The moment blundering news anchor Pat Kiernan announces White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has 'tested positive for COCAINE'

New York City news anchor Pat Kiernan botched his lines and accidentally said White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany had tested positive for cocaine instead of coronavirus. 

Kiernan, a veteran news anchor on NY1, made the slip on Monday after learning that McEnany was the latest member of President Donald Trump's circle to test positive for COVID-19.

'Another member of Donald Trump's inner circle testing positive for cocaine,' Keirnan said during the broadcast.

He continued speaking for several moments before someone appeared to tell him of his flub via his earpiece. 

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NY1 anchor Pat KiernanWhite House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany is seen above on Sunday

New York City news anchor Pat Kiernan botched his lines on Monday when he accidentally said White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany had tested positive for cocaine instead of coronavirus. She is pictured right on Sunday

Pat Kiernan on NY 1 coming in hot!Slip of the tongue, but maybe what we’re all thinking?

Kiernan quickly corrected himself, saying: 'Tested positive for COVID.' 

He later apologized on Twitter in response to someone who tweeted at him. 

'You just said she tested positive for Cocaine. What's really on your mind Pat?!' the person tweeted. 

He responded: 'Yes. COVID. There's enough going on without adding another dimension. Apologies for the error.' 

Following news of McEnany's announcement, Kiernan tweeted: 'Do we need to change our reporting approach and just list the members of the inner circle who DON'T have COVID?'

Kiernan later apologized on Twitter in response to someone who tweeted at him

Kiernan later apologized on Twitter in response to someone who tweeted at him

Following news of McEnany's announcement, Kiernan tweeted: 'Do we need to change our reporting approach and just list the members of the inner circle who DON'T have COVID?'

Following news of McEnany's announcement, Kiernan tweeted: 'Do we need to change our reporting approach and just list the members of the inner circle who DON'T have COVID?'

McEnany spoke out for the first time on Monday night since testing positive, telling Fox News' Sean Hannity that she is 'feeling great' and 'having no symptoms' of the virus.

'You know I'm very blessed to have a mild case or really just an asymptomatic case. You know my heart goes out to all those who have been really affected by this and all those who have lost their lives,' McEnany said.

She then said she was 'pleased to see that our commander-in-chief is doing well'.

Trump left the Walter Reed hospital earlier on Monday and returned to the White House after spending three nights at the medical center.

'Watching him on that balcony just showing that we will overcome, America will overcome, just as he is overcoming this illness was a really nice moment for our country to see.'