Revealed: Boris Johnson’s new personal trainer is forced by court to pay client £2,500 for missed exercise sessions after furious two year row over the money

Boris Johnson’s new personal trainer was forced by a court to pay a client £2,500 for missed exercise sessions after a furious two-year row, MailOnline can reveal.

Harry Jameson, seen putting the Prime Minister through his paces in London two weeks ago, was ordered to pay £2,540, plus costs in May this year.

Jameson, 38, who shows off his jetset lifestyle with glamorous wife Amy to his 37,000 Instagram followers, claimed he had just £580 in the bank and offered to pay the woman back £100-a-month.

The dispute was finally settled when he paid the money in full on August 24 – two days before he was pictured on a morning jog alongside Mr Johnson.

Boris Johnson’s new personal trainer Harry Jameson (pictured with his wife Amy) was forced by a court to pay a client £2,500 for missed exercise sessions after a furious two-year row, MailOnline can reveal

Boris Johnson’s new personal trainer Harry Jameson (pictured with his wife Amy) was forced by a court to pay a client £2,500 for missed exercise sessions after a furious two-year row, MailOnline can reveal

Harry Jameson, seen putting the Prime Minister through his paces in London two weeks ago, was ordered to pay £2,540, plus costs in May this year

Harry Jameson, seen putting the Prime Minister through his paces in London two weeks ago, was ordered to pay £2,540, plus costs in May this year 

Jameson, 38, (pictured today) who shows off his jetset lifestyle with glamorous wife Amy to his 37,000 Instagram followers, claimed he had just £580 in the bank and offered to pay the woman back £100-a-month

Jameson, 38, (pictured today) who shows off his jetset lifestyle with glamorous wife Amy to his 37,000 Instagram followers, claimed he had just £580 in the bank and offered to pay the woman back £100-a-month

The dispute was finally settled when he paid the money in full to Imogen (above) on August 24 – two days before he was pictured on a morning jog alongside Mr Johnson

The dispute was finally settled when he paid the money in full to Imogen on August 24 – two days before he was pictured on a morning jog alongside Mr Johnson

The fitness expert, who boasts celebrity clients such as Laura Whitmore and Hollywood actor Dolph Lundgren, was hired to give the woman personal training sessions to help her overcome mobility issues caused by arthritis.

Imogen, 33, paid him £3,000 in advance – but their business agreement collapsed after just six sessions when she claims he began to postpone their meetings, something he denies.

Speaking exclusively to MailOnline, Imogen, a lawyer from London, said: ‘I don’t know how the Prime Minister came to hire him, but I didn’t have a great experience hiring him. 

'It was very difficult and I wish I had never paid him all that money so quickly and early on.

‘It seems to me that he decided to pay us our money back because he knew he was going to be training the Prime Minister and it would have looked bad for him.

‘He obviously knew the time was up to pay us back and he would have hoped to avoid any embarrassment.’

She added: ‘I was shocked to see him jogging with Boris Johnson.’

Speaking outside his London home, Mr Jameson hit back and told MailOnline: ‘The money was paid back and the issue was resolved. That’s the end of it.’

The personal trainer, who describes himself as an ‘elite performance coach', was initially hired by Imogen’s mother Helen Woodman in January 2018 and paid £1,100 for ten sessions.

The fitness expert, who boasts celebrity clients such as Laura Whitmore (above) and Hollywood actor Dolph Lundgren, was hired to give personal training sessions to help Imogen overcome mobility issues caused by arthritis

The fitness expert, who boasts celebrity clients such as Laura Whitmore and Hollywood actor Dolph Lundgren, was hired to give personal training sessions to help Imogen overcome mobility issues caused by arthritis

Imogen, 33, paid him £3,000 in advance – but their business agreement collapsed after just six sessions when she claims he began to postpone their meetings, something he denies

Imogen, 33, paid him £3,000 in advance – but their business agreement collapsed after just six sessions when she claims he began to postpone their meetings, something he denies

After the first few sessions, Mr Jameson asked for further £2,100 in advance to extend her course of classes, Imogen claimed.

‘I had been given five one-hour sessions when he asked for more money,’ she said. ‘We trusted him and gave him the money which should have been for 30 hours in total.

‘But soon after that he stopped returning my messages and requests for more hours. He started cancelling appointments.

‘After several attempts to book sessions, we then asked for our money back but he tried to say that we had cancelled on him and that it was our fault.

‘He said he had a new cancellation policy with a non-refund and that we had cancelled appointments, but that was not the case.

‘I managed to get one more appointment with him through all this which brought the total to six hours, with 24 still outstanding.

‘I then sent him a very nice message telling him that as it had only been six hours, could he pay back about £2,500.

‘He said “Yeah, yeah, I’ll sort it out.”

She added: ‘I made it very clear to him that if he didn’t pay back the outstanding money, I would take him to a small claims court which in the end was necessary.’

