Western Australia relaxes its tough border: Rules are changed for New South Wales and Victoria residents entering the state

Western Australia has slightly relaxed its tough border rules.

From Monday 5 October travellers from Victoria with permission to enter will be allowed to quarantine at an 'appropriate premise' such as a home instead of a hotel for 14 days.

However, the list of reasons for entering from Victoria remains extremely limited. 

From Monday 5 October travellers from Victoria with permission to enter will be allowed to quarantine at an 'appropriate premise' such as a home instead of a hotel for 14 days. Pictured: Police in WA manning a checkpoint

From Monday 5 October travellers from Victoria with permission to enter will be allowed to quarantine at an 'appropriate premise' such as a home instead of a hotel for 14 days. Pictured: Police in WA manning a checkpoint

Also from 5 October, more people from NSW will be able to enter WA as the exemption list is expanded.

The change means NSW residents will be subject to the same rules as residents from all other jurisdictions except Victoria.

Anyone entering WA has to undertake 14 days of quarantine with a Covid test on the 11th day.  

'We expect this change will allow for more exempt travel to occur from New South Wales, similar to our original hard border arrangement in place from April 5,' Premier Mark McGowan said. 

'This is a positive step forward for our nation. We can make these adjustments to our border controls because of the positive results we have recently seen over east.'

New South Wales has enjoyed four days without any locally acquired Covid cases. 

Mr McGowan, who faces an election on 31 March, said WA's hard border will remain in place until community transmission is under control in all states. 

From 5 October, more people from NSW will be able to enter WA as the exemption list is expanded. Pictured: Fremantle residents at a cafe

From 5 October, more people from NSW will be able to enter WA as the exemption list is expanded. Pictured: Fremantle residents at a cafe

'Right now Europe and Britain are experiencing a second wave which is worse than the first,' he said. 

'Western Australia is the envy of the world. Our health and our economy is in the best possible position considering what is happening around us. That is why a cautious approach is necessary. 

'As always, like everything, we will continue to monitor the situation over east. But until we have confidence that community spread is under control, the border will stay in place.

'I have been clear and consistent about this. We look to our friends in Victoria and we hope that as they come out of lockdown, we continue to see community spread get under control. So then as a nation we can continue on the same positive path out of Covid-19.' 

Who can enter WA? The list of exemptions 

For all jurisdictions except Victoria: 

Any person performing a function under a Commonwealth law

Truck drivers who deliver goods to Western Australia as part of their normal duties

People with specialist skills, involved in time-sensitive critical maintenance or repair of critical infrastructure

People employed in agriculture, food production or primary industry who need to be in Western Australia

FIFO workers, subject to requirements to isolate for 14 days at an approved location at their employer's expense

Emergency service workers

People with compassionate grounds – including urgent and essential medical treatment, visiting a relative who has suffered a serious medical episode, or whose death is imminent, and to attend a funeral

Members of the House of Representatives and Senators of the Commonwealth Parliament

Carers and relatives who need to care for a dependent person in Western Australia

Dependent persons who need to enter Western Australia to be cared for by a carer or relative because they can no longer be cared for interstate

People whose residential facility, such as a boarding school, has closed, who need to return to Western Australia to stay with family or a carer

People who need to enter Western Australia to comply with a court order

For Victoria: 

Certain senior Government Officials

Certain active military personnel

A member of the Commonwealth Parliament and any members of their staff travelling with them

A person carrying out functions under a law of the Commonwealth

The Premier of WA and any members of the Premier's staff

A person coming to WA at the request of the Chief Health Officer or the Director General of Health

Any person (other than an airline or maritime crew member) responsible for transport or freight and logistics services into or out of WA