EXCLUSIVE: Billionaire matchmaker! Ghislaine Maxwell was set up with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein by her disgraced newspaper baron father Robert so he could 'take care of her emotionally'

Ghislaine Maxwell once revealed that her father introduced her to Jeffrey Epstein to 'take care of her emotionally'.

The pedophile's alleged chief recruiter confessed to one of his staffers that the late newspaper baron Robert Maxwell set her up with Epstein. Robert apparently believed that Epstein could provide her with the support she needed.

Maxwell insisted that Epstein was not there to help financially and was 'very clear on that point', the staffer said.

According to Broken: Seeking Justice, an investigative podcast about the Epstein case, Maxwell met Epstein in 1988 and not after her father died in 1991, which is what was previously suggested.

If that is true then it changes the dynamic about the couple and suggests that Maxwell did not befriend Epstein while in mourning for Robert, who fell off his yacht in the Canary Islands in mysterious circumstances.

Ghislaine Maxwell once revealed that her father introduced her to Jeffrey Epstein to 'take care of her emotionally', a new podcast claims. Ghislaine is pictured holding a photo of her late father Robert Maxwell

Ghislaine Maxwell once revealed that her father introduced her to Jeffrey Epstein to 'take care of her emotionally', a new podcast claims. Ghislaine is pictured holding a photo of her late father Robert Maxwell 

According to Broken: Seeking Justice, an investigative podcast about the Epstein case, Maxwell met Epstein in 1988 and not after her father died in 1991, as previously suggested.Days after Robert's death, Maxwell was photographed at the Plaza Hotel in New York at a memorial event for her father. She sits wearing a blue silk jacket smiling at Epstein who is in a white bow tie with a big grin on his face

According to Broken: Seeking Justice, an investigative podcast about the Epstein case, Maxwell met Epstein in 1988 and not after her father died in 1991, as previously suggested.Days after Robert's death, Maxwell was photographed at the Plaza Hotel in New York at a memorial event for her father. She sits wearing a blue silk jacket smiling at Epstein who is in a white bow tie with a big grin on his face

If that is true then it changes the dynamic about the couple and suggests that Maxwell did not befriend Epstein while in mourning for Robert (pictured), who fell off his yacht in the Canary Islands in mysterious circumstances

If that is true then it changes the dynamic about the couple and suggests that Maxwell did not befriend Epstein while in mourning for Robert , who fell off his yacht in the Canary Islands in mysterious circumstances

In fact, 19 days after Robert's death, Maxwell was photographed at the Plaza Hotel in New York at a memorial event for her father.

She sits wearing a blue silk jacket smiling at Epstein who is in a white bow tie with a big grin on his face - hardly the look of two people meeting for the first time.

The latest episode of the podcast delves into when Maxwell and Epstein met and began a relationship that would last for some years in the 1990s.

The latest episode of the podcast delves into when Maxwell and Epstein met and began a relationship that would last for some years in the 1990s

The latest episode of the podcast delves into when Maxwell and Epstein met and began a relationship that would last for some years in the 1990s 

According to federal prosecutors, during this time Maxwell groomed girls as young as 14, charges she denies and will stand trial next July.

'Seeking Justice' quotes numerous people who knew Maxwell and Epstein who say that they met before Robert's death.

One friend says that they understood the pair met in London through Robert but she wasn't interested in him immediately.

The former Epstein staffer, who is not named, says they were told a similar story by Maxwell herself.

The staffer recalled an 'unsettling' visit to Maxwell's Manhattan apartment in the early 1990s when she pulled out eight photo albums of her father's funeral in Israel.

Afterwards the staffer was 'ready to jump off a bridge' but then Maxwell said something that surprised them.

According to journalist Emily Saul: 'Out of the blue Ghislaine said her dad actually connected her with Epstein.

'The idea was Epstein was someone who could take care of her emotionally, not financially. Ghislaine was very clear on that last point'.

Others have had different theories about Maxwell and Epstein's relationship.

Prince Andrew's cousin Christina Oxenberg has told DailyMail.com that she got to know the couple in 1993 and thought that Maxwell wanted to marry Epstein but he wasn't interested.

