Pro-Trump supporters protest against ‘Coronavirus Death Scoreboard’ installed at a Chicago park which they blast as ‘appalling’ and 'defamatory’ towards the president

Nearly five dozen President Trump supporters gathered to protest the 'Coronavirus Death Scoreboard' sign that was installed in an Illinois park this month. 

At least 50 pro-Trump demonstrators waved 'Make America Great Again' paraphernalia and the American flag as they protested along a roadway in the Chicago suburb of Northbrook.

According to Peter C., a high school student who organized the event, the turnout on Friday garnered more attention than initially thought.

'We were only anticipating 15 people coming,' Peter C. told Fox News. 'We got a lot more than 15.'

The energized crowd, filled with younger people and many with students from Peter's school, chanted 'Back the Blue' as cars sped by during rush hour.   

A few dozen pro-Trump supporters gathered on Friday to protest a 'Coronavirus Death Scoreboard' that was installed last week

A few dozen pro-Trump supporters gathered on Friday to protest a 'Coronavirus Death Scoreboard' that was installed last week

Pictured: Many people waved American flags and 'Make America Great Again' paraphernalia  in response to critics

Pictured: Many people waved American flags and 'Make America Great Again' paraphernalia  in response to critics 

Just across the street stood the object of their ire and irritation: a sign placed in a public park that has been dubbed the 'Coronavirus Death Scoreboard.'

The Coronavirus Death Scoreboard debuted on September 18 at a local public park and displayed the number of COVID-19 deaths in America as it ticked past 200,000. 

The sign read 'We're #1' and said 'Donald J. Trump, President,' at the bottom.

It was organized by local group Peaceful Communities and liberal activist Lee Goodman, who previously explained that the sign was meant to be a reminder of the countless lives lost in the pandemic.

'This display is a reminder of the continuing need to take precautions. Schools and businesses are reopening, but the disease is still spreading and people are still dying,' he told Patch. 

A sign dubbed the 'Coronavirus Death Scoreboard' was installed in a public park in Northbrook last week by activist Lee Goodman and Peaceful Communities

A sign dubbed the 'Coronavirus Death Scoreboard' was installed in a public park in Northbrook last week by activist Lee Goodman and Peaceful Communities

Goodman told CNN that the Coronavirus Death Scoreboard had been vandalized five times in just six days after it was unveiled

Goodman told CNN that the Coronavirus Death Scoreboard had been vandalized five times in just six days after it was unveiled

'The U.S. has the highest number of COVID-19 deaths in the world. It is a tragedy and a disgrace that we have failed to do all we could to confront this public health crisis, and as a result, many people have died unnecessarily. But, we can do better in the future.

'We hope that public awareness will lead people to demand a more effective response by our federal government.'

Indeed, the United States has remained at the top of a grim list regarding COVID-19 cases and deaths throughout the pandemic. 

The country just surpassed 203,000 deaths with a staggering 7million cases and counting. 

Pictured: one pro-Trump protester holds a sign saying 'The Real News' and 'Trump 2020'

Pictured: one pro-Trump protester holds a sign saying 'The Real News' and 'Trump 2020'

But supporters of Trump have perceived the Coronavirus Death Scoreboard as a visible and vocal slight against their candidate before the November 3 election. 

The Coronavirus Death Scoreboard has since been vandalized, with Lee noting to CNN that he's surprised by the outrage.

'We've had vandalism before when we've put up displays, but I was shocked because we're all in this virus situation together,' he said. 'Frankly when we put it up, I didn't think anyone would pay any attention at all.'

The sign was vandalized five times in just six days. Much of the spray paint was used to cover Trump's name at the bottom.

Pictured: an event flyer for the Northbrook Trump Rally held on Friday

Pictured: an event flyer for the Northbrook Trump Rally held on Friday

Peter C told Fox News that although the protest was done in part because of the sign, it also encompassed a range of embattled issues that underscored the political divide in the country.

'We're here to protest for the reopening of our schools, our education system, and the funding of our police,' said Peter.  

He then alleged that 'You don't see the Republicans attacking other people' and cast blame solely on 'liberals' for 'attacking us, who are attacking our police.'

His comment comes after 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse was charged with first-degree murder in the killings of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber. 

The teenager had traveled to Kenosha on August 25 from his home in nearby Antioch, Illinois, in a self-appointed role to protect the streets of Kenosha where the police shooting of Jacob Blake had sparked unrest during protests. 

According to prosecutors and court documents, Rittenhouse shot and killed 36-year-old Joseph Rosenbaum after Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag at Rittenhouse, missing him, and tried to wrestle his rifle away.

