Just brutal! 'Dictator Dan' reveals his health minister quit by TEXT message after she was mercilessly thrown under the bus by the premier and blamed for Victoria’s hotel quarantine debacle

Premier Daniel Andrews has revealed that Health Minister Jenny Mikakos told him in a text message that she had decided to resign.

The Victorian leader fended off tough questions when he fronted the media on Saturday, only hours after Ms Mikakos abruptly stood down as a minister and a member of parliament.

Mr Andrews told reporters she made the right decision and he thanked her for her service.

'I did not speak with the Minister before she resigned and I have not spoken to her since,' Mr Andrews said.

'She sent me a text. She has resigned. She is no longer a Minister.

'I want to take this opportunity to thank her for her dedicated service, for her hard work. I'm grateful to her for her contribution to the parliament and to the people of Victoria and to our party, and I wish her well for the future.' 

'I believe that was the appropriate course of action for her to take.' 

Scroll down for video. 

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has revealed that Health Minister Jenny Mikakos told him in a text message that she had decided to resign

Mr Andrews named mental health minister Martin Foley as Ms Mikakos' replacement. 

His praise came after Ms Mikakos posted to Twitter that her integrity been 'undermined' and that she could no longer serve in the Premier's Cabinet.

The ugly, public break-up, comes as pressure mounts on the government over their handling of the state's quarantine hotel blunder.

But Mr Andrew's did his best to side-step questions regarding his role in the quarantine saga and remains adamant he will not be following suit, and has no plans to resign in the midst of the public health crisis.

Premier Andrews gave evidence yesterday at an Inquiry examining who gave the order to outsource private security guards in the state's hotel quarantine program.

He told the hearing he did not know but regarded Ms Mikakos 'accountable for the program', which has led to a surge in coronavirus cases and a statewide lockdown.

Less than 24 hours after the premier made his comments, Ms Mikakos  walked out on the job, becoming the first domino to fall in the under siege Cabinet.

On her way out the door she did not hesitate to take one final swipe at Mr Andrews, saying she too wanted to know who was responsible for the hotel disaster.

At an inquiry in the bungled quarantine program on Thursday, Ms Mikakos (pictured taking the oath) recalled she did not know private guards were enforcing the scheme until late May

At an inquiry in the bungled quarantine program on Thursday, Ms Mikakos (pictured taking the oath) recalled she did not know private guards were enforcing the scheme until late May

Mr Andrews named mental health minister Martin Foley (pictured) as Ms Mikakos' replacement

Mr Andrews named mental health minister Martin Foley as Ms Mikakos' replacement

'I have never wanted to leave the job unfinished but in light of the Premier’s statement to the Board of the inquiry and the fact that there are elements in it that I strongly disagree with, I believe that I cannot continue to serve in his Cabinet,' Ms Mikakos said in a statement on Twitter.

'I am disappointed that my integrity has sought to be undermined.

'I have today written to the Governor of Victoria to resign my commissions as a Minister effective today. I will also be resigning from the Parliament.'

Pressure on Ms Mikakos mounted after her testimony to the inquiry on Thursday was conflicted by Mr Andrews' on Friday.

Ms Mikakos told the hearing that 'to the best of her recollection' she did not know private guards were enforcing the scheme until late May when the Rydges hotel suffered a coronavirus outbreak.

But a video of a press conference on 29 March - two days after the quarantine scheme was announced - shows Ms Mikakos standing alongside jobs minister Martin Pakula as he said: 'Passengers returning will now undergo mandatory two-week quarantine at those Melbourne hotels with security guards in place.'

A Four Corners investigation showed some hotel security guards (pictured) fell fast asleep in the corridor of an undisclosed Melbourne hotel

A Four Corners investigation showed some hotel security guards fell fast asleep in the corridor of an undisclosed Melbourne hotel

On Friday Premier Daniel Andrews told the inquiry he regarded Ms Mikakos 'accountable' for the hotel quarantine program.

The virus escaped from hotel quarantine in late May and sparked the state's second wave which has seen more than 700 deaths.

The Victorian government has faced criticism for not accepting ADF troops and instead using private security guards, some of whom flouted social distancing rules and failed to properly wear PPE, witnesses told the inquiry.

Ms Mikakos said she was 'not part of the decision-making process' to use private security guards.

'With the benefit of hindsight, there are clearly matters that my department should have briefed me on,' Ms Mikakos said in her resignation letter.

'Whether they would have changed the course of events only the Board and history can determine.

'For three months I had looked forward to learning who made the fateful decision to use security guards. Victorians deserve to know.'

Members of Victoria Police patrol in Elsternwick Park on September 19, 2020 in Melbourne

Members of Victoria Police patrol in Elsternwick Park on September 19, 2020 in Melbourne 

But while Ms Mikakos acknowledged she is responsible for her department and that 'the buck stops with me'.

She also said 'it is not her responsibility alone' and does not believe her actions contributed to the second wave of cases which have ravaged the state.

When Mr Andrews was asked by by reporters if he had any plans to step down himself in light of the debacle, he emphatically said 'no'. 

'I don't run from problems and challenges. I've got a very important job to do, which is to continue to get these case numbers down and then to begin the biggest recovery project that our state has ever seen,' he said.

'This is a one-in-100-year event. So my answer to your question is no, I have an enormous amount of work to get done, and I'm going to get it done. Because that's what I do. I get things done.' 

In the past 24-hours Victoria recorded 12 new cases of COVID-19 and one death.

There are currently 444 active cases in the state and the state's death toll has now climbed to 782. 


