'Caravans' of Trump supporters and Proud Boys are planning to descend on DC this weekend for 'Million MAGA March' in protest of president's election loss

Donald Trump supporters and the far-right group Proud Boys are planning a 'Million MAGA March' in Washington DC this weekend to demonstrate in support of the president's unfounded allegations of election fraud.

A number of groups and accounts have cropped up across Facebook, Twitter and the conservative favoured platform Parler over the last 72 hours to promote the event, which is scheduled to take place this Saturday, on November 14.

A second event, referred to as the ‘Stop the Steal’ rally, has also been widely publicized for Saturday. Both events are scheduled to take place at noon.

Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser said Tuesday that city officials are aware of the planned demonstrations and assured that authorities ‘continue to follow those activities and be prepared for those activities.’

The marches come amid simmering tensions as Trump, without evidence, continues to claim that president-elect Joe Biden and the Democratic Party were involved in a massive voter fraud scheme in a number of key states, including Pennsylvania and Georgia.

Trump’s repeated protests have led to the rallying-cry of ‘Stop the Steal’ to break out among his loyal support base. 

Election officials in a dozen states, however, insisted to the New York Times Wednesday that there is no evidence of voter fraud, contrary to the president's claims.

Donald Trump supporters and the far-right group Proud Boys are planning to a 'Million MAGA March' in Washington DC this weekend to demonstrate in support of the president's unfounded allegations of election fraud

Donald Trump supporters and the far-right group Proud Boys are planning to a 'Million MAGA March' in Washington DC this weekend to demonstrate in support of the president's unfounded allegations of election fraud

The marches come amid simmering tensions as President Trump, without evidence, continues to claim that president-elect Joe Biden and the Democratic Party were involved in a massive voter fraud scheme in a number of key states, including Pennsylvania and Georgia

The marches come amid simmering tensions as President Trump, without evidence, continues to claim that president-elect Joe Biden and the Democratic Party were involved in a massive voter fraud scheme in a number of key states, including Pennsylvania and Georgia

Several accounts promoting the ‘Million MAGA March’ say the procession will take 'caravans' of supporters from Freedom Plaza right up to the Supreme Court.

The event appears to have taken its name from the Million Man March, which was a 1995 gathering of African-American men in DC who were calling for social justice.  However, the name has been altered to include the acronym of Trump’s campaign slogan, ‘Make America Great Again’.

It’s unclear if there is one unified organizer behind the march. Prospective attendees have raised complaints on a number of the event pages about a seeming lack of logistical planning.

‘Ok. Whoever is in charge of this event better get their crap together!’ blasted Dave Black one of the event’s Facebook pages. ‘This will end up being a cluster-F if they don't! WE NEED LOGISTICS FOLKS! POST WHERE THE 'MARCH' BEGINS and ENDS! POST WHETHER WE ARE PERMITTED OR NOT!'

He continued: 'I've gone to several March For Life and March for Jesus events long ago. They were always well organized with known speakers at the end. What about security? Will the D.C. Police be helping?’

SITE Intelligence Group - an organization that tracks jihadi, far-right and far-left threats - has listed the march on their website a far-right-organized event. 

During her Tuesday press conference, Bowser confirmed DC was bracing itself for a number of pro-Trump protests this weekend, including a caravan organized by the Proud Boys.

‘I huddled with my team this morning about an additional report of a caravan that might be starting somewhere in the South culminating here. We continue to follow those activities and be prepared for those activities,’ Bowser told reporters.

‘Our police chief will have a similar posture this weekend as he did last week. And we will be there to support peaceful exercise of First Amendment demonstrations,’ she said.

The event appears to have taken its name from the Million Man March, which was a gathering of African-American men calling for social justice in 1995. However, the name has been altered to include the acronym of Trump’s campaign slogan, ‘Make America Great Again’

The event appears to have taken its name from the Million Man March, which was a gathering of African-American men calling for social justice in 1995. However, the name has been altered to include the acronym of Trump’s campaign slogan, ‘Make America Great Again’

It’s unclear if there is one unified organizer behind the march

It’s unclear if there is one unified organizer behind the march

SITE Intelligence Group - an organization that tracks jihadi, far-right and far-left threats - have listed the event on their website as being organized by ‘far right groups’

SITE Intelligence Group - an organization that tracks jihadi, far-right and far-left threats - have listed the event on their website as being organized by ‘far right groups’

Bowser this week recommended that local business owners who boarded up their properties in anticipation of possible violence and looting following the election remove the protective material.

Washington, DC, Mayor Muriel Bowser (above) said on Tuesday that her city is preparing for this weekend's arrival of the Proud Boys, a far-right pro-Trump group

Washington, DC, Mayor Muriel Bowser said on Tuesday that her city is preparing for this weekend's arrival of the Proud Boys, a far-right pro-Trump group

When asked on Tuesday if the upcoming rally by Proud Boys changes her recommendation, she said: ‘It hasn’t.’

‘Should I think that something needs to change with that recommendation, I’ll make that statement,’ the mayor said.

When asked what the city plans to do if Proud Boys members openly carry weapons, she said it was a ‘police matter.’

While open carry is illegal in Washington, DC, gun owners can apply for a concealed carry permit.

It’s unclear how many protesters plan to attended the marches in the nation’s capital this weekend. Sizes of the groups and accounts organizing the events range from having tens of thousands of followers to under 100 or less.

Videos that are being circulated across WhatsApp, TikTok, and YouTube appear to be wide-reaching, however, racking up hundreds of thousands of views across all platforms.

The march has also been promoted by InfoWars host and infamous conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones.

During his show Tuesday, Jones said ‘the cavalry is coming’ as he urged Trump supporters to descend on Washington in ‘caravans’.

