EXCLUSIVE: Kyle Rittenhouse's lawyer 'threatened to kill his ex-wife' and is in massive personal and professional debt, yet manages to cling onto Kenosha shooter's case and is entrusted with teen's fundraising

Kyle Rittenhouse's lawyer allegedly threatened to kill his ex-wife, has millions of dollars of personal and professional debt, yet still manages to cling onto the Kenosha shooter's case and is entrusted with its fundraising, DailyMail.com can disclose.

John Pierce announced last weekend that he was stepping away from the criminal proceedings against Rittenhouse, who is accused of shooting dead two Black Lives Matter protesters and wounding a third in August.

Pierce, 48, was an integral part of the effort to secure the $2 million bail for Rittenhouse, who was bound over for trial earlier this month.

The Harvard law grad stressed he was still very much involved with Rittenhouse's case, saying he would be continuing to raise money for the 17-year-old's defense fund and would represent him in future civil suits.

Pierce's announcement came fresh on the heels of prosecutors raising ethical concerns about him being on the case, citing his 'significant personal financial difficulties' and 'close ties to a substantial yet unregulated and unreported ''slush fund''.'

Now DailyMail.com has obtained hundreds of pages of court documents that shed light on Pierce's tumultuous personal life, massive amounts of debt, stemming from unpaid taxes and defaults on business loans at his firm Pierce Bainbridge, as well as his own admissions of a dire mental state.

Former colleague Don Lewis claims Pierce's life was snowballing out of control until he tapped into the GOP base, representing Trump associates such as Rudy Giuliani and George Papadopoulos, which has given him a much-needed financial lifeline. 

Kyle Rittenhouse's lawyer John Pierce (pictured with Rittenhouse, Rittenhouse's mother and his sister) allegedly threatened to kill his ex-wife and has millions of dollars of personal and professional debt, yet still manages to cling onto the Kenosha shooter's case and is entrusted with its fundraising, DailyMail.com can disclose

Kyle Rittenhouse's lawyer John Pierce (pictured with Rittenhouse, Rittenhouse's mother and his sister) allegedly threatened to kill his ex-wife and has millions of dollars of personal and professional debt, yet still manages to cling onto the Kenosha shooter's case and is entrusted with its fundraising, DailyMail.com can disclose

John Pierce announced over the weekend that he was stepping away from the criminal proceedings against Rittenhouse, who is accused of shooting dead two Black Lives Matter protesters and wounding a third in August

John Pierce announced over the weekend that he was stepping away from the criminal proceedings against Rittenhouse, who is accused of shooting dead two Black Lives Matter protesters and wounding a third in August

Pierce's announcement came fresh on the heels of prosecutors raising ethical concerns about him being on the case, citing his 'significant personal financial difficulties' and 'close ties to a substantial yet unregulated and unreported 'slush fund'

Pierce's announcement came fresh on the heels of prosecutors raising ethical concerns about him being on the case, citing his 'significant personal financial difficulties' and 'close ties to a substantial yet unregulated and unreported 'slush fund'


'Like many elite trial lawyers who operate at the highest level, I am not without a colorful and sometimes problematic past. Some of it has been caused by myself, some of it caused by others. Most of it was caused by me simply growing Pierce Bainbridge Beck & Hecht LLP much too fast and using portfolio litigation funding in a very innovative way that worked extremely well for a time but ultimately proved to be an unsustainable business model. I have learned tremendously from those experiences and am applying those lessons as we now build Pierce Bainbridge P.C. stronger and better with amazing clients, cases and lawyers. I am working through the financial issues relating to creditors in an orderly process, and will continue to do so.

As to my substance and other addiction issues, as well as anger issues, I have openly discussed them before. I admitted myself to rehab this past Spring, following a stay at UCLA a couple years previously to deal with the same issues. Those were tremendously helpful experiences, and they are nothing to be ashamed of. Indeed, I strongly encourage lawyers with similar issues to address them head on. They are nothing to be ashamed of. Although the road since then has not been perfect, I continue to work on these issues every day. I have also re-connected with God in the course of that process. This has also helped with respect to life-long issues I have had due to my adoption. I know that am now on a very good path with respect to those and other personal issues. I will never stop working to address them for the sake of my family, myself and my clients.

