Trump tweets furiously from his east wing sick bed that Biden is in favor of 'executing' newborns after he promised to make Roe v. Wade law if SCOTUS overturns it

Donald Trump blasted Joe Biden Tuesday claiming he's in favor of 'executing' newborns after he vowed during a town hall the night before that to make Roe v. Wade the law of the land if elected – as the president continues to recover from coronavirus from the White House residence.

'Biden and Democrats just clarified the fact that they are fully in favor of LATE TERM ABORTION, right up until the time of birth, and beyond - which would be execution,' Trump tweeted Tuesday morning. 'Biden even endorsed the Governor of Virginia, who stated this clearly for all to hear. GET OUT & VOTE!!!'

Trump was referencing the 77-year-old candidate campaigning earlier this election cycle with Virginia Governor Ralph Northam – who has rolled back restrictions on abortion in his state this year. Northam signed legislation in April removing regulations requiring those seeking an abortion to undergo an ultrasound receive counseling on alternatives prior to the procedure.

Biden claimed during a town hall Monday night that Trump's Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett could threaten women's right to an abortion should she be confirmed.

'Wow. Joe Biden just took a more Liberal position on Roe v. Wade than Elizabeth Warren at her highest,' Trump said, inciting former progressive Democratic presidential nominee and Massachusetts senator. 

Donald Trump claimed Tuesday morning that Joe Biden is in favor of the 'execution' of newborns after the Democratic candidate said he would codify Roe v. Wade if elected

Donald Trump claimed Tuesday morning that Joe Biden is in favor of the 'execution' of newborns after the Democratic candidate said he would codify Roe v. Wade if elected

He also said the former vice president's position on abortion is 'more liberal' than that of progressive Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren ¿ who ran in the Democratic primary election against Biden

He also said the former vice president's position on abortion is 'more liberal' than that of progressive Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren – who ran in the Democratic primary election against Biden

During an outdoor town hall with NBC News on Monday night, the Democratic nominee said he would seek to turn Roe v. Wade's abortion protections into law if a conservative Supreme Court strikes it down

During an outdoor town hall with NBC News on Monday night, the Democratic nominee said he would seek to turn Roe v. Wade's abortion protections into law if a conservative Supreme Court strikes it down

'He also wants to PACK our great United States Supreme Court,' Trump continued in his tweet. 'This is what the Dems will do. Remember as they try changing positions before elections end. GET OUT AND VOTE!' 

Trump claims Democrats want to pack the Supreme Court as he faces backlash from the party nominating a replacement for the late liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg so close to the election.

Ginsburg was known as a protector of women's rights – including upholding rights awarded in the landmark 1973 case.

Biden vowed to enact legislation codifying Roe v. Wade if Barrett takes a seat on the Supreme Court.

The former vice president fielded a question about abortion rights Monday night at an NBC town hall from a young woman who called access to abortion and brith control 'imperative,' and wanted to know his plans for protecting reproductive rights.

'Number one, we don't know exactly what she will do, although expectation is that she may very well move to overview – overrule – Roe,' Biden said, days after it was revealed that Barrett had signed onto an ad in 2006 that called the law 'barbaric' and a 'raw exercise of judicial power.'

How Joe Biden plans to protect abortion rights 

Abortion rights activists fear that the elevation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court would give the conservative wing the decisive vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, which protects abortion rights.

Democratic contender Biden says he would push for federal legislation protecting abortion rights were Roe v. Wade struck down.

Such an effort by the Democrats would likely fail in a Republican-led Senate but would also be subject to a GOP filibuster should Democrats take control of the chamber. Then a super majority of 60 senators would be needed to advance legislation.

However,  some on the left are pushing Biden and Congressional leadership to eliminate the filibuster tool in the event the Democrats take the White House and the Senate.

With no filibuster, a possible Democratic chamber would be able to push through Biden's agenda, including legislation addressing abortion rights, on a simple majority vote. 

'And the only thing, the only responsible response to that would be to pass legislation making Roe the law of the land. That's what I would do,' he said.

Biden didn't follow up with a second point in his answer, and host Lester Holt then went to commercial. 

Trump's attack on late term abortions and Biden's stance on Roe v. Wade comes as he continues to recuperate from the Executive Residence.

The president was moved back to the Whtie House on Monday evening after spending four days at Walter Reed Medical Center as he was treated with a steroid, antiviral and supplemental oxygen after testing positive for coronavirus late last week.