Tweets promoting the large scale gatherings in Washington have also been shared by a number of high-profile Trump supporters, including commentator Nick Fuentes, influencer Mark Lutchman and Republican-leaning rapper Bryson Gray.

Prospective attendees have raised complaints on a number of the event pages about a seeming lack of logistical planning

Prospective attendees have raised complaints on a number of the event pages about a seeming lack of logistical planning

The Proud Boys is reportedly planning to stage demonstrations in the nation's capital this weekend to protest President Trump's defeat in last Tuesday's election. Proud Boys members are seen above in Miami on October 15

Proud Boys have described the group as a politically incorrect men's club for 'Western chauvinists' and deny affiliations with far-right extremist groups

Proud Boys have described the group as a politically incorrect men's club for 'Western chauvinists' and deny affiliations with far-right extremist groups


The events will be held exactly a week after hundreds of thousands took to city streets all around the country on Saturday in celebration of all major news networks calling the election for Biden.

Biden secured victory in a number of key swing states, such as Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan to push him and running mate Kamala Harris over the needed threshold of 270 Electoral College votes.

While Biden has called for unity, Trump has so far refused to concede the race and continues to insist that he actually won the election.

Last week, three men associated with the Proud Boys were 'stabbed and slashed' in Washington, DC, on Wednesday morning after spending election night celebrating Trump at a bar near the White House.

DC police confirmed that they are looking for three suspects involved in an altercation in the 700 block of 14th Street Northwest at about 3.20am on November 4.

Two of the suspects were described as black males wearing all black clothing. The third was a black female wearing black sweatpants with a white stripe, orange leggings and a dark gray coat.

Police believe the suspects were linked to Black Lives Matter protests, according to WUSA.

Last week, three members of Proud Boys were allegedly stabbed by Black Lives Matters supporters. DC police confirmed on Wednesday that they are looking for three suspects involved in a stabbing

Last week, three members of Proud Boys were allegedly stabbed by Black Lives Matters supporters. DC police confirmed on Wednesday that they are looking for three suspects involved in a stabbing 

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio (pictured) claimed he and 'multiple' other members of the group were stabbed in an altercation after leaving the bar

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio claimed he and 'multiple' other members of the group were stabbed in an altercation after leaving the bar

A group of men who appear to be a part of The Proud Boys were seen drinking and getting rowdy just one mile away from the White House on Election Night, as clashes between Black Lives Matter protesters and Trump supporters exploded nearby. The man front and center wears a red MAGA hat showing his support for Trump and wears a Fred Perry black polo with yellow detailing, which is considered the de facto uniform for members

A group of men who appear to be a part of The Proud Boys were seen drinking and getting rowdy just one mile away from the White House on Election Night, as clashes between Black Lives Matter protesters and Trump supporters exploded nearby. The man front and center wears a red MAGA hat showing his support for Trump and wears a Fred Perry black polo with yellow detailing, which is considered the de facto uniform for members

The victims were transported to a hospital, where they are being treated for non-life threatening injuries, NBC News reported.

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio told the Gateway Pundit that he was slashed in the stomach while fellow member Bevelyn Beatty was stabbed in the back.

A view of the logo on the man's shirt above saying 'Stand Back, Stand By' with PB in the center

A view of the logo on the man's shirt above saying 'Stand Back, Stand By' with PB in the center

Tarrio claimed that his group was attacked after they stepped in to help another older man who was being assaulted.

'We were helping some guy that was getting stabbed by two black males and one female,' Tarrio said.

'Bevelyn got stabbed as well as two Proud Boys and the guy they were attacking. I got slashed, but it's not serious. We were walking to our cars.'

The altercation took place about four blocks from where a group of men who appeared to be part of the Proud Boys were seen drinking at Harry's Pub on 11th Street, just a seven minute walk from the White House.

Photos snapped by DailyMail.com showed the group proudly wearing MAGA hats and flashing white power signs as protests erupted outside.

Several were seen wearing shirts affiliating themselves with The Proud Boys, a far-right males-only extremist group that has neo-fascist, violent, nationalistic, Islamophobic, and misogynistic views, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

The man was seen flashing an OK sign which has been adopted by white nationalists as a white power sign at Harry's Pub in Washington DC Tuesday evening

The man was seen flashing an OK sign which has been adopted by white nationalists as a white power sign at Harry's Pub in Washington DC Tuesday evening

The man on the right was seen wearing a shirt that said 'Stand Back, Stand By,' a quote from Trump to The Proud Boys during the presidential debate with Joe Biden on September 30 when asked point blank to denounce white supremacy

The man on the right was seen wearing a shirt that said 'Stand Back, Stand By,' a quote from Trump to The Proud Boys during the presidential debate with Joe Biden on September 30 when asked point blank to denounce white supremacy

Who are the Proud Boys? 

Vice Media co-founder Gavin McInnes started the all-male Proud Boys in 2016. McInnes and the Proud Boys have described the group as a politically incorrect men's club for 'Western chauvinists' and deny affiliations with far-right extremist groups that overtly espouse racist and anti-Semitic views.

The Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center designated the Proud Boys as a hate group, saying that its members often spread 'outright bigotry' and 'anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric' over the internet, and have posted social media pictures of themselves with prominent Holocaust deniers, white nationalists and 'known neo-Nazis.'

Current leader of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, marched in the infamous Charlottesville Unite the Right rally in 2017. 

McInnes filed a lawsuit against the SPLC in February, challenging the addition of his organization to a list of hate groups.

Proud Boys have been involved in a series of high-profile violent clashes at political events.

In New York City in October 2018, police arrested several Proud Boys members who brawled with anti-fascist protesters following a speech by McInnes at a Manhattan Republican club.

Proud Boys members also have frequently clashed with counterprotesters at rallies in California and Oregon.