Ex-WAG of AFL love rat shares emotional Father's Day tribute after it was revealed he fathered two kids to different women within days of each other - while he was dating a third

Josh Hill's ex-girlfriend has shared an emotional Father's Day tribute after Daily Mail Australia exclusively revealed the former AFL star fathered two children to different women within days of each other  - while he was dating a third. 

The 173-game star - who played for the West Coast Eagles and Western Bulldogs before retiring at the end of 2017 - found himself back in the spotlight when it was revealed his fiancee Jo Duffy and ex-girlfriend Kara Wicks gave birth to his babies days apart. 

Lilly Munro, a mother-of-three, then came forward and revealed she was dating Hill at the same time. 

On Sunday, Ms Wicks marked her daughter Mila Grace's first Father's Day by declaring she would give the newborn 'double the love'.

Josh Hill (left_ found himself back in the spotlight after Daily Mail Australia revealed his fiancee Jo Duffy and ex-girlfriend Kara Wicks (right) gave birth to his babies weeks apart

Josh Hill (left_ found himself back in the spotlight after Daily Mail Australia revealed his fiancee Jo Duffy and ex-girlfriend Kara Wicks gave birth to his babies weeks apart

Hill is pictured with fiancee Jo Duffy (pictured). The couple welcomed a newborn baby on August 8, with Hill only featuring Ms Duffy and their daughter on Facebook

Hill is pictured with fiancee Jo Duffy . The couple welcomed a newborn baby on August 8, with Hill only featuring Ms Duffy and their daughter on Facebook 

'Darling girl, from your very first Father's Day I promise to give you double the love,' Ms Wicks wrote.

The Instagram post suggests Hill was likely elsewhere and not by his daughter's side  to mark the occasion.

But Ms Wicks used the celebration to defend her relationship with the 31-year-old, writing that the pair were very much in love. 

'Along with that promise I need you to know that no matter what you read on the internet one day, once upon a time your dad did love me and I loved him,' she wrote. 

Two photobooth images of Ms Wicks and Hill were placed on Mila Grace's tummy for the Instagram post.  

Hill is seen kissing Ms Wicks on the cheek in one of the happy snaps, while the pair smile at the camera in the other.  

Hill retired in 2017 after an impressive career that included a Grand Final loss to Hawthorn in 2015.

Last week he was back in the limelight after changing his Facebook profile picture to a photo of him with his daughter, who he welcomed with fiancee Jo Duffy, on August 8.  

On Sunday, Ms Wicks marked her daughter Mila Grace's first Father's Day by declaring she would give the newborn 'double the love'

On Sunday, Ms Wicks marked her daughter Mila Grace's first Father's Day by declaring she would give the newborn 'double the love'

Two photobooth pictures of Ms Wicks and Hill were placed on Mila Grace's tummy for the Instagram post

Two photobooth pictures of Ms Wicks and Hill were placed on Mila Grace's tummy for the Instagram post

The arrival prompted well wishes from friends, as well as a congratulatory post from St Albans Football Club, the amateur team Hill coaches in Melbourne.

But noticeably absent from his social media was any mention of his other child - born on August 13 to his ex-girlfriend Ms Wicks.

Hill and Ms Wicks began dating in 2018 during which time they regularly visited each other in Western Australia and Victoria, posted photos together on social media and went on overseas holidays.

He even arranged to get Ms Wicks a seat at the AFL Grand Final, which he covered as a radio commentator.

Hill told Daily Mail Australia that he would 'honour his responsibilities'.

But he distanced himself from his child with Ms Wick, saying the relationship was just 'casual', and maintained that he was with Ms Duffy throughout.

Hill updated his Facebook profile picture to this photo of him with his daughter, but there was no sign of pictures of another baby he fathered in the days after

Hill updated his Facebook profile picture to this photo of him with his daughter, but there was no sign of pictures of another baby he fathered in the days after

Hill struck up a relationship with Ms Wicks just months after retiring at the end of the 2017 season. 

Her Instagram remains filled with photos of them together in Melbourne and Perth, and even on holiday in Bali.

A close friend of Ms Wicks said she was appalled at how Hill had left the new mother to fend for herself. 

'Kara and Josh were together for over 12 months, had plans to make the baby, and he then moved to Melbourne and they were having a long-distance relationship,' the friend said. 

'She took him to Bali for his 30th birthday last year and he took her to the AFL Grand Final in 2018 when West Coast were playing and he was commentating.

'In January she found out he was having a child with another woman, so she's kept it really quiet. 

Hill began his career at the Western Bulldogs and was a rising star nominee in 2008, before he moved to the West Coast Eagles (pictured) in 2012. He was picked to represent Australia in the International Rules Series with Ireland in 2013

Hill began his career at the Western Bulldogs and was a rising star nominee in 2008, before he moved to the West Coast Eagles in 2012. He was picked to represent Australia in the International Rules Series with Ireland in 2013

'Because she was scared... embarrassed almost. She didn’t even post anything about the baby until her baby shower.' 

Hill told Daily Mail Australia he believed Ms Wicks was using contraceptives during their 'casual' relationship - and claimed she was fully aware he was already with another woman.