As to anything that occurred between myself and my ex-wife, for whom I care deeply as the mother of my children and as someone I was married to for 17 years, those are family issues that are between me and her and those will always remain private from my standpoint.

Finally, any suggestion that I have done anything other than place my entire career and life on the line to protect and fight for Kyle Rittenhouse and his family is ludicrous. Anyone who knows me will confirm that, as will Kyle and his family. I will never leave their side, and I will never relent in fighting for him and his family until he is cleared of all charges and until all of their legal rights are vindicated.'

Lewis, who runs his own firm Lewis Law based in New York City,  attended Harvard with Pierce, graduating together in 2000.

The two men wouldn't reconnect until the spring of 2018, when Lewis was hired at Pierce's firm, at the time named Pierce Bainbridge Beck Price & Hecht.

But Lewis said he quickly realized things were not as they seemed at the firm, which had been described to him as on the up-and up-and a 'disruptor law firm for the digital age'. 

He claimed the firm wasn't making payroll, that Pierce was taking thousands of dollars out of the company account and his drinking was getting to the point where he wasn't turning up for client meetings, according to a suit filed by Lewis against the firm to New York Supreme Court in May 2019. 

Lewis claims he began to raise concerns about the state of the firm's financials and misconduct, but was put on leave in October after Lewis says a false sexual misconduct allegation was made against him by a paralegal. 

He vehemently denies the allegation.. 

Lewis said a month into the investigation into the sexual misconduct claim, he sent a letter to the partners at the firm , complaining of his treatment and raised concerns again about Pierce. 

He was fired shortly after sending the letter. 

In Lewis' suit, he claims the firm was covering up 'financial conduct, illegally expelled him from the partnership and attempted to destroy his career and law practice through outright lies, ethical rule violations, breaches of their fiduciary duties'.  

Lewis wrote in the suit: 'The opening of the PB’s books, would very likely reveal that Pierce is a fraud and a con man, lying to his partners, lying to the press, lying to his clients and lying to investors; it would also very likely crater a firm built on smoke and mirrors and leave Pierce unable to support his self-destructive habits, as well as unable to pay his substantial tax and alimony bills.'

The firm, along with other named defendants, filed to dismiss the suit. The case is still being litigated. 

Lewis told DailyMail.com he stands by that assertion.

He added: 'I think that John is an immensely insecure person who pretends to be this big figure and is overcompensating.' 

Lewis compared Pierce to Donald Trump, saying he speaks in superlatives and has delusions of grandeur. 

He said: 'It's all smoke and mirrors, when you pull the mask back there’s nothing there. '  

Pierce was hit with two restraining orders from his ex-wife Alyze, once in 2016 and again in 2019. He shares three underage children with Alyze, who also attended Harvard law school

Pierce was hit with two restraining orders from his ex-wife Alyze, once in 2016 and again in 2019. He shares three underage children with Alyze, who also attended Harvard law school

The former couple were discussing logistics in taking one of their children to soccer camp and because they both had scheduling issues, Alyze suggested that their son could skip out. Over the next two hours until 2pm, Pierce fires off more than 60 hate-filled texts to Alyze, who only responds once

The former couple were discussing logistics in taking one of their children to soccer camp and because they both had scheduling issues, Alyze suggested that their son could skip out. Over the next two hours until 2pm, Pierce fires off more than 60 hate-filled texts to Alyze, who only responds once

Alyze then filed for a restraining order and also requested that his visitation with their children be suspended or monitored by a professional supervisor. Alyze writes: 'I was extremely scared for my safety and the safety of my children. I believe John's text stating, 'I will f**k u and ur kind u' was a threat to harm both me and our children'


Pierce was hit with two restraining orders from his ex-wife Alyze, once in 2016 and again in 2019. He shares three underage children with Alyze, who also attended Harvard law school.

