Never before seen CCTV reveals the final moments of a car dealer found dead in a hotel room - after claims he had been asked to be a Chinese spy

The final moments of a car dealer who was believed to have been offered millions of dollars to become a Chinese spy have been revealed.  

CCTV footage obtained shows Bo 'Nick' Zhao checking in to a hotel in Melbourne on February 28, 2019 - three days before he was found dead.

Mr Zhao's death was ruled to be non-suspicious by a coroner earlier this week. 

He was due to face court over allegations he created $1.45million of fake invoices - media reports suggesting that authorities are investigating claims a Chinese espionage ring offered him money to run for parliament also arose, The Herald Sun reports.

The final moments show car dealer Bo 'Nick' Zhao checking into a hotel room before he died

The final moments show car dealer Bo 'Nick' Zhao checking into a hotel room before he died

The footage showed Mr Zhao go up to his room on the third floor after getting into a lift.

Inside the room, Mr Zhao made a series of phone calls before going to the lobby to collect two business associates who were owed $8million. 

Mr Zhao is seen walking downstairs to collect the men, before bringing them to his room.

In a phone call his lawyer Mr Zhao claimed that the men threatened to hurt his wife and child unless he killed himself - but police later found this to be untrue.

The men left after an 80-minute meeting and Mr Zhao was never seen again, and his mobile phone was shut off.

Hotel staff found him dead inside of his room on March 3. 

CCTV footage obtained by the Herald Sun showed Mr Zhao check in to a hotel in Melbourne on February 28, 2019 - three days before he was found dead

CCTV footage obtained by the Herald Sun showed Mr Zhao check in to a hotel in Melbourne on February 28, 2019 - three days before he was found dead

Mr Zhao's death was ruled to be non-suspicious by a coroner earlier this week

Mr Zhao's death was ruled to be non-suspicious by a coroner earlier this week

Detective Senior Constable Nicholas Jung told the court Mr Zhao died from a mix of drugs - including an antidepressant - and had been having suicidal thoughts in the lead up to his death.

'As a result of the investigation I've got absolutely no concerns that a third party was involved in the death of Mr Zhao,' Detective Sen-Constable Jung told the court.

'Suicide and mental health was something that had been an issue for Mr Zhao months prior to him passing away.'

The meeting with the other two men is thought to have been a last-ditch effort to minimise possibility penalties for the accusations against him.  

The coroner's written report will be released in the coming weeks. 

If you or anyone you know is in need of mental health support, you can contact Lifeline 13 11 14, Beyondblue 1300 22 4636 or Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800.