Speaking exclusively to MailOnline, Imogen, a lawyer from London, said: ‘I don’t know how the Prime Minister came to hire him, but I didn’t have a great experience hiring him. It seems to me that he decided to pay us our money back because he knew he was going to be training the PM'

Speaking exclusively to MailOnline, Imogen, a lawyer from London, said: ‘I don’t know how the Prime Minister came to hire him, but I didn’t have a great experience hiring him. It seems to me that he decided to pay us our money back because he knew he was going to be training the PM'

Mr Jameson (pictured travelling in style) hit back and told MailOnline: ‘The money was paid back and the issue was resolved. That’s the end of it’

Mr Jameson (pictured travelling in style) hit back and told MailOnline: ‘The money was paid back and the issue was resolved. That’s the end of it’

The personal trainer, who describes himself as an ‘elite performance coach', was initially hired by Imogen’s mother Helen Woodman in January 2018 and paid £1,100 for ten sessions

The personal trainer, who describes himself as an ‘elite performance coach', was initially hired by Imogen’s mother Helen Woodman in January 2018 and paid £1,100 for ten sessions

After the first few sessions, Mr Jameson asked for further £2,100 in advance to extend her course of classes, Imogen claimed, before postponing their sessions. He denies this.

After the first few sessions, Mr Jameson asked for further £2,100 in advance to extend her course of classes, Imogen claimed, before postponing their sessions. He denies this.

On January 8 this year after almost two years of dispute, Mr Jameson wrote an email to Imogen and sent a copy to his agent Tom Caplan.

He wrote: ‘Just to clarify. I have not once ignored you or lied… I have been nothing but forthcoming, communicative, respectful and polite.

‘As I have stated on many occasions, I am sorry that you no longer want to use the sessions that you purchased two years ago in Jan 2018.

‘You are demanding a full refund which is unreasonable and unrealistic. I have offered a goodwill gesture that is generous and fair, but you have rejected it.

‘You are unwilling to talk or compromise when I am trying to find a solution that suits both parties.

‘If you would like to agree a sensible settlement please let me know… Happy New Year. Thank you.’

Four days later Mrs Woodman, 68, replied, warning him he was in breach of contract: ‘This matter has been going on for an inordinate matter of time.

‘Due to Imogen’s mobility problems, I accompanied her to the venue of every session she had with you. There were very few and nowhere near ten as you have claimed. 

On January 8 this year after almost two years of dispute, Mr Jameson wrote an email to Imogen and sent a copy to his agent Tom Caplan. He wrote: ‘Just to clarify. I have not once ignored you or lied… I have been nothing but forthcoming, communicative, respectful and polite'

On January 8 this year after almost two years of dispute, Mr Jameson wrote an email to Imogen and sent a copy to his agent Tom Caplan. He wrote: ‘Just to clarify. I have not once ignored you or lied… I have been nothing but forthcoming, communicative, respectful and polite'

Four days later Mrs Woodman, 68, replied, warning him he was in breach of contract: ‘This matter has been going on for an inordinate matter of time'

Four days later Mrs Woodman, 68, replied, warning him he was in breach of contract: ‘This matter has been going on for an inordinate matter of time'

When Imogen lodged a claim at the Salford County Court, Mr Jameson said he could repay the money at £100-a-month and had a bank account with £580 in it. He was ordered to repay the full amount of £2,540 plus costs of £115, which Imogen received at the end of August, 48 hours before Mr Jameson was seen jogging alongside the prime minister

When Imogen lodged a claim at the Salford County Court, Mr Jameson said he could repay the money at £100-a-month and had a bank account with £580 in it. He was ordered to repay the full amount of £2,540 plus costs of £115, which Imogen received at the end of August, 48 hours before Mr Jameson was seen jogging alongside the prime minister

‘You repeatedly cancelled at short notice and ignored many requests to book sessions with you. On some occasions we were about to set off and then received a cancellation.’

Mr Jameson’s representative Mr Caplan, from Round World Entertainment, hit back with an angry email to the two women on January 27.

Offering £1,000 to settle to dispute, Mr Caplan said the women were trying to damage the training coach’s ‘impeccable professional reputation’.

When Imogen then lodged a claim at the Salford County Court, Mr Jameson said he could repay the money at £100-a-month and had a bank account with £580 in it.

He was ordered to repay the full amount of £2,540 plus costs of £115, which Imogen received at the end of August, 48 hours before Mr Jameson was seen jogging alongside the prime minister.

‘It was a few days after we got our money back that we saw him with Boris,’ Imogen added.

Mr Jameson paid up on August 24 with three separate payments of £1,000, £655 and another for £1,000 which is the total he was ordered to give back on May 12, including costs. 

A source close to the fitness trainer said: ‘This was all done and dusted a long time ago. Harry has the highest of reputations and professionalism and is well respected.’

A source close to the fitness trainer (pictured with his actress mother Louise Jameson as a child) said: ‘This was all done and dusted a long time ago. Harry has the highest of reputations and professionalism and is well respected.’

A source close to the fitness trainer (pictured with his actress mother Louise Jameson as a child) said: ‘This was all done and dusted a long time ago. Harry has the highest of reputations and professionalism and is well respected.’

A spokesman for Mr Jameson added: ‘For over 15 years, Harry has worked with a number of senior level executives and global brands as an elite wellness consultant and personal trainer.

‘A dispute did occur with Imogen Woodman regarding outstanding sessions and a refund was paid back in full by Mr Jameson.

‘Mr Jameson has an exceptional reputation with hundreds of clients over the years which is why he has achieved the success he has.’