The most recent restraining order was sparked by a seemingly innocuous text exchange between Alyze and Pierce on July 27, 2019, where the lawyer erupted into a venom-filled tirade against her, according to court documents obtained by DailyMail.com.

The former couple were discussing logistics in taking one of their children to soccer camp and because they both had scheduling issues, Alyze suggested that their son could skip it.

This enraged Pierce, who texted back at 12.19pm: 'We are not canceling his soccer camp. Period.' 

He adds: 'U dont want to f**k with me right now.

'He is the best freshman that ever lived. Puts u and me to shame. That is for God d**n sure. Dont f**k with me right now. I will bury u if I have to.'

Over the next two hours until 2pm, Pierce fires off more than 60 hate-filled texts to Alyze, who only responds once.

In court papers, Alyze, who is Jewish, writes: 'He makes numerous references to Armageddon… and though I cannot remember a time that I discussed Israel or Judaism with John in years... a large number of his above-referenced texts focus on Calling me an anti-Semite and accusing me of not Supporting Israel (neither of which is true).'

Pierce writes: 'U are quite literally the most non-multidimensional, monochromatic, ungrateful b***h I ever met. Ur Oma would be ashamed of u for Supporting neo-Nazi liberals.'

Alyze then filed for a restraining order and also requested that his visitation with their children be suspended or monitored by a professional supervisor

Alyze then filed for a restraining order and also requested that his visitation with their children be suspended or monitored by a professional supervisor

Prior, she also was granted a restraining order following an incident when Pierce was admitted to UCLA Psychiatric Hospital for treatment on August 13, 2016

Prior, she also was granted a restraining order following an incident when Pierce was admitted to UCLA Psychiatric Hospital for treatment on August 13, 2016

One message reads: U have no idea what's coming ur way. Time is ticking. Count it down. #armageddon.'

Another threatens: 'I will f**k u and ur kind u. U have no idea.

He later adds: 'Watch Jack Bauer on 24 if ur curious what I'm capable of.'

'I spend my life protecting the innocent and vulnerable. U are a f**king disgusting w***e and I despise u. NEVER. FORGET. THAT. S**T.

He proceeds to call her various names, including 'libtard,' 'c**t', 's**t', 'valley girl b***h' and being an 'anti-semite skank.'

But the next morning, Pierce attempts to smooth over the episode, writing: 'Sorry about all that. Had bad day yesterday. All good now. Didnt mean any of that.'

Alyze then filed for a restraining order and also requested that his visitation with their children be suspended or monitored by a professional supervisor.

Alyze writes: 'I was extremely scared for my safety and the safety of my children. I believe John's text stating, 'I will f**k u and ur kind u' was a threat to harm both me and our children.'

'I do not know what caused John to react to a benign text with such rage.

'He has military training and has owned guns in the past; he may own a gun now. John knows that our children are the most important. thing in the world to me and I fear that he may harm them in a rageful state as a means of hurting me.'

Previously, she also was granted a restraining order following an incident when Pierce was admitted to UCLA Psychiatric Hospital for treatment on August 13, 2016.

Alyze included emails from Pierce in court documents, where he wrote about being in a bad mental state, writing: 'I put 40K in joint account. My dad and lawyers and Steve will have to Liquidate retirement funds there is like 700K you can have it all to pay 2014 taxes and there will be some left over.

'My parents will help with the kids. I love my children. I will sign whatever power of attorney or legal documents anyone wants. I cannot handle life or society anymore.'

Another email reads: 'I have to go to hospital my emotions are out of control... Please make sure the children know how very much I love and adore them.'  

