'I'm scared he will punch me': Woman who exposed Hilaria's 'fake' Spanish heritage says she wants to remain anonymous for fear of 'angry' Alec Baldwin's temper

The woman who exposed Hilaria Baldwin's decade long grift of 'faking' her Spanish heritage has said she chose to do so anonymously because she feared Alec Baldwin would punch her

The woman who exposed Hilaria Baldwin's decade long grift of 'faking' her Spanish heritage has said she chose to do so anonymously because she feared Alec Baldwin would punch her

The woman who exposed Hilaria Baldwin's decade long grift of 'faking' her Spanish heritage has said she chose to do so anonymously because she feared Alec Baldwin would punch her.

The woman, who operates the Twitter handle @Lenibriscoe, started a online firestorm on December 21 when she tweeted, 'You have to admire Hilaria Baldwin’s commitment to her decade long grift where she impersonates a Spanish person.'

In a thread of corresponding tweets, the woman went on to post 'evidence' of Hilaria's accent inconsistencies, clips showing her thoroughbred New England parents, and a clip of her on the Today show forgetting how to pronounce to word 'cucumber'.

Speaking out about her decision to unveil Hilaria's American upbringing, the woman told the New York Times it was already an open secret among many in the Big Apple - so she decided to let it be known on a broader scale.

The woman, who operates the Twitter handle @Lenibriscoe, started a online firestorm on December 21

The woman, who operates the Twitter handle @Lenibriscoe, started a online firestorm on December 21

Alec Baldwin, a three-time Emmy winner, is reportedly well known for his hot temper among the Hollywood elite (Pictured: An angry Alec fights with a photographer in New York, 2013)

Alec Baldwin, a three-time Emmy winner, is reportedly well known for his hot temper among the Hollywood elite (Pictured: An angry Alec fights with a photographer in New York, 2013)

'We’re all bored and it’s just seemed so strange to me that no one had ever come out and said it, especially for someone who gets so much media attention,' she said.  

According to the Times, the woman says she wants to remain anonymous indefinitely because she's scared Hilaria's husband Alec - who has a long history of anger management issues - would 'punch her' if he ever found out who she was. 

Alec Baldwin, a three-time Emmy winner, is reportedly well known for his hot temper among the Hollywood elite - and the actor has been involved in a number of high-profile public flair-ups in the last decade and a half. 

The 62-year-old made headlines in 2007 when TMZ leaked a voicemail he left his then-eleven-year-old daughter Ireland, calling her a 'rude, thoughtless little pig' when she didn't pick up or return his call.

Spanning nearly two minutes, Alec's message concluded by telling Ireland she 'made feel like s**t' and also threatened to 'straighten a** out.'

'You better be ready Friday the 20th to meet with me,' he told her, in a message left on April 11. 

A few years later, in 2011, Alec found himself in hot water again when he was kicked off an American Airlines flight for refusing to turn off his iPad before takeoff, as he was reportedly in the midst of an important round of Words With Friends. 

He then took to Twitter to fume about the incident. In one since-deleted tweet, he bashed the airline, writing it was 'where Catholic school gym teachers from the 1950's find jobs as flight attendants.'

American later responded to Baldwin's online tirade, claiming that the star had been 'extremely rude' and had been 'calling people "inappropriate names" and using offensive language.

Alec Baldwin getting angry with a reporter as he walks down the street to go get a haircut in New York CityAlec Baldwin got into it with a photographer on a public street in Beverly Hills in May 2016

Alec Baldwin is seen the above images shoving a reporter as he walked to get his haircut in NYC, and screaming at a photographer in Beverly Hills in May 2016

The following year in 2012, an angry Alec Baldwin was photographed assaulting a New York Daily News photographer in Manhattan, moments after he obtained his marriage license with Hilaria. 

Witnesses at the time said Alec was repeatedly 'shoving and punching' the paparazzo. The photographer meanwhile, said the SNL actor 'lunged at like a raging bull'.

