Governor Phil Murphy ignores protesters outside his house and warns state-wide lockdown is 'still on the table' as number of deaths in the New Jersey nears 17,000

Phil Murphy said Sunday morning that it's still a possibility that New Jersey could go back into a state-wide lockdown as coronavirus cases continue to spike in the midst of the second surge of the pandemic.

'It's on the table in terms of a shutdown,' Murphy told Bret Baier on 'Fox News Sunday'. 'I don't anticipate it and I sure as heck don't want to go that route.'

He said federal aid in the form of another stimulus package would 'give us a lot more ammunition to do a lot more things right now.'

The Democratic governor made the comments the day after anti-lockdown demonstrators swarmed the street where he resides to tell him 'you are not above the law' and protest his COVID-19 restrictions.

The protesters initially gathered to show support for Donald Trump's legal battles concerning the election results. They then moved the demonstration to Murphy's home in Middletown to protest 'COVID19 Shutdowns that have destroyed our economy.'

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy told Fox News Sunday guest host Bret Baier that a state-wide lockdown is still 'on the table'

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy told Fox News Sunday guest host Bret Baier that a state-wide lockdown is still 'on the table'

The comments came as anti-lockdown protesters swarmed the street where Murphy lives to voice their opposition to pandemic-related restrictions

The comments came as anti-lockdown protesters swarmed the street where Murphy lives to voice their opposition to pandemic-related restrictions

Cases of coroanvirus in New Jersey are spiking at a rate higher than the first surge back toward the beginning of the pandemic

Cases of coroanvirus in New Jersey are spiking at a rate higher than the first surge back toward the beginning of the pandemic

They were not able to reach Murphy's home, but stood protesting on the street on which he lives.

Murphy has faced a slew of criticism lately as cases of coronavirus are surging at a rate higher than the first wave.

The death rate in New Jersey is approaching 17,000 and more than 332,000 confirmed cases in the state.

This means around 0.05 per cent of those diagnosed have died from COVID-19 in New Jersey, which is above the national average death rate of 0.02 per cent.

Last week, the New Jersey governor was accosted by two women while eating out with his family at a restaurant. The confrontation came as Murphy pleaded with New Jersey residents to only see their immediate family and keep Thanksgiving gatherings to 10 or less.

The two passerby women told him: 'You're such a d***'.

The Democrat governor was filmed eating outside along with his wife and their four children when he was approached by the duo.

'You're having fun with your family and in the meantime you're having all other kind of bulls***going on,' one could be heard saying, while the other heckled. 

They also told one of his sons: 'Go f**k yourself,' when he tried to stand up for his father. 

Governor Murphy and his wife said nothing to the two women.    

Phil MurphyTammy Murphy and son Sam

Phil Murphy , a Democrat, was also verbally accosted by two passersby while he was out having dinner with his family over the weekend (pictured right, wife Tammy and son Sam)

The women aimed a torrent of abuse at the family, including eldest son Joshua (left) who asked them to put masks on. They told him: 'go f**k yourself'

The women aimed a torrent of abuse at the family, including eldest son Joshua who asked them to put masks on. They told him: 'go f**k yourself'

On Monday morning, Murphy appeared on Good Morning America to plead his case for altering Thanksgiving celebrations this year to accommodate for the global pandemic. 

'There's a huge amount of personal responsibility here, everybody has to do the right thing.

'We've got a vortex here; cold weather, people letting their hair down with fatigue and holiday after holiday

'We're pleading with people - please god, do the right thing,' he said. 

One police chief said he would not enforce the rules.  

Andrew Kudrick of Howell Township said he will be instructing his officers not to respond to call-outs unless an 'egregious' breach had occurred, calling the rules 'draconian'.

He told Fox News: 'I'm not going to have my police officers going knocking on doors and ruining somebody's holiday just to check how many people are inside their house. It's not happening.'

Murphy addressed the video of the restaurant confrontation at a press conference on Monday afternoon, confirming that it took place on Saturday night in Red Bank. 

Asked what led up to the situation, Murphy said: 'Nothing at all happened beforehand.' 

In the footage, the woman holding the phone can be seen approaching Murphy, who is sitting outside along with his family.

'Hey, how ya doing,' the woman asks him, while another female voice in the background can be heard telling him: 'You're such a d**k.'