Alyze writes: 'I was extremely scared for my safety and the safety of my children. I believe John's text stating, 'I will f**k u and ur kind u' was a threat to harm both me and our children.' 'I do not know what caused John to react to a benign text with such rage'

Alyze writes: 'I was extremely scared for my safety and the safety of my children. I believe John's text stating, 'I will f**k u and ur kind u' was a threat to harm both me and our children.' 'I do not know what caused John to react to a benign text with such rage' 

Alyze writes in court documents that he had emailed her about being in a bad mental state, writing: 'I put 40K in joint account. My dad and lawyers and Steve will have to Liquidate retirement funds there is like 700K you can have it all to pay 2014 taxes and there will be some left over

Alyze writes in court documents that he had emailed her about being in a bad mental state, writing: 'I put 40K in joint account. My dad and lawyers and Steve will have to Liquidate retirement funds there is like 700K you can have it all to pay 2014 taxes and there will be some left over

Another email reads: 'I have to go to hospital my emotions are out of control... Please make sure the children know how very much I love and adore them'

Another email reads: 'I have to go to hospital my emotions are out of control... Please make sure the children know how very much I love and adore them'

Alyze states that a few hours later she was contacted by an ER doctor at the hospital who had told her Pierce had been 'expressing an intense desire to kill me' and that he was being placed on a three-day hold.'

She noted their children were scared to be around their father.

She added: 'I do not know when Respondent is leaving the hospital. I am concerned for our safety, and a restraining order is necessary to ensure that does not harm me or our children.'

Their child custody agreement is still being litigated in Los Angeles.


Pierce has substantial personal debts, owing the IRS more than $850,000, another $200,000 to the Franchise Tax Board, $90,000 to Citibank and $27,000 to his former mother-in-law, according to court records from November 2019.

Court papers also show it was ordered for him to pay $13,000 a month to Alyze for child support. 

His debt payments amount to just under $20,000 a month, according to his income and expenses report.

In a declaration filed in his divorce and child custody proceedings, Pierce claimed to have zero income, despite his position as a partner at Pierce Bainbridge. 

Pierce lists no salary, no investment income and claims he had only $10,750 in his accounts.

For his expenses, he claims he pays $2,181 in monthly mortgage and splashes out $2,000 a month on groceries just for himself, $4,000 for phone and utility bills, and combined with his debt payments, his personal expenditures are just under $50,000 a month.

In a declaration filed in his divorce and child custody proceedings, Pierce claimed to have zero income, despite his position as a partner at Pierce Bainbridge

In a declaration filed in his divorce and child custody proceedings, Pierce claimed to have zero income, despite his position as a partner at Pierce Bainbridge 

For his expenses, he claims he pays $2,181 in monthly mortgage and splashes out $2,000 a month on groceries just for himself, $4,000 for phone and utility bills, and combined with his debt payments, his personal expenditures are just under $50,000 a month

For his expenses, he claims he pays $2,181 in monthly mortgage and splashes out $2,000 a month on groceries just for himself, $4,000 for phone and utility bills, and combined with his debt payments, his personal expenditures are just under $50,000 a month


Pierce's former law firm Pierce Bainbridge Beck Price & Hecht owes an estimated $65 million to litigation funder Virage Capital Management, according to Law 360.

Virage filed a lawsuit in May claiming the firm 'defaulted on its debt obligations' after Virage first funded the firm in April 2019.

The firm and Pierce were also hit with multiple lawsuits this year seeking payments for allegedly defaulting on small business loans and not paying invoices, according to various reports.

Those allegations include $500,000 unpaid debt to Slate Advance LLC, $260,000 to Coast Business Capital LLC, $280,000 to Creative Capital Funding, $135,000 to Transperfect Legal Solutions and $8,300 to Kiski Legal LLC.

In March, Pierce was put on a leave of absence following an allegation that he had accepted money from Karish Kapital for personal use, according to a statement issued by the firm, which Pierce disputes. 

