Police say there is NO evidence of a kidnapping gang in Worcester after children claimed they were targeted outside schools and shops

Police have moved to calm escalating fears of a kidnap gang operating in Worcester - after panic spread following a series of online reports.

Seven incidents were reported in the Arboretum area of the cathedral city since September 10 - with people describing being told to 'come' by two large men.

The most recent saw schoolboy Xanda Chesworth, 14, approached as he walked home last week in what could be the latest in a spate of attempted kidnappings.

Ellesse Robinson, 15, said she was also left sobbing when she fled four men who tried to snatch her off the street on September 20. There are a further reports of five other incidents.

But in a significant intervention this week West Mercia Police has insisted it does not believe they are all linked. 

Superintendent Steph Brighton said: 'I am aware of the heightened concerns in Worcester regarding a number of perceived incidents that have been reported across social media and within the press.

'I understand that there is a heightened public concern that children may be at risk and I want to reassure you that no information received indicates, in any way, that a gang or individuals are working in Worcester trying to abduct our children.

In the latest attempt, Xanda Chesworth (pictured) saw two men standing ahead of him as he walked along a narrow road on his way home from Tudor Grange Academy

In the latest attempt, Xanda Chesworth saw two men standing ahead of him as he walked along a narrow road on his way home from Tudor Grange Academy

In a panic Xanda dropped his bag and ran away. He said: 'I started shouting and screaming. And they started walking towards me.' Pictured, Lower Chestnut Street

In a panic Xanda dropped his bag and ran away. He said: 'I started shouting and screaming. And they started walking towards me.' Pictured, Lower Chestnut Street 

Map showing the seven separate incidents of suspicious behaviour reported to police since September 10

'We previously wrote to all the local schools to inform parents and carers of the children in our community of our investigations and to inform them of the increased police presence in around the schools for the purpose of reassurance following reports made to us of suspicious activity being directed toward children.

'Protecting children is of course a priority for us and we have investigated every single report that has been made to us. A number of these describe a variety of suspicious vehicles and activities. To date, despite the good intent of the members of the public reporting, none of these suspicious activities have transpired into criminal activity. There are just two unlinked reports that we are investigating in further detail to establish the full facts and details of any activity criminal or otherwise.

'We understand the community’s desire for incidents to be resolved and will always work with the public in order to achieve this aim, however, we would like to ask members of the public to refrain from posting on social media groups and pages, but rather report matters directly to the police, as we have observed some misleading and inaccurate information being reported which could potentially jeopardise individual’s personal safety and any future investigations.

'One such example of a report with good intent was where a man in a black vehicle was near to a supermarket taking a picture on a phone and an observant member of the public felt this behaviour was suspicious. Officers spoke with the man who explained that he had just purchased the phone and was testing the camera and an associated App out. Naturally, officers checked his device and we able to confirm that nothing untoward had occurred – this incident was then closed.'

In the latest incident, Xanda Chesworth saw two men standing ahead of him as he walked along a narrow road on his way home from Tudor Grange Academy on Friday, September 25.

He said: 'I turned down the road and two men were standing there. The pavement is quite narrow with cars parked on the side and there was not any space. I could just get by. 

Victim Ellesse Robinson, 15, was left sobbing when she fled four men who tried to snatch her off the street in Worcester on Sunday night , one of six separate suspicious reports in the city

Victim Ellesse Robinson, 15, was left sobbing when she fled four men who tried to snatch her off the street in Worcester on Sunday night , one of six separate suspicious reports in the city

Ellesse Robinson, 15, says she was chased down Astwood Road by men 'who sounded Turkish or Romanian' after she had gone to the Premier shop to get sweets for her boyfriend

Ellesse Robinson, 15, says she was chased down Astwood Road by men 'who sounded Turkish or Romanian' after she had gone to the Premier shop to get sweets for her boyfriend

'They said: "Come through". I started to go near them when a mixed-race guy grabbed the bottom of my blazer.

'They said: "Come with us". I thought they were going to take me away.'

In a panic Xanda dropped his bag and ran away. He said: 'I started shouting and screaming. And they started walking towards me.'

After the attempted kidnapping, Xanda's father Alex bought his son and daughter panic alarms to carry while they walk to and from school.

Alex wrote on Facebook: 'My son was approached by two low life pieces of s**t trying to grab hold of him down near the park in the Arboretum today on his way home from school. 

'Thank god there were two people playing with a dog who my son ran to for help. I wish I could find them to thank them in person.

'Please parents be careful as these b*****ds don't seem to be bothered about doing this in broad daylight.

'I do not know why these b*****s are not behind bars.' 

Ellesse took to social media to warn others about what happened as she reported it to police

Ellesse took to social media to warn others about what happened as she reported it to police

Multiple reports of men approaching women and children in the Worcester area 

September 10: Strange man seen loitering outside St Barnabas Church of England Primary School.

September 15: Man in a car seen following students walking to and from Bishop Perowne Church of England College.

September 17: Asian man in BMW with private registration plate seen talking to a child near St Barnabas Church of England Primary School.

September 20: Ellesse Robinson, 15, chased by four men as she walked to the shop in Rainbow Hill at 7pm.

September 21: Keeley Austen-Marsden, 21, was followed by two men as she walked home from dropping off her brother at school in Astwood Road.

September 21: Three young girls followed by men who tried to persuade them to get into their car in Barker Street.