Epstein's former housekeeper in Palm Beach, Juan Alessi, has claimed that Maxwell once told him: 'I hate him but I can't leave'.

In the podcast Epstein victim Maria Farmer, who claims that Epstein and Maxwell sexually assaulted her, said that she saw the recruiting operation herself when she worked for them in the mid 1990s.

Epstein's former housekeeper in Palm Beach, Juan Alessi, has claimed that Maxwell once told him: 'I hate him (Epstein) but I can't leave'Prince Andrew's cousin Christina Oxenberg has told DailyMail.com that she got to know the couple in 1993 and thought that Maxwell wanted to marry Epstein but he wasn't interested

Epstein's former housekeeper in Palm Beach, Juan Alessi , has claimed that Maxwell once told him: 'I hate him but I can't leave'. Prince Andrew's cousin Christina Oxenberg has told DailyMail.com that she got to know the couple in 1993 and thought that Maxwell wanted to marry Epstein but he wasn't interested

Virginia Roberts Giuffre, another Epstein victim who claims she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew, says that because Maxwell 'looks like a nice Mary Poppins figure you had to trust her'

Virginia Roberts Giuffre, another Epstein victim who claims she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew, says that because Maxwell 'looks like a nice Mary Poppins figure you had to trust her' 

This was long before they had allegedly set up the pyramid of recruiters that would allegedly funnel dozens of women to Epstein - and it was just Ghislaine doing it.

Farmer says that at 3pm on the dot every day Ghislaine would 'materialize, on edge' and was always dressed immaculately.

From Epstein's mansion on Manhattan's Upper East side they could hear the school bells ringing for the end of the day and Maxwell would 'get all hysterical and say: 'I need to get nubiles!'.

Farmer said they would drive around the neighborhood and 'hunted children'.

She said: 'Ghislaine would say I gotta get a model, got to get a Victoria's Secret model. I was dumb enough to believe it. I believed it until I didn't.

'Who would think this woman would be a British witch? She was so nice.

'I'd seen her go drive up half Central Park, tell the driver stop the car, she would jump out. She would give a phone number, write it down, give it to the kids. Everybody always loved her because she seemed so trustworthy.

'It was pretty wild the way she would run out and get people.

'I did recognize some of the girls (we met) in the park, the next day when she came in to audition for modeling. She was really excited'.

Farmer said that after seeing Epstein 'a couple of them were crying - I don't remember seeing anyone return, ever'.

Virginia Roberts Giuffre, another Epstein victim who claims she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew, says that because Maxwell 'looks like a nice Mary Poppins figure you had to trust her'.

Maxwell was so proud of her prowess as a recruiter that on a trip to Paris she chastised Giuffre for failing at it.

'Ghislaine only cares about one thing and that's Ghislaine,' Virginia Giuffre Roberts said

'Ghislaine only cares about one thing and that's Ghislaine,' Virginia Giuffre Roberts said  

In the podcast Epstein victim Maria Farmer, who claims that Epstein and Maxwell sexually assaulted her, said that she saw the recruiting operation herself when she worked for them in the mid 1990s

In the podcast Epstein victim Maria Farmer, who claims that Epstein and Maxwell sexually assaulted her, said that she saw the recruiting operation herself when she worked for them in the mid 1990s 

Giuffre said: 'She said: ''I just can't believe how bad you are at it. Pick any girl in the square''.'

'A pretty orange haired girl walked past. (She said) 'I'm going to go up to her, you watch, we're going to have her over tonight'. Sure enough that girl was at the hotel that night

'Ghislaine was so proud of herself because she proved to me I was really s***** at procuring girls and she was amazing at it.

'There was no sorrow or even: ''You're doing something wrong you shouldn't do it''. There was nothing like that, it was just a game to her'.

Maxwell stayed in Epstein's orbit until after he was investigated by Palm Beach police in 2005 and later agreed to a sweetheart plea deal under which he served just 15 months in prison.

Giuffre said that Maxwell 'caught wind there was trouble', adding that 'Ghislaine only cares about one thing and that's Ghislaine'.

Prince Andrew has strongly and repeatedly denied having sex with Giuffre.