The firm and Pierce were also hit with multiple lawsuits this year seeking payments for allegedly defaulting on small business loans and not paying invoices, according to various reports

The firm and Pierce were also hit with multiple lawsuits this year seeking payments for allegedly defaulting on small business loans and not paying invoices, according to various reports 

In June, Pierce was personally sued for allegedly not paying rent on a $1.3 million house he was putting up a client in, with the homeowner seeking at least $234,000

In June, Pierce was personally sued for allegedly not paying rent on a $1.3 million house he was putting up a client in, with the homeowner seeking at least $234,000

The firm itself is in constant flux, undergoing four name changes in just two and a half years, and losing around 60 lawyers in the space of six months, according to Pierce

The firm itself is in constant flux, undergoing four name changes in just two and a half years, and losing around 60 lawyers in the space of six months, according to Pierce

Karish Kapital claimed in legal papers that the firm owed it nearly $ 4 million, stemming from an unpaid $2.5 million debt.

Pierce denied he was on a leave of absence during the investigation, and instead it was because he was seeking treatment for substance abuse.

In June, Pierce was personally sued for allegedly not paying rent on a $1.3 million house he was putting up a client in, with the homeowner seeking at least $234,000.

The firm itself is in constant flux, undergoing four name changes in just two and a half years, and losing around 60 lawyers in the space of six months, Pierce admitted in an interview with Law 360.

He said the firm grew too fast in its mission to become 'the next dominant global litigation firm'.

The firm was first founded in January 2017 as Pierce Sergenian, but by that December it was renamed Pierce Burns. It changed again to Pierce Bainbridge Beck Price & Hech in March 2018. Now, it's Pierce Bainbridge.


Pierce's ex-wife claimed in one of her restraining order requests that he got into an altercation with a colleague while working at K&L Gates - a top international law firm - in May of 2016.

Pierce's retina was detached during the incident, according to Alyze. 

Alyze writes: 'It was believed that the altercation was a result of Respondent's Pierce' drug and alcohol abuse, and so arrangements were made for Respondent to check-in to rehab at Promises Facilities. Respondent refused to go.' 

 K&L Gates did not respond to a request for comment. 

Pierce's ex-wife claimed in one of her restraining order requests that he got into an altercation with a colleague while working at K&L Gates - a top international law firm - in May of 2016

Pierce's ex-wife claimed in one of her restraining order requests that he got into an altercation with a colleague while working at K&L Gates - a top international law firm - in May of 2016 

Alyze writes: 'It was believed that the altercation was a result of Respondent's drug and alcohol abuse, and so arrangements were made for Respondent to check-in to rehab at Promises Facilities. Respondent refused to go'

Alyze writes: 'It was believed that the altercation was a result of Respondent's drug and alcohol abuse, and so arrangements were made for Respondent to check-in to rehab at Promises Facilities. Respondent refused to go' 


In Alyze's request for a restraining order in 2016, she notes Pierce's home was 'unkempt, with alcohol bottles and cans of tobacco 5 lying about.'

She previously referred to Pierce having a drinking problem in one of her restraining order requests. 

In her court submission, she included a string of emails Pierce had allegedly sent her before he was admitted to the psychiatric hospital.

He wrote to her on August 8: 'we have to talk asap my whole life has collapsed we have to work collaboratively to minimize harm to kids in the long run. i may have to move away. i am sorry for everything i never intended to harm anyone i just never grew up. i have always loved u more than u can imagine. i just want to sleep.'

Two days later he wrote: 'I have to go to hospital my emotions are out of control. I will have lawyer and Steve start getting things ready to take care of 2014 taxes to make sure you are off hook. Please make sure the children know how very much I love and adore them.'

On August 12, he emailed Alyze: 'Not good day by day trying to prevent depths of despair. When can u sign and notarize Latham pension plan docs and ira distribution forms? Desperately need for living expenses and to prepare to hang out shingle if can't get law rm soon. We have to minimize every expense I beg.'

He later added: 'Alyze I am in extreme distress. U are spending my money and I am handling the debt. Forget the Iras but the Latham is mine anyways as separate property. Pls call me it is emergency.'

He admitted in an interview with Law 360 earlier this year he had gone to seek treatment.


