Teen beauty queen says Ghislaine Maxwell tried to recruit her for Jeffrey Epstein while she was working out in a Florida gym when she was 14

A former teen beauty queen claims Ghislaine Maxwell tried to recruit her as a masseuse for Jeffrey Epstein while she was working out at a Florida gym when she was just 14.  

Molly Skye Brown, now 42, went to the FBI to tell her tale of meeting Maxwell, Epstein's alleged madam, in 1992, when she was still in high school.  

She said the encounter took place at a gym inside a childcare facility in Palm Beach, near the billionaire pedophile's mansion, where she had a part time job that gave her a free membership to the workout facility. 

'I was 14, I was starting to get more into modeling, acting, singing and pageants with the expectation of making some scholarship money or grant money to further my education,' Brown told The Sun.   

'I was on the elliptical machine working out, which is by the front window. I was half-naked, a young girl with an exercise outfit on, showing my body. I saw Maxwell walk by and she stopped. I was the only one in there.' 

Former teen beauty queen Molly Skye Brown (pictured) claims Ghislaine Maxwell tried to recruit her for Jeffrey Epstein while she was working out at a Florida gym when she was just 14

Former teen beauty queen Molly Skye Brown claims Ghislaine Maxwell tried to recruit her for Jeffrey Epstein while she was working out at a Florida gym when she was just 14

Brown continued: 'She looked me up and down, then came into the gym, walked to the front counter and I could hear her say: "I'm not going to be long, I just want to talk to this girl."'

She said Maxwell then walked up to her and handed her a business card.  

'She walks towards me and hands me her business card. She introduced herself, said she was a modeling scout and asked: Do I do any modeling? I said I did,' Brown recounted.

'She said: "Well, you have the look, how old are you?" I told her my age and she said: "Oh my God, you look so much older, you could easily pass for 18."'

Brown claimed that Maxwell went on to offer her a masseuse job and promised that she could help the teen get a modeling contract from Victoria's Secret. 

But Brown was apprehensive from the start, since she suffered from congenital hip dysplasia and knew she wouldn't be able to walk as a model, The Sun reported.  

'Maxwell painted a picture of international traveling, modeling, massages and opportunities with Victoria's Secret,' Brown said. 

'It was going in one ear and out the other.' 

Maxwell is currently behind bars on charges she  helped groom dozens of young girls for Epstein (pictured together in 2005)

Maxwell is currently behind bars on charges she  helped groom dozens of young girls for Epstein (pictured together in 2005)

'I've had reconstructive surgery, but my knees are dislocated, I limp and I've already been told by professional agencies that I was never catwalk modeling material,' she said.

'I told Maxwell I really preferred acting, singing and musical theater. She said: "Well, if you change your mind, I have a lot of modeling opportunities."' 

Nearly 20 years later, Brown sees the experience in a whole new light as Maxwell sits behind bars awaiting trial on charges she helped groom dozens of young girls for Epstein. 

'She was just a predator prowling the streets I have no doubt. I've now had others tell me that I'm exactly the type. I fit the bill perfectly,' Brown told the Sun.

She said that she later heard stories about Maxwell prowling around Orlando's Altamonte Mall making similar promises to other young girls.  

'Another girlfriend of mine told me that Ghislaine used to come up to scout up there. She'd be roaming the shops, handing out her card. It happened regularly,' Brown said.   

This is a developing story.