One of Murphy's children can be heard asking the pair whether they're drunk - which they deny - before asking them to put masks on.

'You can go f*** yourself, how's that?' one of the women says, 'I don't need a f***ing mask. You know why I don't need a mask? Because there ain't nothing f***ing wrong with me.'

'I like your Trump phone case,' Murphy's son shoots back. 'You know who he likes? He likes my dad.'

After a short back-and-forth the women decide to leave, but not without aiming one last expletive in Murphy's direction: 'Get the f*** out of here,' she says.

Murphy said the women left him alone after their friend pulled them away.  

'I would just like to say a couple things: Number one, I'm a big boy, I have thick skin, that doesn't impact me at all, and I think I can say the same for my wife. I would say this though, our kids are not part of that, and so that's one observation,' the governor explained at his presser. 

He went on to point out how everyone in the state and the nation is facing 'overwhelming' stress because of the pandemic, including himself. 

'I don't condone out of bounds behavior, but let's leave my family out of it and let's keep each other in our prayers, because this is an extraordinarily stressful period we're in,' he said.  

Murphy addressed the restaurant confrontation at his press conference Monday (pictured), saying that he doesn't 'condone out of bounds behavior' but he understands why residents of his state are frustrated

Murphy addressed the restaurant confrontation at his press conference Monday , saying that he doesn't 'condone out of bounds behavior' but he understands why residents of his state are frustrated 

New Jersey has seen coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and deaths spiral out of control in recent weeks, even before the busy holiday period. On Monday Murphy reported that the state's seven-day average for new cases has surpassed 4,000 for the first time

New Jersey has seen coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and deaths spiral out of control in recent weeks, even before the busy holiday period. On Monday Murphy reported that the state's seven-day average for new cases has surpassed 4,000 for the first time

New Jersey is currently in the midst of a wave of coronavirus infections that has seen the seven-day average soar to its highest rate of the pandemic.

During the same presser on Monday Murphy reported that the average has now surpassed 4,000 for the first time - above the first-wave peak of 3,735 reported on April 7. 

The state added 3,592 cases and 11 deaths on Sunday, bringing the totals to 309,588 and 14,960, respectively.  

Hospitalizations were at 2,693 as of Monday, their highest level since May but still below April's peak of 8,000.

That figure has trebled over the past month, leading many to fear that the busy holiday period could see cases soar and leave medics struggling to cope.

Murphy last week announced a curfew for the whole state, forcing bars and restaurants to close at 10pm with seating in bars banned.

Meanwhile Newark was placed under a total lockdown, due to start November 25, that will see people banned from leaving their homes except for emergencies.

Mayor Ras Baraka said: 'We are advising all stores non-essential, also the corner stores too, everybody close down.

'Workplaces, barber shops, beauty parlors, gyms, everything shut down from Wednesday, November 25 to December 4. 

Gatherings of more than 10 people are currently banned across New Jersey, while people have been urged to keep Thanksgiving gatherings 'small' (pictured, people queue for testing)

Gatherings of more than 10 people are currently banned across New Jersey, while people have been urged to keep Thanksgiving gatherings 'small' (pictured, people queue for testing)

Bars and restaurants in New Jersey have been told to close after 10pm, while the city of Newark has been placed on complete lockdown starting November 25

Bars and restaurants in New Jersey have been told to close after 10pm, while the city of Newark has been placed on complete lockdown starting November 25

'During that period, we are asking everyone to get tested. You should outside only if you are getting tested, only if you need groceries.'

The novel coronavirus has killed at least 1,388,590 people worldwide since the outbreak emerged in China last year, according to a tally compiled by AFP.

At least 58,647,610 cases of coronavirus have been registered. Of these, at least 37,298,300 are now considered recovered.

The United States is the worst-affected country with 256,798 deaths from 12,249,198 cases. At least 4,526,513 people have been declared recovered.

After the US, the hardest-hit countries are Brazil with 169,183 deaths from 6,071,401 cases, India with 133,738 deaths from 9,139,865 cases, Mexico with 101,676 deaths from 1,041,875 cases, and the UK with 55,024 deaths from 1,512,045 cases.

The country with the highest number of deaths compared to its population is Belgium with 135 fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Peru with 108, Spain 91, Italy 82. 

China - excluding Hong Kong and Macau - has to date declared 86,442 cases, including 4,634 deaths and 81,493 recoveries.