Donald Trump signing coronavirus bill kicked off 180-day countdown for Pentagon and spy agencies to reveal to Intelligence Committee EVERYTHING they know about UFOs

A lot of measures made their way into the $2.3 trillion COVID relief and government funding bill, including setting a timeline for the Defense Department and spy agencies to reveal all they know about Unidentified Flying Objects . 

The provision flew under the radar as it was included as a 'committee comment' from Senate Intelligence Committee Acting Chairman Marco Rubio rolled into the annual intelligence authorization act rather than in the text of the 5,593-page massive funding and relief legislation.

The committee wrote that it is instructing the director of national intelligence, secretary of Defense 'and the heads of such other agencies' to 'submit a report within 180 days of the date of enactment of the Act, to the congressional intelligence and armed services committees on unidentified aerial phenomena.'

They added the relevant agencies need to report 'observed airborne objects that have not been identified', including a 'detailed analysis of unidentified phenomena data collected by: a. geospatial intelligence; b. signals intelligence; c. human intelligence; and d. measurement and signals intelligence.'

Sneaking its way into the coroanvirus relief and government funding package is a measure requiring the Pentagon and spy agencies to report to the Senate Intelligence and Armed Services Committees everything they know about UFOs

Sneaking its way into the coroanvirus relief and government funding package is a measure requiring the Pentagon and spy agencies to report to the Senate Intelligence and Armed Services Committees everything they know about UFOs

The measure was included as a comment from the Intelligence Committee, chaired by Sen. Marco Rubio, setting an 180-day countdown from the time Donald Trump signed the bill on Sunday for the information to be shared

The measure was included as a comment from the Intelligence Committee, chaired by Sen. Marco Rubio, setting an 180-day countdown from the time Donald Trump signed the bill on Sunday for the information to be shared

It also needs to contain 'detailed analysis of data of the FBI, which was derived from investigations of intrusions of unidentified aerial phenomena data over restricted United States airspace … and an assessment of whether this unidentified aerial phenomena activity may be attributed to one or more foreign adversaries.'

The massive $2.3 trillion joint legislation included $900 billion for coronavirus-related relief like money for small business, $600 stimulus checks for Americans and extending boosted unemployment benefits.

The other $1.4 trillion was for the annual government funding bill, which upon signage from Trump on Sunday stopped 2020 from ending with a government shutdown.

From Sunday on, the clock is ticking down, meaning there are now less than 180 days for defense, spy and intelligence agencies to get the information to the Intelligence and Armed Services Committees.

The push for more transparency on unidentified flying objects comes after the Pentagon's published in April three Navy videos showing proof of such UFO sightings

The push for more transparency on unidentified flying objects comes after the Pentagon's published in April three Navy videos showing proof of such UFO sightings

The text of the comment on the bill suggests Congress is much more interested in obtaining information on disclosures with UFO's of foreign adversaries rather than any alien objects from outer space.

The push for more transparency on UFOs comes after the Pentagon's publication in April of three Navy videos showing proof of such sightings.

Defense Department spokesperson Sue Gough told The New York Post that they are aware of the requirement to report on these phenomena as part of the funding act for fiscal year 2021.

Trump has several times brushed off questions about UFOs and possible alien life.

In an interview last year he said: 'I'm not a believer, but you know, I guess anything is possible.'