'Amy Coney Barrett, confirmed. Happy Birthday Hillary!' House Judiciary Committee trolls Clinton on her 73rd birthday after Trump filled Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat on the Supreme Court

The House Judiciary Committee Republicans trolled former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday night mocking her as they tweeted 'Happy Birthday' shortly after Amy Coney Barrett had been confirmed to the Supreme Court.

'Amy Coney Barrett, confirmed. Happy Birthday, @HillaryClinton!' the tweet read.

The message was posted on the House Judiciary GOP Twitter account and may have been written by its Ranking Member, Congressman Jim Jordan. 

The message came minutes after Barrett was confirmed 52-48 in a Senate vote.

The House Judiciary GOP Twitter account wished Hillary Clinton 'Happy Birthday' shortly after Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed

The House Judiciary GOP Twitter account wished Hillary Clinton 'Happy Birthday' shortly after Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed

Although Clinton did not respond directly to the tweet she urged people to vote in next Tuesday's election and turf Senate Republicans out

Although Clinton did not respond directly to the tweet she urged people to vote in next Tuesday's election and turf Senate Republicans out

Senator Susan Collins of Maine was the only Republican to cross party lines and oppose the nominee. 

Clinton, who was celebrating her 73rd birthday on Monday had condemned Barrett's confirmation on Monday night and although she did not respond directly to the tweet she called on Americans to vote GOP senators out. 

'Senate Republicans just pushed through a Supreme Court justice who will help them take away Americans' health care in the middle of a pandemic. For them, this is victory. Vote them out,' she tweeted minutes after receiving her birthday greeting. 

The House Judiciary tweet generated a mixture of responses with Republican voters gleefully celebrating the 'gift' of the Supreme Court Justice confirmation being held on Clinton's birthday.

'Happy confirmation to this future justice' wrote Amanda Head who made their own twist of the GOP's original tweet.

'ACB says Happy Birthday and thanks for the Supreme Court seat,' added another user sticking the knife in a little further. 

'I can’t help it but see expert level trolling here Joe Biden chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee during Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings and the Anita Hill accusations Today is also Hillary Clinton‘s birthday,' wrote Alex Plitsas a former Pentagon Official & Combat Vet. 

'Congratulations Amy Coney Barrett! You got this. Thank you to @realDonaldTrump for the brilliant nomination and @senatemajldr for all the hard work. Also, Happy Birthday to Hillary Clinton! We couldn’t have done this without you. #3TrumpJustices Not tired of #WINNING.' wrote Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert.

On the other side of the political spectrum, many Democrats appeared shocked at the petulant nature of the message.

'Are you 12,' wrote Regina Marston, a Democrat running for election in California's 42nd Congressional District.

'No one can ever accuse the GOP of having class, that's for sure,' added Hanna Bec.

'This tweet proves that a 13yo runs this account,' wrote Juan Escalante, an undocumented immigrant.

'They are beyond creepy. I think they are circling the drain,' said Cat Ballou.

'This is so childish. How far has the Republican party sunk. It is shameful, the division is destroying America,' tweeted Kikirusty. 

'WTF, is this a parody account??? The GOP is a clown show!! They act like middle schoolers. Vote them all OUT!!' said TJ Melon.

'This is the final nail in the Republican coffin. You will rue this day,' added Eric Slater.

Before the Senate vote took place, Clinton reiterated the case that many Democrats who are critical of Barrett's nomination had made. 

Before the Senate vote took place, Clinton reiterated the case that many who are critical of Barrett's nomination have made

Before the Senate vote took place, Clinton reiterated the case that many who are critical of Barrett's nomination have made

The former presidential hopeful posted a black and white photograph of herself from her school days

The former presidential hopeful posted a black and white photograph of herself from her school days

'It is an insult to the American people that the GOP is ramming through a Supreme Court justice with just eight days until the end of an election in which nearly 60 million people have already voted.'

Earlier in the day Clinton used her birthday to urge people to vote for Joe Biden.

The former presidential hopeful posted a black and white photograph of herself from her school days with the caption: 'It's my birthday. Here's my one wish: that you reach out to one person in your life who may not vote this year and encourage them to turn out for Biden-Harris. All of us have more power than we know.'

Supporters of Amy Coney Barrett quickly seized upon Clinton's tweet and made it their own

Supporters of Amy Coney Barrett quickly seized upon Clinton's tweet and made it their own

One Twitter user creatively used a shot of Barrett's confirmation hearings together with a picture of Hillary Clinton

One Twitter user creatively used a shot of Barrett's confirmation hearings together with a picture of Hillary Clinton

Barrett was sworn in later on Monday night at a White House ceremony with President Trump and Justice Clarence Thomas, the Supreme Court's longest-serving justice.

It means that Republicans have succeeded in installing a third Trump justice on the court, locking in a conservative majority for years to come. 

On Tuesday, Barrett will take her judicial oath in a private ceremony with Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. 

A number of Twitter users were not impressed with the nature of the original tweet by the GOP

A number of Twitter users were not impressed with the nature of the original tweet by the GOP

First words as a Justice: Amy Coney Barrett takes the oath of office as Donald Trump savors the confirmation of the third justice of his presidency

First words as a Justice: Amy Coney Barrett takes the oath of office as Donald Trump savors the confirmation of the third justice of his presidency

Moment of history: Amy Coney Barrett, her hand on a Bible held by her husband Jesse, is sworn in as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court by Clarence Thomas, its longest-serving justice

Moment of history: Amy Coney Barrett, her hand on a Bible held by her husband Jesse, is sworn in as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court by Clarence Thomas, its longest-serving justice