Jeremy Corbyn is 'FINED' over dinner with EIGHT others: Labour MP says former leader was hit with £200 penalty for blatant Rule of Six breach

Jeremy Corbyn has been fined for breaching the 'Rule of Six' at a dinner, one of his party's MPs said this morning.

Tooting MP Rosena Allin-Khan said this morning twice that the former Labour leader, 71, had been penalised over the rule-break.

It came after he and wife Laura Alvarez, 51, were pictured seated around a nine-person strong table at a friend's house.

It is understood the meal was to remember the anthropolgist David Graeber, who died suddenly last month. His widow, the artist Nina Dubrovsky was among the guests.

It came after Boris Johnson's father Stanley apologised after he was seen breaking rules on wearing masks in shops. 

Dr Allin-Khan said: 'Nobody is exempt and Jeremy Corbyn rightly apologised, it was wrong for him to be at a dinner party with that many people.

'My understanding is that more and more people arrived and when it got over six he should have left.

'He’s been fined, that’s the right course of action and he’s apologised and that’s really important.

'Jeremy Corbyn was wrong , he’s apologised and that’s the right thing to do and he’s paying a fine.'

The former Labour leader, 71, and his wife Laura Alvarez, 51, seated with Nina Dubrovsky

The former Labour leader, 71, and his wife Laura Alvarez, 51, seated with Nina Dubrovsky

On his bike: Jeremy Corbyn takes his bicycle from his house in north London for a ride

On his bike: Jeremy Corbyn takes his bicycle from his house in north London for a ride

'We've seen people like Dominic Cummings flout the rules and break the rules saying he was checking his eyesight,' she told Good Morning Britain.

The Labour party have been contacted for comment by MailOnline. 

Corbyn and his guests faced fines of £200 each, racking up to £1,800 in total, for breaching Covid-19 rules. 

The MP for Islington North last  night apologised for the incident, admitting it was a 'mistake'. 

Rule of snitch: How are coronavirus breaches reported and who by? 

Breaches of Coronavirus rules can be reported to the authorities by members of the public, if they wish.

Some police forces have dedicated pages Covid-19 informants can use to dob in regulation-breakers.

It requires them to upload information to the force, who will then look over the 'evidence' and decide whether to take further action.

The Met Police has a dedicated page called 'Tell us about a possible breach of coronavirus (Covid-19) measures' 

Councils cannot deal with reports about groups or individuals but can act on tip-offs about businesses in their areas. 

'I recently had dinner at a friend's house where the number of guests eventually exceeded five,' he told The Sun. 

'I understand that remaining at the dinner was a breach of the rule of six. I apologise for my mistake.'

Guests at the event reportedly included left-wing activists, filmmakers and artists.

One guest got up from the table to take a picture of the other eight, with an unsmiling Corbyn sitting two seats away from his wife.  

The 'rule of six' was brought in by the government on September 14 in an attempt to control the spread of a second wave of Covid-19. 

Those in violation of the rules face potential fines of £200 each for first-time offenders.

It is understood the dinner party took place on the same day Corbyn's older brother Piers led an anti-mask rally of thousands of people in Trafalgar Square. 

A source said: 'It's clear that Jeremy realised immediately the danger the photo had put him in.

'His face says it all. He knew he shouldn't have been present and he, of all people, should know the rules.'

David Morris, Tory MP for Morecambe and Lunesdale, described the image as 'disappointing'. 

'Millions of Brits are quietly sticking to the rules to defeat this horrific virus while Jeremy Corbyn is swanning around at a posh ­dinner party,' he said. 

The rule applies across England by law, meaning that gatherings must be limited.

There are also local lockdowns in place across much of England with some 16 million Britons living under such local restrictions. 

Britain today recorded 7,108 more coronavirus cases and another 71 deaths — including a three-month high of seven in Scotland. 