Step one: The first step came into effect at 11.59pm on September 13.

Step two: The second step will be implemented when Melbourne has 30-50 COVID-19 cases a day on average over the past 14 days. The aim is for this to come into place on September 28. 

Step three: The move to step three will occur when there is a daily statewide average of five new cases over the past 14 days. The aim is for this to come into place on October 26.

Step four: The move to step four will come when there have been no new COVID-19 cases in the past 14 days. The aim is for this to come into place on November 23.

COVID Normal: After 28 days of no new COVID-19 cases, things will return to normal. 

Step one - 11.59pm on September 13: now in effect

- Curfew has been eased to 9pm-5am

- People can still only leave home for the four reasons (shopping, exercise, work and care or medical attention)

- Public gatherings increased to two people, or a household, for a maximum of two hours

- Singles can have one nominated person to their home as part of the 'singles social bubble' 

- Childcare and early educators to remain closed

- Schools will continue to learn remotely unless they have exemptions

- Adult education to continue to be done remotely, unless they have exemption

- Only go to work if you are in a permitted industry 

- Cafes and restaurants will continue with take away only

- Retail businesses will remain open for essential shopping, with others only operating with click and collect

- Only one person per household can do the essential shopping 

Step two - September 28:

- Public gatherings increase again to five people from a maximum of two households

- Childcare and early educators can re-open

- Schools to continue with remote learning, but Prep to Grade Two and Year 11 and Year 12 students will gradually return to class in Term 4 

- There will be an increase to permitted workplaces

Step three - October 26:

- Curfew is no longer in place

- There are no restrictions on leaving home

- Public gatherings increase to 10 people together outdoors

- A 'household bubble' will be introduced, so five people from one house can visit another 

- Remote learning to continue, but Grades 3 to Year 11 can gradually return to class

- Adult education to continue to be done remotely, but hands on classes will see a phased return to onsite 

- Work from home is encouraged

- Up to 10 people can eat together at restaurants and cafes, with the majority of tables outdoor

- Retail shops to reopen, with hairdresses operating under safety measures but beauty stores to remain closed

- Real estate agents can conduct private inspections by appointment

- The one person per household limit on shopping is to be revoked 

Step four - November 23:

- Public gatherings to increase to 50 people outdoors

- Up to 20 visitors can attend a home at any one time

- All adult education will return to onsite with safety measures in place

- Groups limited to 20 indoors and a maximum of 50 patrons per venue

- All retail stores to reopen, while real estate agents can operate with safety measures and by keeping a record of attendants

Step five - COVID normal:

- Public gatherings have no restriction

- There will also be no restriction on visitors to homes

- Phased return to onsite work for work from home workers

 - Schools to reopen as normal

- Restrictions on hospitality removed, but venues to continue keeping records 



Step one: The first step came into effect at 11.59pm on September 13.

Step two: The second step will be implemented when Melbourne has 30-50 COVID-19 cases a day on average over the past 14 days. The aim is for this to come into place on September 28. 

Step three: The move to step three will occur when there is a daily statewide average of five new cases over the past 14 days. The aim is for this to come into place on October 26.

Step four: The move to step four will come when there have been no new COVID-19 cases in the past 14 days. The aim is for this to come into place on November 23.

COVID Normal: After 28 days of no new COVID-19 cases, things will return to normal. 

Step one - 11.59pm on September 13: now in effect

- Curfew has been eased to 9pm-5am

- People can still only leave home for the four reasons (shopping, exercise, work and care or medical attention)

- Public gatherings increased to two people, or a household, for a maximum of two hours

- Singles can have one nominated person to their home as part of the 'singles social bubble' 

- Childcare and early educators to remain closed

- Schools will continue to learn remotely unless they have exemptions

- Adult education to continue to be done remotely, unless they have exemption

- Only go to work if you are in a permitted industry 

- Cafes and restaurants will continue with take away only

- Retail businesses will remain open for essential shopping, with others only operating with click and collect

- Only one person per household can do the essential shopping 

Step two - September 28:

- Public gatherings increase again to five people from a maximum of two households

- Childcare and early educators can re-open

- Schools to continue with remote learning, but Prep to Grade Two and Year 11 and Year 12 students will gradually return to class in Term 4 

- There will be an increase to permitted workplaces

Step three - October 26:

- Curfew is no longer in place

- There are no restrictions on leaving home

- Public gatherings increase to 10 people together outdoors

- A 'household bubble' will be introduced, so five people from one house can visit another 

- Remote learning to continue, but Grades 3 to Year 11 can gradually return to class

- Adult education to continue to be done remotely, but hands on classes will see a phased return to onsite 

- Work from home is encouraged

- Up to 10 people can eat together at restaurants and cafes, with the majority of tables outdoor

- Retail shops to reopen, with hairdresses operating under safety measures but beauty stores to remain closed

- Real estate agents can conduct private inspections by appointment

- The one person per household limit on shopping is to be revoked 

Step four - November 23:

- Public gatherings to increase to 50 people outdoors

- Up to 20 visitors can attend a home at any one time

- All adult education will return to onsite with safety measures in place

- Groups limited to 20 indoors and a maximum of 50 patrons per venue

- All retail stores to reopen, while real estate agents can operate with safety measures and by keeping a record of attendants

Step five - COVID normal:

- Public gatherings have no restriction

- There will also be no restriction on visitors to homes

- Phased return to onsite work for work from home workers

 - Schools to reopen as normal

- Restrictions on hospitality removed, but venues to continue keeping records