'She knew at this point that I was in a relationship and expecting a baby,' Hill said.

'It was a mistake having sex with this girl, and I’m spending every day making it up to my partner.'

'It was a casual arrangement, which I stupidly didn’t stop straight away.

'Since all this happened, I’ve become a much better person, and have a partner who I love dearly.

'I will honour my responsibilities and be guided by the people that care the most through this period.'

Lilly Munro (pictured) was in a relationship with former AFL star Josh Hill at the same time as he was dating two other women - who he recently both fathered children with

Lilly Munro was in a relationship with former AFL star Josh Hill at the same time as he was dating two other women - who he recently both fathered children with

Ms Munro told Daily Mail Australia she had to come forward about the love triangle she found herself in to set an example for her teenage daughter - that 'it is not OK to be treated like this'.

The brunette said she became suspicious she was not the only women in Hill's life when she discovered a bottle of blonde shampoo in his bathroom. 

Her suspicions were confirmed when she saw Ms Wicks had posted a photo from the same bathroom. 

Ms Munro, 35, is the ex-partner of Hill's one-time Bulldogs' teammate Brodie Moles - and that's how the pair met. 

At the end of her tumultuous relationship with Moles, Ms Munro said she received an out-of-the-blue message from Hill on Instagram checking in to see if she was OK.

Hill posted this collage to Facebook in May with photos of Ms Duffy, an ultrasound of their then unborn baby and their pet dog

Hill posted this collage to Facebook in May with photos of Ms Duffy, an ultrasound of their then unborn baby and their pet dog

Hill described his relationship with Ms Wicks as 'casual', but invited her to the AFL Grand Final in 2018 where he was commentatingShe fell pregnant in late 2019 and gave birth to a little girl on August 13

Hill described his relationship with Ms Wicks as 'casual', but invited her to the AFL Grand Final in 2018 where he was commentating. She fell pregnant in late 2019 and gave birth to a little girl on August 13

From there they began a relationship that reached a point where Hill had her and her kids stay over on a weekend, took them to Timezone and asked her to move closer to him.   

'He added me on Instagram and it was that sort of normal message: "Are you Brodie's ex?",' Ms Munro told Daily Mail Australia. 

'He said: "I just want to see if you are OK after the separation and I'm here if you need an ear". 

'I thought it was quite noble, but he came in as a friend and then we started chatting more frequently and ended up forming a relationship, but unbeknown to me there were not one, but two more women.'

Ms Munro said the first sign that something was not quite right was when Hill would regularly pull out of plans at the last minute, claiming his family had arrived in town.

He would also insist on wearing sunglasses and a cap out in public, which Ms Munro said was a bit over the top despite him living in AFL obsessed Melbourne.  

There were also girls regularly commenting on his social media, but Hill passed them off as simply 'groupies' from his playing days. One was Kara Wicks.

When Ms Munro looked on Ms Wicks profile she noticed a photo of her in a bathroom that looked remarkably similar to Hill's.

Ms Munro met Hill after he messaged her following the end of her volatile relationship with his former Western Bulldogs teammate, Brodie MolesAfter her volatile relationship with Moles - who battles severe mental health issues - and her time being cheated on by Hill, Ms Munro decided it was time to take a stand

Ms Munro met Hill after he messaged her following the end of her volatile relationship with his former Western Bulldogs teammate, Brodie Moles

A friend of Ms Wicks' told Daily Mail Australia the couple were in a 'long distance' relationship. Pictured: Ms Wicks and Hill

A friend of Ms Wicks' told Daily Mail Australia the couple were in a 'long distance' relationship. Pictured: Ms Wicks and Hill

The next time she was over she compared the image and noticed it was not similar, it was identical. She also found a bottle of blonde shampoo in the bathroom - although neither Hill or her had blonde hair.

'He'd always say things like: "I know I was meant to come hang out with you, but they (his family) have come down out of nowhere, I'll put money in your bank so you can get away instead",' Ms Munro said.

'He asked us to move near him but then suddenly his lease was going to run out. He referenced the future all the time but wouldn't give me any clarification.

'One time he changed plans last minute and I ended up having a big argument with him and I just said: "I'm not bothering with you anymore".

'But he begged me to bring the kids over and spend the weekend there and he took them to a game centre, then lay down in the loungeroom playing games with them, and he bought things for the kids which was really sweet.

'And then I found the photo of Kara and I got it up when I was in the shower so that I could compare it and I went out and just said: "What the actual f**k?"

'I decided to contact Kara about it and it all turned into 24 or 48 hours of drama. Her and I were talking, and he was calling one of us and saying one thing and then on the other line he was talking to the other.'

Daily Mail Australian has seen numerous text exchanges between Hill and Ms Munro confirming their intimate relationship. 


On August 13, Hill's ex-partner Kara Wicks gave birth to a daughter in Perth. Hill says that was a 'casual' relationship, despite the couple regularly venturing across the country to see each other and even going on overseas holidays together

On August 13, Hill's ex-partner Kara Wicks gave birth to a daughter in Perth. Hill says that was a 'casual' relationship, despite the couple regularly venturing across the country to see each other and even going on overseas holidays together