Daily infections are up 15 per cent on last Wednesday's 6,178 and almost 80 per cent higher than on Wednesday two weeks ago. 

But Britain's infections are a far-cry from what they were during the darkest days of the crisis in March and April, when at least 100,000 people were getting struck down every day. 

Rule of Six: The new rules at a glance 


OFF: All gatherings of more than six people will be illegal, putting the traditional family Christmas at risk.

A family of five will be allowed to meet only one grandparent at a time, while families of six or more will be banned from meeting anyone.

It does not matter how many different households meet up, as long as they stick to the rule of six.

So six people from six different households can all get together, but two households of four cannot.

ON: The only exemption is if a household or a support bubble is made up of more than six people.

Support bubbles allow adults who live by themselves – as well as single parents – to join up with one other household.


OFF: All social gatherings of more than six – whether a book club, dinner party or picnic – are banned.

Police will have the power to break up bigger groups in parks, pubs and private homes.

An army of 'Covid marshals' will be recruited by councils to step up enforcement, patrolling town centres, parks, shopping centres and train stations and encouraging large groups to break up.

People in groups of seven or more face spot fines of £100, doubling with each repeat offence to a maximum of £3,200.

OFF: Pubs or restaurants cannot seat more than six people at one table. Hospitality venues can still accept more than six people in total, but each group must be separate and kept a safe distance apart.

So a group of eight friends, for example, can't get round the restriction by booking two neighbouring tables of four.

And you cannot go to a pub in one group, then join another group. Venues face fines of £1,000 if they do not comply with the rules.

Pubs, restaurants, hairdressers and cinemas must record names and contact details of all customers, visitors and staff for 21 days.


ON: Churches, synagogues, mosques and temples will remain open, although congregations will be required to stay at least a metre apart.

ON: Wedding ceremonies and receptions are exempt from the new rules, and up to 30 guests are allowed but they have to sit or stand a metre apart.

ON: Funerals are also exempt, with 30 people allowed.


ON: Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools will remain open, as long as they are 'Covid secure' and enforce social distancing rules. Yoga or exercise classes with more than six people are allowed.

ON: Grassroots sport is largely unaffected. Recreational sports, including five-a-side football, cricket, rugby and parkruns, can go ahead as long as they follow protocols. But teams of more than six can't go for a post-match pint together.

ON: Professional sports and elite training can go ahead. Pilot events for reintroducing fans to stadiums can continue, but with a limit of 1,000 spectators.


ON: Schools and universities are not affected by the new rules. But they must continue to operate under existing guidelines.

ON: Youth groups, registered childcare and playgroups are exempt from the rule of six.

OFF: The rules still apply outside these settings, so a group of ten school friends cannot go from the classroom to a park, or seven colleagues cannot go from the office to the pub.


ON: Protests can go ahead in groups larger than six, as long as they are 'Covid secure'. 

It comes as Boris Johnson's rallying cry to the nation to keep fighting coronavirus was bolstered by new figures showing the infection rate started slowing after restrictions, including the rule of six, were tightened.

In the strongest evidence yet that local lockdowns are working, results from the largest Covid-19 study in England found the R-rate fell from 1.7 to around 1.1 this month, following the implementation of the new rules.

The director of the study by Imperial College London and Ipsos Mori said the interim findings from 80,000 participants 'reinforced the need for protective measures' to help extinguish the virus.

That restrictions are seemingly helping to stem the spread of Covid-19 will help the Prime Minister's case for imposing curbs to flatten the second wave.

At a Downing Street press conference last night, Mr Johnson, flanked by Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance, vowed not to 'throw in the sponge' and capitulate to demands to abandon his strategy.

Critics have argued that the recent suite of measures, including local lockdowns and national restrictions such as 10pm curfews on pubs, are ineffective but are laying waste to the economy and infringing civil liberties.

While the rate of infection appears to be falling, the study, commissioned by the Department for Health, found that of the volunteers tested between September 18-26, one in 200 people had coronavirus.