History would repeat itself the following year in August 2013, when Baldwin was pictured scuffling with another New York photographer, though this time police were called to the scene. 

The incident was reportedly sparked when the snapper approached Alec and Hilaria as they were walking around Manhattan and asked them a few questions regarding the birth of their newborn baby girl Carmen.

At one stage in the scuffle, Baldwin pinned the photographer to the hood of the car. Hilaria, meanwhile, sought shelter in a nearby coffee shop.

Both of the men confessed getting physical to the cops and agreed not to pursue charges against one another.  

Alec Baldwin shoves a photographer and tells him to move out of his way after he arrived in his SUV at the building where he lives in New York, United States on November 15, 2013

Alec Baldwin shoves a photographer and tells him to move out of his way after he arrived in his SUV at the building where he lives in New York, United States on November 15, 2013

In 2012, an angry Alec Baldwin was photographed assaulting a New York Daily News photographer in Manhattan. He's shown above addressing the scandal on the David Letterman Show

In 2012, an angry Alec Baldwin was photographed assaulting a New York Daily News photographer in Manhattan. He's shown above addressing the scandal on the David Letterman Show


1996:  He was acquitted of misdemeanor battery in a case where he was accused of striking a celebrity photographer who tried to videotape him and his family in Los Angeles

2007: Voicemail leaked of him called his 11-year-old daughter a 'rude thoughtless pig' who he was going to 'straighten out'

2011: Kicked off an American Airlines flight for refusing to turn off his iPad because he was playing words with friends

2012: Photographed 'punching and shoving' a New York Daily News photographer

2013: Pictured scuffling with another photographer, pinning him to the hood of a car

2014: Arrested by the NYPD after riding his bike the wrong way down a street and becoming aggressive when they asked him for ID

2018: Arrested for beating up a driver who he claims took his parking spot and later pleaded guilty to harassment 


In May 2014, Baldwin was arrested by officers from the NYPD after he became 'disorderly' when cited for riding his bike the wrong way down a Manhattan street. 

The 30 Rock star allegedly became angry and started yelling at police after they asked him for identification to give him a summons, police said. 

Police stated that he got belligerent and started arguing with them and using profanity. 

Once in custody, Baldwin reportedly asked the desk supervisor, 'How old are these officers, that they don’t know who I am?' 

He later took to Twitter to blast the city of New York as a 'mismanaged carnival of stupidity that is desperate for revenue and anxious to criminalize behavior once thought benign.'  

In the years that followed, Baldwin found success with his SNL portrayal of Donald Trump, which would see him land his third Emmy award. 

But amid his successes, any thoughts Baldwin may have mellowed in his older age appeared to come to a shattering halt in the fall of 2018, where he was once again arrested.

This time, Baldwin had become involved in a physical altercation with another man over a parking spot outside of his East 10th Street building. 

The incident was reportedly spurred when the 49-year-old victim took a parking spot that Baldwin had been waiting for. 

The driver was injured in the incident but said he 'wasn't sure if he was punched or exactly how he was injured in the altercation'. 

Alec told police 'he took my spot. I did push him,' and at first pleaded not guilty. 

However, the reported victim later claimed that Baldwin 'struck across the left side of face with closed right hand, resulting in pain to face.' 

Baldwin eventually worked out a plea deal that saw him only admit to harassment. The assault charge was dropped, and he was ordered to pay a small fine and attend a one-day anger management course as a result. 

Alec Baldwin seen arriving at Manhattan Criminal Court after being accused of punching a man over a parking spot in November 2018

Alec Baldwin seen arriving at Manhattan Criminal Court after being accused of punching a man over a parking spot in November 2018

Alec and Hilaria are pictured with their children on Christmas Day

Alec and Hilaria are pictured with their children on Christmas Day

Since news of Hilaria's American upbringing - and alleged fake Spanish heritage - was leaked into the public domain, Alec has been lashing out at critics all over social media. 

The latest attack came after he uploaded an Instagram photo in reference to the scandal, which featured the famous Mark Twain quote: 'A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.'

