Moment girl, 15, lunges at 17-year-old boy in courtroom during his sentencing after he killed a member of a her family in a botched drug deal at a library

A 15-year-old girl lunged across a courtroom to attack a 17-year-old man who was being sentenced for killing a teenager in a botched drug deal in an Ohio library bathroom. 

Bodycam footage from the Cuyahoga Sheriff's Department showed the wild moment when the teenage girl tried to attack Robert Houchens at the Cuyahoga County Court last month. 

Houchens was sentenced to 14-19 years after he pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter, aggravated robbery, and felonious assault in connection to the death of 19-year-old Brandon Cutnoe on July 23, 2019. 

Houchens - who was 16 at the time - shot and killed Cutnoe in the Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland 9 reported.

Cutnoe was shot multiple times in the bathroom, and his girlfriend told authorities that he had been there for a marijuana deal. 

The girl who tried to attack Houchens was related to the victim, according to Fox8.

Bodycam footage from the Cuyahoga Sheriff's Department showed the wild moment when the teenage girl lunged at Robert Houchens, 17

Bodycam footage from the Cuyahoga Sheriff's Department showed the wild moment when the teenage girl lunged at Robert Houchens, 17

Video, obtained by Fox 8, shows several deputies having to rush to the commotion in order to restrain the irate teen. 

Brandon Cutnoe

Brandon Cutnoe

She reportedly went up to the podium to speak to the judge before lunging at the killer.

The group of deputies are eventually able to get a hold of the teen and handcuff her before leading her down a long hallway.  

Investigators are looking into the attack and will take the case to a juvenile prosecutor to determine whether to charge the girl. 

This particular courtroom had another attack occur on video, last year, when a man decided to lung at his attorney after he was displeased with his sentencing. He wound up with more charges for the attack. 

Several deputies rush to the commotion and restrain the irate teen. She reportedly went up to the podium to speak to the judge before lunging at the teen

Several deputies rush to the commotion and restrain the irate teen. She reportedly went up to the podium to speak to the judge before lunging at the teen

Deputies detained the teen and led her out the courtroom

Deputies detained the teen and led her out the courtroom

On July 23, 2019, Houchens (right) - who was 16 at the time - shot and killed Cutnoe in the Cleveland Public Library. He was joined by Paul Sender

On July 23, 2019, Houchens - who was 16 at the time - shot and killed Cutnoe in the Cleveland Public Library. He was joined by Paul Sender

Video from the library on the day of the 2019 attack shows Houchens and then-19-year-old Paul Sender arriving at the library, with Sender holding the door open for a mother as the other teen heads inside.

After the attack, Houchens and Sender - who was outside at the time - fled the scene on foot. Houchens was arrested while hiding in his home.

Sender was sentenced to four years for his role in the case, having hid the murder weapon.