Instant car-ma! Workmen surround Kia with 6ft metal fences and start digging up street after driver leaves hatchback in roadworks area

A driver found his car trapped behind six-foot metal fences after workmen set up barriers around his vehicle and starting digging up the street. 

It seems the driver ignored warning signs and left his Kia Rio hatchback in an area designated for roadworks - also picking up a parking ticket for his troubles.

Passerby Ben Whittle, 48, was on his way home on Monday when he spotted the trapped car in Whitechapel, East London. 

The black Kia Rio 2 was surrounded by metal fencing in Whitechapel, east London

The black Kia Rio 2 was surrounded by metal fencing in Whitechapel, east London

The black Kia Rio 2 was entirely surrounded by six-foot-tall metal fencing, imprisoning it against the pavement, while a long trench further ensured it wouldn't be going anywhere for a while.  

Mr Whittle snapped a photo  and shared it on Facebook with the caption 'hope you weren't planning on going anywhere soon'.

He says he thought the bizarre parking incident could be the driver's own fault for not seeing signs to say work was commencing and they were lucky it hadn't been towed away. 

He said: 'I first noticed it yesterday when I came home and it's still there, so I'm going to keep an eye on it - it's right outside my house.

Workmen put up 6ft metal fencing and started digging up the street

Workmen put up 6ft metal fencing and started digging up the street

'It was the workmen that blocked the road - I think they're doing the electricity and they're still digging the road up.

'They could have put a sign up, but in London you can get the tube or train at the end of the day.

'It's lucky it hasn't been towed away, it will be there for them once they finish the road.

'I just took a photo and thought that would be quite funny on the internet. It's just funny. '