Dozens of teenagers are forced to quarantine on their first day back at a Massachusetts high school after parents sent a child in despite knowing he had coronavirus

Officials have claimed that a Massachusetts high school student was sent to his first day of school despite his parents knowing that he had coronavirus. 

The teenager was tested for the virus on September 9 and his positive result came back on September 11, the mayor of Attleboro, a city which lies southwest of Boston, said. 

Despite this, his parents let the child attend his first day at Attleboro High School on September 14.

Officials have claimed that an Attleboro High School student was sent to his first day of school despite his parents knowing that he had coronavirus

Officials have claimed that an Attleboro High School student was sent to his first day of school despite his parents knowing that he had coronavirus

Subsequently around 30 students who came into contact with the student at the school have been placed under a two-week quarantine. 

The school did not identify the student and family.

'There's no question about whether or not the parent knew,' Mayor Paul Heroux said. 

According to Heroux, a public health nurse had spoken to the family and they had confirmed that they were aware their child had contracted Covid-19 days before they sent him for his first day of school. 

The mayor has asked families to keep their children home if they tested positive for coronavirus or are waiting for test results.

'I knew that we were going to end up having some cases, but I didn't expect they would be on the first day,' the high school's principal, Bill Runey, said, as quoted by NBC News. 

'There's no question about whether or not the parent knew,' Mayor Paul Heroux, pictured above, said

'There's no question about whether or not the parent knew,' Mayor Paul Heroux, pictured above, said

'Long story short, rumors started circulating around town, so someone contacted the bureau of health here in Attleboro and did some checking and found out that it was true, that he had tested positive.'

The 30 students who came into contact with the student are being monitored to see if they develop symptoms of Covid-19. 

Mr Runey said that the school's 'contact-tracing protocols' had helped identify and track down those who could have caught the virus. 

'Thirty is still a lot, but if we didn't have greater degree of certainty with seating charts and things like that, we would have had to err on the side of caution for a lot more kids,' he said.