Melbourne's restrictions may NOT be lifted on October 19 despite plunging case numbers - as Dave Hughes and an MP launch extraordinary attacks on 'manipulative gaslighter' Dan Andrews

Melbourne's coronavirus restrictions may not be lifted on October 19 as planned despite plummeting case numbers, in news that has sparked withering attacks on Daniel Andrews. 

Mr Andrews announced the city would progress to Step Three of its roadmap out of lockdown if there was a 14-day average of less than five cases per day by October 19.

But Victoria's Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton expressed doubts over whether Melbourne is on track to ease restrictions by mid-October. 

'My gut feel…it will be a line ball. Look, it's not a certain one way or the other,' he said on Monday.

Victoria's Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton expressed doubts over whether Melbourne is on track to ease restrictions by mid-October

Victoria's Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton expressed doubts over whether Melbourne is on track to ease restrictions by mid-October

Comedian Dave Hughes has since criticised Mr Andrews and Prof Sutton over their threat to 'keep Melburnians stuck at home' until next year. Pictured with wife Holly

Comedian Dave Hughes has since criticised Mr Andrews and Prof Sutton over their threat to 'keep Melburnians stuck at home' until next year. Pictured with wife Holly 

Prof Sutton said easing restrictions too soon would risk losing control over 'mystery cases'.  

'We'd have to see exactly where we were at that time, including the trend,' he said. 

'Because if all five cases are in the first week of that fortnight and we have seven or eight or nine days prior to the 19th that has absolutely no mystery cases, that's a positive, obviously.'

Prof Sutton also warned the 5km limit on household travelling could remain in place even if other measures are relaxed. 

'We will examine it at the point when we are there,' he said.

'We will see where the outbreaks transmission is coming from and reflect on the 5km rule with respect to that and the overall picture.' 

Comedian Dave Hughes has since criticised Mr Andrews and Prof Sutton over their threat to 'keep Melburnians stuck at home' until next year.

Hughes said Mr Andrews and Prof Sutton needed to 'look beyond manipulated click bait' when the pair pleaded with Victorians to follow the rules after large crowds surrounded a television reporter on St Kilda beach on Friday. 

Prof Sutton said of the footage: 'Don’t risk everything. What we can hold back now means a truly normal summer. Please - Hold. The. Line.' 

Mr Andrews also pleaded with Victorians in the wake of the footage, urging 'we are so close'. 

Mr Andrews announced in the city would progress to Step Three of its roadmap out of lockdown if there was a 14-day average of less than five cases per day by October 19

Mr Andrews announced in the city would progress to Step Three of its roadmap out of lockdown if there was a 14-day average of less than five cases per day by October 19

'Let’s not any of us do anything that might undermine the very positive numbers, the very strong performance we have seen in recent days. The trend is with us, the numbers are coming down, once we get them low, we can keep them low and we can open up again,' he said. 

'And if you want to spend summer at the beach, then will be time to do that. If we don’t do anything silly or anything selfish right now.'

Hughes wasn't impressed with the premier or Prof Sutton.  

'So ... reporter does Friday night cross on rarely warm St Kilda beach in which he gathers excited drunken people around him, yells "How good is this?" and they perform on cue, and now (Mr Andrews and Mr Sutton) threaten to keep all Melburnians stuck at home for rest of year?' Hughes tweeted.  

The new cases take Melbourne's 14-day average to 11.6, with the rate needing to be less than five, and fewer than five mystery cases for restrictions to further ease on October 19

The new cases take Melbourne's 14-day average to 11.6, with the rate needing to be less than five, and fewer than five mystery cases for restrictions to further ease on October 19

Meanwhile, Member for Brighton James Newbury on Monday launched an extraordinary attack on Mr Andrews on Twitter accusing the premier of 'gaslighting' - a form of psychological manipulation.  

'(Daniel Andrews) keeps breaking promises to ease restrictions, yet blames us for the reversal. Now, he won't commit to his 19 October date and is threatening to keep the 5km rule - blaming our behaviour. Daniel is a manipulative gaslighter,' he wrote.   

Victoria recorded nine new cases on Monday but for the first time in almost a month the state did not suffer any coronavirus deaths.

The national death toll remains at 894.

Member for Brighton MP James Newbury and comedian Dave Hughes both took to Twitter on Monday to blast the premier and chief health officer

Member for Brighton MP James Newbury and comedian Dave Hughes both took to Twitter on Monday to blast the premier and chief health officer 

The new cases take Melbourne's 14-day average to 11.6, with the rate needing to be less than five, and fewer than five mystery cases for restrictions to further ease on October 19. 

Police patrolled St Kilda Beach after large groups gathered on Friday, raising concerns that such behaviour could trigger another outbreak.

Mr Andrews warned he could be forced to extend the 5km travel bubble for metropolitan Melbourne if residents continue to hit the beach.

'I can't put a timeline on it but those rules serve a really important purpose and they'll be in place for as long as that purpose is relevant and proportionate — the benefit is relevant and proportionate — to the challenge we face,' he said.

'There will be a time when that (5km rule) can come off, but exactly when that is — or it might be extended — when that is we can't be certain now.'

Three women sunbathe in their COVIDSafe bubbles at St Kilda on Saturday

Three women sunbathe in their COVIDSafe bubbles at St Kilda on Saturday

Premier Daniel Andrews pleaded for residents to 'stay the course'. Pictured: Police speak to residents in Melbourne on Saturday

Premier Daniel Andrews pleaded for residents to 'stay the course'. Pictured: Police speak to residents in Melbourne on Saturday