A commenter quipped: 'Like your wife being Spanish when she lived in Massachusetts her entire life. I take it her accent is fake as well? FRAUDS!'

Alec's reply was scathingly succinct: 'Go f**k yourself.'

He took a more subdued swipe at another critic via Twitter just before the Instagram spat, in response to a post about an opinion essay for People entitled: 'Why the Hilaria Baldwin Scandal Is Painful for Immigrants — Including Me.'

The essay by Ale Russian slammed Hilaria - who confessed on Sunday that she was born in Boston and that her real name is Hillary - for the 'exaggerated' accent she 'appropriated as an adult'.

Alec replied: 'Fake? Exaggerated? Appropriated an accent as an adult? She lived in Spain for many years as a child. She lived both places.'

He appeared to have calmed down by Tuesday afternoon as he shared plans to take a break from social media in an Instagram post.

The post featured a somber photo of birds with the caption: 'Flying away for a bit.'

Since news of Hilaria's American upbringing - and alleged fake Spanish heritage - was leaked into the public domain, Alec has been lashing out at critics all over social media

Since news of Hilaria's American upbringing - and alleged fake Spanish heritage - was leaked into the public domain, Alec has been lashing out at critics all over social media

Hilaria, meanwhile, has claimed she is guilty of no wrongdoing in response to the 'decade long grift' alleged by @Lenibriscoe.

In an interview with the New York Times, Hilaria, 36, said the recent stories exposing her Boston upbringing are as a result of the media 'misrepresenting me' as she claimed she spoke little of her heritage so as to protect her parents.  

The mother of five also spoke on the now notorious 'Today Show' segment in which she asked what the English word for cucumbers was, alleging she suffered from a 'brain fart' due to live TV nerves.   

Baldwin, 36, said the recent stories exposing her Boston upbringing are as a result of the media 'misrepresenting me'

'There is not something I'm doing wrong, and I think there is a difference between hiding and creating a boundary,' she told the Times. 

'Today we have an opportunity to clarify for people who have been confused — and have been confused in some ways by people misrepresenting me.' 

Hilaria had initially denied the allegations stating that it was only 'Fake Twitter accounts accusing me of a fake identity!' yet was later forced to back down and reveal more about her Massachusetts background after thousands of comments. 

'Yes, I am a white girl. I am a white girl. Let's be very clear that Europe has a lot of white people in there and my family is white,' she said in an Instagram video on Sunday. 

'Ethnically, I am a mix of many, many, many things. Culturally, I grew up with two cultures so it's really as simple as that.'

Yet in her interview with the Times, published on Wednesday, she remained adamant that she was not guilty of cultural appropriation and that she had never tried to mispresent herself. 

Hilaria said that she is a bilingual speaker and claimed that she speaks English in varying degrees of a Spanish accent depending on her emotions at the time, in response to the numerous videos showcasing her changing accent. 

She alleges that she did not know that magazine ¡Hola! had written that she is Spanish as she does not read pieces about herself. 

And claims that talent organization Creative Artists Agency must have pulled their bio that states she was born in Mallorca, Spain, from the internet without fact checking. 

'I rarely at all work with C.A.A. now,' she said. 'It was very disappointing.' 

One of the most joked about incidents over the past week has been the 'Today Show' appearance in which she asked for the English word for cucumber, which she says was because she was confused.   

'The things I have shared about myself are very clear,' Hilaria said.

'I was born in Boston. I spent time in Boston and in Spain. My family now lives in Spain. I moved to New York when I was 19 years old and I have lived here ever since. 

'For me, I feel like I have spent 10 years sharing that story over and over again. And now it seems like it's not enough.' 

Yet she could not tell the Times exactly how much time she had spent in Spain when she was younger. 

'I think it would be maddening to do such a tight timeline of everything,' she told them. 

'You know, sometimes there was school involved. Sometimes it was vacation. It was such a mix, mishmash, is that the right word? Like a mix of different things.'

'When we weren’t in Spain, we called it "we brought Spain into our home",' she added.