It also revealed the virus to be spreading more among young people, while simultaneously laying bare the North-South divide, pointing to the north west as the epicentre of the UK's outbreak.

Professor Paul Elliott, director of the programme at Imperial from the School of Public Health, said: 'While our latest findings show some early evidence that the growth of new cases may have slowed, suggesting efforts to control the infection are working, the prevalence of infection is the highest that we have recorded to date.

'This reinforces the need for protective measures to limit the spread of the disease and the public's adherence to these, which will be vital to minimise further significant illness and loss of life from Covid-19.'

Despite the green shoots of recovery, the government is still under pressure following the introduction of the rule of six and other lockdown measures.

Mr Johnson was lampooned on Tuesday night and urged to 'get a grip' after becoming muddled with the North East's lockdown rules, forcing him to make a rare apology for 'misspeaking'.

In a toe-curling episode that mirrored comedian Matt Lucas's spoof of government bumbling, the PM floundered as he was grilled on how the restrictions work - suggesting that households could still mix in groups of six indoors. 

To cap his embarrassment, Mr Johnson then had to tweet to clear up the confusion, saying he had misspoken and households will not be allowed to mix indoors, regardless of numbers.

Labour's deputy leader Angela Rayner claimed the PM did not understand the rules he is imposing on two million people.

She added: 'For the Prime Minister to not understand his own rules is grossly incompetent. These new restrictions are due to come into force across huge parts of the country tonight. The Government needs to get a grip.' 

Answering questions about the North East lockdown at Exeter College in Devon yesterday, Mr Johnson said: 'On the rule of six, outside the areas such as the North East where extra measures have been brought in, it is six inside, six outside.

'And in the North East and other areas where extra tight measures have been brought in you should follow the guidance of the local authorities.

'But it's six in a home or six in hospitality, but as I understand it not six outside. That is the situation there.' 

Whitehall sources said No10 had been blindsided by Matt Hancock's decision to press ahead with the new restrictions, which had not been expected until at least the end of this week. 

The PM's blunder had uncomfortable echoes of the skit by Lucas, which was aired at the start of the Great British Bake Off on Channel 4 last week. 

It saw the comedian dressed up as Mr Johnson taking a faux press conference in Downing Street. Ridiculing the complicated rules, Lucas urged people to 'bake in a tent' if they must, before adding: 'Don't bake in a tent.' 

The Imperial College and Ipsos Mori study laid bare the North-South divide, pointing to the north west as the epicentre of the UK's outbreak

The Imperial College and Ipsos Mori study laid bare the North-South divide, pointing to the north west as the epicentre of the UK's outbreak

In the strongest evidence yet that local lockdowns are working, results from the largest Covid-19 study in England found the R-rate fell from 1.7 to around 1.1

In the strongest evidence yet that local lockdowns are working, results from the largest Covid-19 study in England found the R-rate fell from 1.7 to around 1.1

Last night, the PM finally bowed to demand to give MPs a vote before any fresh lockdown restrictions - after furious Speaker Lindsay Hoyle blasted him for treating the Commons with 'contempt'.

In the face of a huge backbench rebellion over the scope of new laws introduced by ministers without being seen by MPs, Health Secretary Matt Hancock confirmed the government would 'consult Parliament' on any England-wide or UK-wide restrictions, and a vote will be held in advance 'wherever possible'.

It came ahead of a vote in the Commons on renewing emergency coronavirus powers, with around 100 MPs ready to force changes if the Government failed to give concessions.

Mr Hancock said: 'Today I can confirm to the House that for significant national measures, with effect in the whole of England or UK-wide, we will consult Parliament – wherever possible we will hold votes before such regulations come into force,' he said.

'But of course responding to the virus means that the Government must act with speed when required and we cannot hold up urgent regulations which are needed to control the virus and save lives.'