September 28: Schoolboy Xanda Chesworth, 14, was approached by two men who stood ahead of him as he walked along a narrow road on his way home from Tudor Grange Academy on Friday, September 25.

He said the family had called police and were preparing to give a statement, adding: 'This is crazy, kids are not safe going to school and coming home and I know that these b*****s are targeting women too.

'Be aware and be safe.'

One of the men was mixed race, in his 40s and wearing a dark-coloured jumper. Xanda said he was skinny and about 6ft tall.

The other man was apparently black and in his late 30s or early 40s. He was around 6ft 1ins and wore a dark shirt.

The disturbing incident is the latest kidnapping attempt in Worcester.

On most of the occasions, young women or children were either approached, chased and even grabbed by men in a silver-coloured vehicle.

Ellesse Robinson, 15, was left sobbing when she fled four men who tried to snatch her off the street on September 20.

The schoolgirl was walking to a shop on Astwood Road in the Rainbow Hill area of the city at 7pm when a car pulled up next to her. 

She said: 'I walked to Premier to buy my boyfriend some sweets and snacks because it was his birthday, which is the reason I was alone or I would've been with him.

'As I walked out of the shop and was waiting at the traffic lights, a grey Peugeot pulled up very slowly towards me.

'There were not many other cars around and as they pulled up I initially leaned in thinking they needed help but I saw them all laughing.

'Two men in the back told me to "come". I stepped back then the man in the front passenger side opened his car door and I genuinely thought he was going to grab me.

Police were called to St Barnabas CofE primary school, pictured, after reports of a man behaving strangely outside the school's gates and headteacher Sarah Hanson confirmed several reports had been made to the school and staff had seen the man themselves

Police were called to St Barnabas CofE primary school, pictured, after reports of a man behaving strangely outside the school's gates and headteacher Sarah Hanson confirmed several reports had been made to the school and staff had seen the man themselves

'I felt so scared as they were all in their mid or early 30s and really big.

'They sounded Turkish or Romanian, they were all tanned. After he opened his door I basically shouted "No! no! no!" repeatedly.     

'I was edging backwards and then managed to run back into the Premier shop.

'The manager Sarah was stocking the shelves and I ran up to her and said: 'Sarah, some men just tried to pull me in their car.'

'She shot up despite having back problems and ran to the door, then she came back up to me and gave me the biggest hug I've ever had in my life.

'I cried into her shoulder, my legs were shaking like crazy, it was like a really bad anxiety attack.

'Sarah walked me home, which I am so grateful for. When we got home we phoned the police.'

Ellesse Robinson's mum has told how her daughter was left 'in shock' after being targeted by the terrifying kidnap gang.

Katrina Spragg, 43, a housewife who has six other children and five grandchildren, said: 'She's gone in shock and is shaken by it.

'She won't go out and she's not allowed to go out on her own. She used to come and go from the house but not anymore.

'I'm not sure if it's the same people.

'Ellesse said these people were Turkish or Romanian.

'The police have said it's an ongoing investigation. They have been out in force with helicopters, police cars and everything.

'She was vague on that the description of the , it all happened a bit fast.

'But the police seem to know what they are looking for. Hopefully they will catch them.

Staff from Bishop Perowne Church of England College contacted parents after reports suggested a man had been approaching and following students in a car close to the school

Staff from Bishop Perowne Church of England College contacted parents after reports suggested a man had been approaching and following students in a car close to the school

'I can't say what I would like to happen to them. When she told me I was really, really shocked.

'It's disturbing that other incidents have happened within a mile of the house.'

The following day, Keeley Austen-Marsden, 21, was chased by two men as she walked along Astwood Road - a mile from where Ellesse was approached.

She said: 'It was 9am and I was walking back from the Lyppard Grange Primary School after taking my little brother in and I noticed these two blokes were behind me.

'I didn't think anything of it to start with until they got closer to me.

'They were within arms reach so I picked up my speed and so did they. I was terrified.

'I ran to the top of the road and when I looked back they had gone.

'I didn't see where they went and I couldn't see their faces as they had hoods on. They were about six foot and stocky.

'I'm just glad I got my brother into school first. I don't know what I would've done if he was still with me. He's only nine.

'I still feel shaken up now.'

Later that evening three girls, including one aged just eight, were approached by men two miles away in Barker Street.

The girls were followed by the men before they ran into a Co-op shop where police were called.

An eyewitness wrote on Facebook: 'Three young girls, one aged eight, have just been followed and told to get in a car of men.

'They are safe, they ran in the Co-op and the police have taken them home and they have the car on CCTV.

'Just be vigilant of what your kids are doing and who they are with because it only takes a split second for them to be grabbed and taken.'

The investigations follow three more incidents at two schools in the city this month.

On September 10 police were called to St Barnabas Church of England Primary School after reports of a men behaving strangely outside.

Headteacher Sarah Hanson said: 'We did have several reports of a man behaving suspiciously outside our school.

'Members of staff saw this person and so did two workmen who were working on the grounds opposite.

'The man was approached and he moved on. He returned later and was witnessed again by members of staff.'

On September 15 Bishop Perowne Church of England College contacted parents with the message: 'Please be aware we have had reports of a male approaching and following the students in a car close to the school.

'Police have been notified and we are continuing to liaise with them as they follow this up.'

Two days later on September 17, an Asian man in his 30s, in a BMW with private plates, was seen talking to a child through the car window near Barnabas Primary School.