You've got to be kidding! Rampaging GOAT raids a police patrol car before chewing up paperwork and knocking an officer to the ground in Georgia

A rampaging goat was caught on camera clambering into a police patrol car before chewing up paperwork and knocking an officer to the ground.

The body-cam footage was recorded by a police deputy in north-central Georgia last week. 

The officer was serving civil papers at a house in the area when she spotted the goat inside her patrol car, according to the Douglas County Sheriff Department.

She eventually managed to get the animal to leave the vehicle but it head-butted her to the ground before scarpering. 

The Douglas County Sheriff Department reported the deputy was not physically injured during the bizarre encounter. 

A mischievous goat was caught on camera clambering into a police car before chewing up paperwork and knocking an officer to the ground in north-central Georgia last week

A mischievous goat was caught on camera clambering into a police car before chewing up paperwork and knocking an officer to the ground in north-central Georgia last week

In the video, the deputy begins to walk toward her car before she sees the goat through the window eating paper.

She swings the passenger door open and attempts to scare it off by waving her arm around and saying: 'Get out, c'mon, get out, go.'

The deputy, who had left her driver's door open, then walks around to grab the goat who continues to keenly eat through the files.

She manages to snatch the rest of the paper from under the animal's hooves before eventually encouraging it to get out of the car.

But as she attempts to wrestle the last piece of paper from its mouth it head-butts her and knocks her to the ground.

She is able to get back to her feet and chuckles which is where the video ends.

In the video, the deputy, who had left her driver's door open, walks around to grab the goat who continues to keenly eat through the files

In the video, the deputy, who had left her driver's door open, walks around to grab the goat who continues to keenly eat through the files

She manages to snatch the rest of the paper from under the animal's hooves before eventually encouraging it to get out of the car

She manages to snatch the rest of the paper from under the animal's hooves before eventually encouraging it to get out of the car

But as she attempts to wrestle the last piece of paper from its mouth it head-butts her and knocks her to the ground

But as she attempts to wrestle the last piece of paper from its mouth it head-butts her and knocks her to the ground

The Douglas County Sheriff Department reported the deputy was not physically injured during the bizarre encounter.

The department later wrote a Facebook post about the incident that read: 'To explain what you are about to see, the deputy went to a residence to serve some civil papers.

'The deputy explained that due to the number of houses she visits daily, she routinely leaves her vehicle's door open because she has had to retreat on a number of occasions from vicious dogs. 

'Never once did she expect or even consider what was about to happen this day! 

'Even though she was knocked to the ground she was not physically harmed in the incident. At the end of the day we all got a little laugh out of it and we hope you do as well!'