with the 27 remaining members. 

That means the UK will no longer be part of the Common Fisheries Policy and can 'decide who can access its waters and on what terms', the government says.  

In September, Norway and Britain concluded a bilateral fisheries deal hailed as a 'crucial step forward' by Britain's chief Brexit negotiator.

The Fisheries Framework Agreement provided for the UK and Norway to hold annual negotiations on the issues of access to waters and quotas. 

Norway's rich fisheries attract fishermen from the rest of Europe, in particular for its stocks of cod in the Barents Sea, which are sustainable. 

The desire for an independent fishing policy was seen as one of the reasons why Norway twice voted 'no' to EU membership in 1972 and 1994.

'The agreement is testament to our commitment to acting as a cooperative independent coastal state,' said UK environment secretary George Eustice at the time of the deal. 

Each year, the UK fishing fleet lands £32 million worth of fish from Norwegian waters, the government said.  

Brexit talks remain at a stalemate despite a last-ditch diplomatic push which saw Boris Johnson go to Brussels to meet European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen this week

Brexit talks remain at a stalemate despite a last-ditch diplomatic push which saw Boris Johnson go to Brussels to meet European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen this week 

But before any bilateral deals can kick in, Oslo wants a trilateral deal between Norway, the EU and Britain in place, and negotiations on this are not yet concluded, Ingebrigtsen said on Friday.

'We've been telling the EU for a long time that we needed a three-way deal, and the ball is therefore now in the EU's court,' he added. 

Negotiations over such a deal have been delayed because London and Brussels have not yet reached an accord governing their relations after Britain exits the bloc, including over fisheries, said the minister.

'It is not a given that these talks can be concluded before the new year,' said the minister, who studied fishery economics at university. 

Norway's own economic zone is home to important stocks of species like cod and herring, with some of the quotas until now allotted to European fishermen. 

Boris Johnson said today that fisheries was one of the issues where 'we just can't seem to make progress', along with the so-called 'level playing field' of regulations. 

'There is the whole issue of fish where we've got to be able to take back control of our waters. So there is a way to go - we're hopeful that progress can be made,' the PM said on a visit to Northumberland. 

European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said the UK and EU have 'not yet found the solutions to bridge our differences' on fisheries. 

She urged London to 'understand the legitimate expectations of EU fishing fleets built on decades, and sometimes centuries, of access'. 

Meanwhile, French leader Emmanuel Macron rejected the accusation that the EU's proposal for a one-year extension of fishing rights in Britain was akin to 'having your cake and eating it'.  

'I'm not asking to have my cake and eat it, no. All I want is a cake that's worth its weight. Because I won't give up my share of it either,' he said in Brussels.