While trying to get away in the immediate aftermath, Rittenhouse was captured on cellphone video saying 'I just killed somebody.'

Huber was shot dead soon after and a third protester was wounded.  

Prosecutors say Rittenhouse shot and killed two protesters and wounded a third on the streets of Kenosha on August 25

Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, is charged with shooting and killing two protesters and injuring a third on the streets of Kenosha on August 25 . The teen is pictured left with his mother

Joseph RosenbaumAnthony Huber

Rittenhouse is charged with first-degree intentional homicide in the killing of two protesters: Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber

At some point during the event, a small group of anti-Trump demonstrators arrived to counter protest.

Fox News reports that one person blasted that song FDT F*** Donald , while others chanted phrases like 'Black Lives Matter,' 'Loves Trumps Hate' and 'Super Callous Fragile Racist Sexist Lying POTUS,' in a Mary Poppins reference.

Richard and Florence, a couple from Northbrook, arrived to the pro-Trump demonstration because they found the sign 'defamatory' towards the president.

'Over 200,000 people have died. ... Every death loss is terrible, but it isn't the president's fault,' said Florence.

'They will not acknowledge that it came from Wuhan, China. They're not telling the truth.' 

While the virus did originate in Wuhan, America's individual response and handling to COVID-19 fell largely on the Trump administration's shoulders. 

Countries like New Zealand recorded their first confirmed case in February - one month after the United States - and have since been heralded as the gold standard for pandemic response.  

Peter C.: 'We're here to protest for the reopening of our schools, our education system, and the funding of our police'

Peter C.: 'We're here to protest for the reopening of our schools, our education system, and the funding of our police'

Under Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand implemented a lockdown so severe that reclaiming a lost ball from a neighbor's yard was prohibited. 

But the measures were successful at halting the virus' spread, and the country lifted its lockdown restrictions and declared itself virus-free on June 8.

Citizens there are now not required to social distance, and can visit bars, restaurants and public spaces freely again. As of Saturday, the country had amassed just over 1,800 cases and 25 deaths.

Meanwhile, the United States has continued to fumble its response.

This month, Trump admitted to downplaying the virus over fears people would 'panic' early on in the pandemic.

'I'm a cheerleader for this country. I love this country. I don't want people to be frightened. I don't want to create panic,' he told reporters at the White House.

'Certainly I'm not going to drive this country or the world into a frenzy. We want to show confidence. We want to show strength, we want to show strength as a nation. That's what I've done,' he added

'Leadership is about confidence. Confidence is confidence in our country,' he noted.  

President Trump admitted this month that he downplayed the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic to avoid panicking citizens

President Trump admitted this month that he downplayed the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic to avoid panicking citizens 

He was criticized often throughout the pandemic for ignoring advice from public health experts, like Dr. Fauci, and encouraging a disregard for measures like face masks.

But protest attendees appeared to leverage their discontent at the anti-Trump protesters across the street and liberals in general.

'I think the liberals over there have a few people that have no answers,' Richard told Fox News.

'They've been sitting here now for the last hour swearing at us, giving us the finger, calling the president a racist. When I went over there to ask them how he's a racist, they have no answers. ... They just repeat what they hear on MSNBC, CNN, and all the liberal networks. ... They have a blind hatred for the president -- and no answers to why.'

Patch previously reported that the Northbrook Village Board discussed whether or not to remove the controversial signage, but ultimately voted that it would remain on the grounds of the First Amendment.

Northbrook resident: 'It is appalling that the Village would allow for such a sign to be displayed, especially because it has a clear political message. Take it down

Northbrook resident: 'It is appalling that the Village would allow for such a sign to be displayed, especially because it has a clear political message. Take it down

On Friday, the pro-Trump rally was met with a small group of counter protesters but the event ended peacefully

On Friday, the pro-Trump rally was met with a small group of counter protesters but the event ended peacefully

Northbrook Village President Sandy Frum read emails during a meeting held Tuesday that summarized some locals anger.

'The sign needs to come down as soon as possible.' one resident wrote. 

'It is appalling that the Village would allow for such a sign to be displayed, especially because it has a clear political message. Take it down.'

But other residents noted its importance in keeping awareness and vigilance up as the pandemic continued.

'As someone who is at high risk for COVID, I strongly support Lee Goodman's sign,' another local wrote.

'Quarantine fatigue is well-documented and is rampant in Northbrook. Glenbrook North is about to reopen and COVID-19 will be inevitably spreading as a result. The sign is a reminder of how important it is to wear a mask.'