From the sea breeze of Bellevue Hill to a sweaty cell in Sydney's west: Wealthy mum accused of stabbing her elite private school graduate son, 22, in their $3.1 million mansion faces lonely Christmas behind bars

The mother who allegedly stabbed her son at her Bellevue Hill mansion has traded in her Sydney Harbour views for a sweaty cell and her pearls for a prison jumpsuit. 

Daily Mail Australia has confirmed Samantha Palmer, 55, will spend her next two months behind bars at Silverwater's maximum security women's prison. 

Palmer was moved out of the police lock-up to the western Sydney jail itself this  week, after being accused of stabbing Hugo Ball, 22, about 1.40am last Saturday.

Her barrister withdrew a bail application on Wednesday and her case isn't listed to return to court until January 20, 2021.

Palmer now faces a Christmas spent behind bars with killers, sex pests and thieves. 

Samantha Palmer, 55, was arrested at her Bellevue Hill home last Saturday, after she allegedly stabbed her son, Scots College graduate Hugo Ball, 22

Samantha Palmer, 55, was arrested at her Bellevue Hill home last Saturday, after she allegedly stabbed her son, Scots College graduate Hugo Ball, 22 

The property (above) became a crime scene last week after the late-night alleged incident

The property became a crime scene last week after the late-night alleged incident

Palmer's $3.1 million home has water glimpses of the eastern end of Sydney Harbour, above

Palmer's $3.1 million home has water glimpses of the eastern end of Sydney Harbour, above

The magnificent sweeping view that can be seen from the home's entertainer's balcony

The magnificent sweeping view that can be seen from the home's entertainer's balcony

By all reports, Palmer is accustomed to a significantly higher standard of living than the accommodation offered by Corrective Services NSW. 

She is the ex-wife of a CEO and mother of a graduate from Scots College - the elite $33,000-a-year boys' school. 

Her daughter attended similarly expensive Kambala School and went on to study at the University of Sydney.

Palmer's son Hugo Ball, 22 (above) is a graduate of $33,000-a-year Scots College

Palmer's son Hugo Ball, 22 is a graduate of $33,000-a-year Scots College

It's understood Palmer has previously lived with her ex-husband Ian Ball in the dress-circle suburbs of Vaucluse and Mosman. 

That's before moving in to her $3.1 million, multi-level home with second husband James Tilley.

Her current property boasts glimpes of the city's harbour and is nestled among sprawling homes with water features and sandstone walls. 

Following her arrest last weekend, Palmer's lawyer told a court that she had no criminal record. 

And she will 'vigorously' defend the charges when she eventually gets her day in court.

But until that happens, Palmer will simply be another 'freshie' living among the damned and those similarly accused.

She has already spent more than a week in police and Correctives' custody, for the first time in her life.  

Ravenswood water polo teacher turned convicted baby killer Keli Lane has served time at SilverwaterFellow child killer Kathleen Folbigg has similarly served time at the correctional centre

Ravenswood water polo teacher turned convicted baby killer Keli Lane has served time at Silverwater 

A peak inside the neighbouring Metropolitan Remand and Reception Centre, above, where many inmates spend their time while bail refused

A peak inside the neighbouring Metropolitan Remand and Reception Centre, above, where many inmates spend their time while bail refused

An inmate cowers under a blanket at Silverwater's prison complex, during a previous Daily Mail visit

An inmate cowers under a blanket at Silverwater's prison complex, during a previous Daily Mail visit

Other inmates who have been housed in the centre - who she'd hope not to encounter - include baby killer Keli Lane, toddler-murderer Kathleen Folbigg and husband-butcher Katherine Knight. 

As Palmer becomes accustomed to her prison greens, she may note that most of her fellow inmates from backgrounds of 'extraordinary disadvantage'. 

Few at Silverwater come from the well-to-do surrounds of Bellevue Hill and female New South Wales prisoners typically hail from considerably fewer means. 

Studies of the state's female prison population say inmates tend to have lower levels of education, have suffered the indignity of unemployment and are more likely to be Indigenous.

As many as two thirds of the female prison population have been in violent relationships and a third have spent time in foster care, the Women's Weekly reported.

This festive season, Palmer, like them, will enjoy her Christmas lunch out of a heated aluminium tray.

In previous years, Christmas Day lunch in the state's prisons has featured meals of sliced chicken or ham.

Last year's menu starred a turkey roll with gravy and vegetables. Dessert is usually a fruit mince pie. Palmer can expect a similar feast.

The perimeter fence of Silverwater prison is above. The complex houses three jails - the women's facility, metropolitan remand centre and a men's minimum security centre

The perimeter fence of Silverwater prison is above. The complex houses three jails - the women's facility, metropolitan remand centre and a men's minimum security centre

She will have to adjust to a new life of regimented exercise and meal times, a total loss of privacy and an uncertain future. 

But she will be lucky to be able to receive visitors. 

Prison authorities only opened the doors to visits once again this past week, after having to close their doors to all in March due to the coronavirus crisis. 

What will happen with Palmer next remains to be seen. 

Palmer's son, Hugo, was interviewed by detectives about the alleged events of last weekend for about half an hour on Thursday. 

An application for an apprehended violence order on his behalf has been adjourned until a later date. 

And Palmer's lawyers could still press a bail application before Christmas - leaving open the possibility of a reprieve from custody.