Sir Graham Brady, who led the Tory revolt, welcomed the climbdown - which followed weeks of rising tensions with the backbenches. The motion was later passed by 330 votes to 24, majority 306.

Mr Johnson tonight begged Britons to stick with his coronavirus plan, warning that a 'more costly' second full lockdown will have to be imposed unless the public behaves better.

At a No10 press conference with Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance, the PM said it was too early to judge whether the Rule of Six and 10pm pubs curfew introduced over the past fortnight were working.

And he said that letting the virus 'take its course' risked overwhelming the NHS and many more deaths.

But in a nod to rising anxiety about the consequences of restrictions, Mr Johnson said he intended to update the public more 'regularly' in the coming weeks.

Boris Johnson's father Stanley faces £200 fine after being seen shopping WITHOUT a facemask in his local newsagent

Boris Johnson's father faces a £200 fine after he was spotted breaching coronavirus rules and shopping without a facemask.

Stanley Johnson, 79, who just months ago flew to his Greek villa in brazen defiance of the pandemic travel warnings, was spotted without a face covering as he popped into his local newsagents in West London on Tuesday for a newspaper.

The scenes come after the Prime Minister today pleaded with the British public to  'follow the guidance' and urged people to wear a mask in shops and on public transport during a Downing Street press conference. 

After being caught red-handed without a mask, the Prime Minister's father admitted he was 'maybe not 100 per cent up to speed' with the rules having just returned from abroad and said he was 'extremely sorry'. 

Stanley Johnson, 79, was spotted without a face covering as he bought a newspaper at a newsagents in West London on Tuesday

Stanley Johnson, 79, was spotted without a face covering as he bought a newspaper at a newsagents in West London on Tuesday

He told The Mirror: 'I was maybe not 100 per cent up to speed but that was my first day back in England after three weeks not in England.

'So they (the rules) may have changed in that time. I'm not really a big shopping man.

'I'm extremely sorry for the slip up and I would urge absolutely everybody to do everything they can to make sure they do follow the rules about masks and social distancing.'  

The scenes come just months after the Prime Minister was met with a furious backlash after his father jetted to his four-bed home in Greece - ignoring Foreign Office guidance which stated no one should travel unless it was essential.

Despite the Government advising against all but essential travel, Mr Johnson claimed he needed to 'Covid proof' his villa before the letting season began. 

The retired Tory MEP told local and international press: 'There is no question of my breaking the law. The minister of tourism here has my papers.

'It was always absolutely clear from the Greek government that the only thing they were banning were people coming in from direct flights from Britain.' 

The scenes come after the Prime Minister today pleaded with the British public to 'follow the guidance' and urged people to wear a mask in shops and on public transport

The scenes come after the Prime Minister today pleaded with the British public to 'follow the guidance' and urged people to wear a mask in shops and on public transport

Locals claimed he arrived to the region by private car after documenting his controversial journey from the UK on social media, sharing a video of himself on a plane and a selfie.

When he was later confronted by international media in Pelion, Mr Johnson said he was unaware of the outcry in Britain about his flight. 

'It is true I took the pictures down,' he said. 'But I didn't put them up in spirit of defiance…. I certainly had no intention of provoking anyone.' 

Today Boris Johnson pleaded with Britons to 'follow the guidance' in an effort to prevent a second 'more costly' lockdown national lockdown.

He said: 'Let me just say what I've said to everybody, please everybody follow the guidance.

'Bearing in mind, you are doing it not just to protect your neighbour but ultimately someone that you could transmit the disease to that could end up infecting someone that you love. It is absolutely crucial that we stop the spread of this disease.'

He added: 'Wear a mask on transport in the way that is recommended.

'And, bear in mind that the fines are now very considerable and they will be imposed.'

Last week, the Prime Minister revealed that fines for failing to wear a face covering would rise to £200 and will become compulsory for bar staff, shop workers, waiters and taxi passengers.