Trump often touts he is the most 'pro-life president.'

Any legislative move enshrining abortion rights into law would be certain to meet a Republican filibuster in the Senate, even if Republicans lose control of the upper chamber.

However some Democrats are pushing their party's leadership to act to end the filibuster in order to allow Biden to ram through his agenda without it falling prey to obstruction.

If that were to happen, under a scenario where Democrats seize control of the Senate, the majority could push through a whole range of Biden action items on abortion and other issues.  

If the Senate confirms Barrett to fill the seat of the late liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, conservatives would have a 6-3 majority on the court, even if Biden were to capture the White House.

Senate Republicans are pushing ahead with their plan to try to confirm Barrett before the November 3 elections, despite three Senate Republicans testing positive for the coronavirus.

The Judiciary Committee, chaired by Trump loyalist Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, is set to kick off four days of hearings Oct. 12, just weeks before the election. 

Biden made a similar vow during the primaries, as a series of states have sought to chip away at abortion rights through their own laws.  

Earlier in the town hall in Florida, Biden called out President Donald Trump's family for opting to take off their masks at last week's presidential debate in Cleveland – while blasting a 'macho' attitude that avoids mask wearing.

Biden spoke Monday night just minutes after Trump left Walter Reed medical facility to reenter the White House – taking off his own mask to be photographed and then reentering the White House.

Biden said he was not worried about himself having contracted the coronavirus from Trump, who debated him on the same stage in Cleveland on Tuesday, when the president may have already been infected with COVID-19.

Biden spoke about Judge Amy Coney Barrett and predicted she would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. The White House event where Trump announced her nomination featured a raft of guests who later tested positive for the coronavirus, raising the possibility it was a super spreader event

Biden spoke about Judge Amy Coney Barrett and predicted she would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. The White House event where Trump announced her nomination featured a raft of guests who later tested positive for the coronavirus, raising the possibility it was a super spreader event

Biden spoke after President Trump's dramatic return so the White House while still infected with COVID-19 after spending three nights at Walter Reed Medical Center getting treatment

Biden spoke after President Trump's dramatic return so the White House while still infected with COVID-19 after spending three nights at Walter Reed Medical Center getting treatment

He told NBC's Lester Holt he wasn't worried about his own safety. 'I've been fastidious about the social distancing.'

But he did take to task the president's family. Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, and Lara Trump all took off their masks inside the debate hall.   

'It was a little disconcerting to look out and see that his whole section no one had masks on,' he said.

'You could see people coming in and a lot of people didn't have masks on,' Biden explained – but did not identify Trump's family members by name specifically. 

It was revealed Wednesday that members of the Cleveland Clinic, who cosponsored it, offered the Trump family members masks inside the event venue but they declined. 

With Trump revealing early Friday that he tested positive for COVID-19, he may well have been exposed during the debate. 

Later during the town hall, Biden teed off on people who don't wear them. 'Now what is this macho thing I'm not going to wear a mask,' he said.  

Biden was on stage for the town hall format just days before he is scheduled to debate Trump October 15th in Miami for the second presidential debate – which will feature a similar format.

It was arranged in an outdoor venue that featured occasional traffic noise, and the candidate couldn't always hear his masked questioners.

He told a voter he's 'not putting up with it' if Trump goes after him again. She said she was concerned the president bullied him.  

Monday's event took place outdoors with undecided voters.  Biden was seated in a chair feet away from host Lester Holt.  

 He called last week's debate 'embarrassing for the nation. 

Biden said he himself 'would communicate the right lesson to the American people' and said emphatically that 'masks matter.'

Asked about Trump's photo-op return from the hospital, Biden said: 'I hope no one walks away with the message thinking that it's not a problem. It's a serious problem. It's an international pandemic and we have 4 percent of the population and 20 percent of the deaths.'

But he declined to go after Trump's medical team for holding back information. 

He said that 'moment to moment I'm not sure that that is an absolute requirement' to reveal all information about the president's health. He said it had national security implications.

'You cannot mislead about certain things,' Biden said. 

After blasting Trump on a variety of issues during the pandemic, Biden said: 'I'm not being critical of the fact that every single detail was not released.'

That came despite a media pile-on for White House physician Sean Conley's  refusal to divulge critical information about the president's condition, including the state of his lungs and precise levels of oxygenation while he battles the coronavirus.