Kyle Rittenhouse has been accused of shooting dead two Black Lives Matter protesters and wounding a third in Kenosha, Wisconsin on August 25

Kyle Rittenhouse has been accused of shooting dead two Black Lives Matter protesters and wounding a third in Kenosha, Wisconsin on August 25

Wisconsin prosecutors in Rittenhouse's case have become increasingly critical of Pierce’s frequent out-of-court statements and fundraising efforts, which have been geared towards the political right. 

Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger alleged that Pierce has ‘significant personal financial difficulties’ and should not be allowed to represent Rittenhouse because ‘money that should be held in trust for the defendant may instead be used to repay attorney Pierce´s numerous creditors.’

‘Attorney Pierce´s personal financial difficulties raise significant ethical concerns, especially when he has close ties to a substantial yet unregulated and unreported “slush fund” that is intended solely for the benefit of the defendant,’ Binger wrote in reference to the fundraising foundation Pierce co-founded, #FightBack. 

Binger argues that donations for Rittenhouse's legal defense should be held in trust, as is required of Wisconsin attorneys taking retainers to represent clients.

Adding to their objections over Pierce representing Rittenhouse, prosecutors also claim the embattled attorney hasn’t followed Wisconsin state’s rules regarding what a lawyer can and can’t say ahead of a trial.

In another recent filing, prosecutors asked for an order barring Rittenhouse’s team from issuing statements outside of court that might sway future potential jurors. The prosecution also complained about Pierce publicly attacking District Attorney Michael Gravely.

Los Angeles civil lawyer John Pierce has been the public face of the 17-year-old’s defense against a murder charge and other counts in the three months since the shootings during summer protests in Kenosha

Los Angeles civil lawyer John Pierce has been the public face of the 17-year-old’s defense against a murder charge and other counts in the three months since the shootings during summer protests in Kenosha

Joseph RosenbaumAnthony Huber

Rittenhouse is charged with first-degree intentional homicide in the killing of two protesters: Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber

The shootings happened on August 25 during a night of unrest that followed the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a local Black man who suffered paralyzing injuries

The shootings happened on August 25 during a night of unrest that followed the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a local Black man who suffered paralyzing injuries

Hours after the motion was filed, Pierce tweeted that he would take over all civil matters for Rittenhouse and would continue to raise funds for his defense. He said that Wisconsin attorney Mark Richards will handle the criminal case.

‘So that it does not take Kyle’s supporters by surprise, effective immediately I am taking over all civil matters for Kyle including his future defamation claims,’ he wrote. ‘I will also be orchestrating all fundraising for defense costs. The terrific Mark Richards will proceed in Wisconsin.’

Richards told the Tribune that Pierce’s withdrawal came as a joint decision between him and the attorney. ‘I will be counsel for Kyle in the criminal matters,’ he wrote. ‘Pierce and won’t be.’

Pierce and other conservatives have portrayed Rittenhouse as a patriot and urged supporters to donate to #FightBack Foundation to bolster his legal defense.

Pierce helped start the foundation a few weeks before the Kenosha shootings, but he has told the Tribune he stepped away from its board to avoid any conflicts related to his involvement in the Rittenhouse case.

In their filing, the prosecution referenced Pierce’s calls for donations to the fund and argued that the fundraising ‘creates a potential conflict of interest’ for him.

‘Given his own substantial personal debts, his involvement with an unregulated and opaque “slush fund” provides ample opportunity for self-dealing and fraud,’ prosecutors wrote. ‘The more that the Foundation raises in donations, the more he may personally benefit. Money that should be held in trust for the defendant may instead be used to repay attorney Pierce’s numerous creditors.’

The #FightBack foundation is led by another lawyer connected to Rittenhouse’s defense team, L. Lin Wood of Georgia.

He tweeted last week that the foundation ‘successfully raised $2M cash bail for Kyle Rittenhouse & funded over $300K for his attorney’s fees & expenses. The foundation used approx. $400K of its general funds for Kyle.’